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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. I'm sorry to say, but that is the truth. I have most of the books on my hard drive, and no, there will be no new books. As long as the contracts are not renewed, we will not ever see any new books.
  2. Frak them. If they want to leave us out in the cold, I have ZERO remorse.
  3. Not everyone has or cares for Netflix, so no thanks.
  4. Indeed, I would much rather watch an official version and would have been more than happy to buy it.
  5. Whelp, if that's how they want to play it, I guess I'll have to wait for fan subs... *Shrugs*
  6. The V2 1/60 VF-1 line has been around for nearly 10 years now, so it's about time.
  7. Oh for the love of GOD, just come out with the V3 1/60 VF-1's already, you know they're going to.
  8. Yep, I thought the same myself. I saw your post, the impression Delta gave me was pretty much the same thing, I couldn't freaking believe what I was watching. You can watch the rest of it if you want, but I assure you, it won't get any better. I HATE Macross 7 with the bloodiest of passions, and it's still head and shoulders above Delta in my honest opinion.
  9. ^This. I HATED Macross 7, and never thought I'd say this, but I'd rather watch Macross 7 ANY day of the week over this garbage. Easily the worst Macross series ever.
  10. Glad to see I'm not the only one praying for that. It would be glorious.
  11. Got mine and built it this Saturday, the detail and tampo print is unbelievable. Need to get more of these. My only complaint is that these aren't in 1/100 or larger scale. A shame, really.
  12. I ordered the VF-1S fighter mode, it will be a little while yet before it gets here, mine is coming via air mail. If I like it enough, I will order the other fighter mode kits.
  13. Glad I wasn't the only one rooting for that, I just can't get behind their music. As for Messer, as others have mentioned, he might have lived longer if only he remembered that the 'V' in VF meant he had other options besides fighter mode. I wonder who they're going to get to replace Messer, they can't use Ozma, he'd take down the Aerial Knights by himself, too OP, same with Dyson, maybe a temp appearance from Alto? Though 7 years after Frontier, he's probably busy leading his own squadron by now.
  14. The Andromeda needs a major update, at the very least it needs more AA guns.
  15. I think this GIF pretty much sums up my reaction to this episode :
  16. Agreed. That's pretty much what I was thinking after watching the first episode. Way more it seems.
  17. I much preferred Tim Eldred's take on the original 1993 plot script : http://ourstarblazers.com/vault/126-2/
  18. Perfectly summed up my feelings. Although I have to admit that I loved watching the J.J. Fuglyprise biting the dust. $10 says they'll bring it back either as an "A" variant, or use time travel to prevent it's destruction, so I'm not going to get my hopes up yet.
  19. Why would you get a payment request now when they're not due out till the 25th?
  20. I would be perfectly OK with a 1/60 DX VF-1.
  21. Kyp Durron

    Hi-Metal R

    It's because Bandai was being cheap and lazy, period.
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