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Everything posted by toysaddict

  1. 5000K to 10000K is a very small production run for a product. Chinese Factory won't even start machines to produce a product unless they have 5K units minium. I'll give you a example...McFarlane Toys Military Series has a prodcution run of 500K to a million. I know this first hand b/c I seen their inventory list of products they can't sell it's in the the high 6 figures and that's only this year. 10K is a really really small number. I personaly bought toys to re-sell in the 10K units and that's just me it doesn't even account for the numerous retailers out there. Yamato Macross has a tiny production run that's why the item is priced so high along with other factors of course raw material, transportation cost , employees etc etc
  2. You're pretty funny to think that you think $125,000 is enough to run a business for one product line. They probably spent close to that to develope the model not inclduing the manufacturing run. They would of been out of business a long long time ago if that was the case. It takes a small group of poeple to run a buisness like Yamato and you can bet that if that's all they made you"re not going to be seeing macross yamato for long. You're too funny!
  3. Right on ! Somebody understands!
  4. Your're missing the point. Dicast cars is a totally different market which is much much larger. World wide consumption of diecast cars is in the millions that would drive production cost significantly lower due to volume. Macross has a market of no more than probably 20K units production run and you want to compare to a diecast car that has a production run of maybe 500K?
  5. THE UK HAS A 18%+ import tax on all imported goods the us is much lower and depends on what the item is plus your gas prices are twice as much for us. I imported before to the UK and exported just want to let you know it's one of the most expensive places to import into or even export.
  6. Ok I think I should really clear things up here. I'm toydeals888(Jason) I don't think anybody on this thread has purchased more Yamato Macross than me. I see people are taking stabs at the retailers , yamato and that’s not fair. The break down is like this…remember when gas prices was $1.50 a long long time ago is when the products we’re at a much lower price. You need to realize the one main component in toy making is plastic and what makes plastic is OIL ! Oil has shot up at record highs all manufacture has to reflective this in their price so it’s unfair for you guys to point at the manufacture for prices getting high. Each part component requires a mold and can range from 1K – 10K depending on the complexities. Because it’s made in China does not mean it should be a lot cheaper, and there are no under paid workers in China we cannot use our standard to compare to a developing country. For us retailer in the US and around the world it take huge commitments for us to purchase and resale Yamato toys. Break down goes like this (Yamato R/D , Licensing ) – Manufacture (Factory…Yamato does not own their own factories actually no major toy manufacture owns factory in China ) – Distributor (HK, Japan wholesaler) – Retailer (importer ) . This is a obvious simple break down of how a toy gets from A to B. There are numerous factors that wasn’t even addressed for example the shipping process which is a whole other issue that reflects price. But one very important factory is OIL! Just think about it. It take barrels and barrels of Oil to produce these items and as we all know now oil is only going UP! So expect inflation and prices to slowly creep up for everything you buy. The price of the dollar and Yen has huge factors over price. You guys might think it’s over cents but if you times that by millions it adds up. Each Yamato item that comes out required huge amounts of money enough for down payments on home as a retailer we are in the business of making a money to make a living like everyone else. We make very little ( I assure you) I’m not talking about the retailer that price gouge but for me we make very little margins b/c as you can see on the list above there are countless middleman involved. I must back Godzilla up that it is a free market we can ask for any price if people are willing to pay but that would be bad business practice but extremely common for collectible market. Last point I want to make is if you order by Pre-Order it’s always cheaper and as a retailer like me I’m willing to make less if people pay up front b/c that doesn’t require us to fork out 30K to order items b/c it’s already called for so the risk is much lower. If I was to import then stock the item and sit on 30K worth of stuff till who knows when. I would make sure the price is reflective in warehouse space labor etc etc so maybe that explains why BTS has such high prices. But everyone presumption on how people brings these in are all wrong BTS pays a lot for shipping unlike us on the west coast. They are in WI on average these people pay at least 50% more than say when I bring these in. So his prices are justified but not “TISINCâ€. I have a question for you ALL what do you think the wholesale price of Yamato is ? This would clarify a lot for me as to understand why people think that we up the price so much. Alright just wanted to let you guys know how it’s really done so nobody needs to speculate.
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