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Everything posted by VF-17

  1. The Volks MM kits are posable. The SSS series is static.
  2. Acutally, there is a seller on ebay called rx93. He sells alot of five star stories kits. Just look up five star stories. And they are usually cheaper than you'd find at HLJ. About $50-75 for each Wave resin kit. Not too bad of a price and a good seller. The Volks kits pop up every once in a while, but get ready to pay at least 150+ per. rx93 doesnt have any right now, but they'll be up again.
  3. For a non-Wave kits, it all depends on your experience. Do you want to tackle a fully posable kit, or just want an FSS kit of any kind? Just about any of the Volks kits are awesome. Especially the V-Siren Neptune and Prominence. For beginners, I'd recommend the static pose kits. You have Work Shop Cast, Volks Super Spirits Series and the G-Sys kits (which are recasts from the two companies w/ some improvements). They all make great kits that aren't too complicated to put together even for most novices. You just need to choose which MH you like the best.
  4. I have alot of the Wave resin kits, and they are all pretty good. They are pretty much all straight forward in how they build, and I'd even recommend these kits for the beginning resin builder.
  5. I was looking at it. I got to mess with one for a little bit. Played some Tomb Raider. I didn't notice anything really bad about it. The graphics weren't the sharpest in the world, but nothing really bad. But, I was just shown a news article about some Nokia batteries exploding on people, so, maybe not.
  6. Just noticed the joints on the arms. It looks like they are going to a non rubber covered arm. I do like the covered ones, but it's such a pain if you want to pose it after it's painted.
  7. Finally...... I have a fansub, but it's all blurry and the sound is all messed up.
  8. Here ya go:
  9. I voted other. I'm having really high hopes for the Nokia N-Gage. From everything that I've read on it, this thing is gonna rock!!!! Pretty soon..... ah yes..... time to save pennies.
  10. Ow! My eyes!!! They burn!!! What a piece of very unoriginal crap!
  11. I actually saw the Kotobukiya kit on Ebay a couple of months ago for $200. I don't think the seller sold the kit, so maybe it'll be up again.
  12. Just surfing the net, and I found this Zoids pic. Now, only if they can make it work......
  13. The kits originally were cheap. Like 10-12 dollars. It's been a while since they were produced and they are considered somewhat rare now. There is a couple more. Kotobukiya has a Raiden that was like 1/12 scale or something like that. I has all of the weapons and everything opens for the rocket launchers and grappling hooks. There was also one made of the ancient robot. (I forgot the name and the manufacturer). Hope this helps.
  14. I'm a big FSS fan myself. I would say that I have a huge collection, but I have about 12 1/100 kits and 14 1/144. I only have Manga's 1-8, but looking for the rest that were released. And maybe other fans can help me look for an Alukana Siren and the Siren D. I am looking for original kits and I know that they are next to impossible to find around the US.
  15. Never seen that before............. pretty cool!
  16. I'm still having a problem with it. When I clock on the email, it says there isn't an account by that name. <_
  17. I got back my VF-17 nick. WOOOOHOOOO!!!!
  18. I like it. It's a really cool story and makes you think.
  19. Definitely impressive! I take it that this kit is hard to find if not impossible. How much did it originally go for?
  20. Well, with the destroids, the legs are exactly the same. Aren't they? I can't remember. They would just need runners for the torsos and arms. That should lower the cost a bit.
  21. That would be me! I had almost the entire line of 1/100 Wave Macross resin kits (except for the VF-19 w/FP's) and have almost the entire line of MUV-LUV kits that have been available at HLJ. Gotta collect them all!
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