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Everything posted by VF-17

  1. Here's the link FW Titans
  2. Thanks for the comments all! I think I just may have to spend the cash for one. It IS a hell of an expensive kit, but I wouldn't use it on a table. Just a diplay peice on a big diarama. I've had too many experiences with "Cool! Does it move?" *snap* What do you mean it was a mess? Please elaborate, cause that was another I was thinking of picking up.
  3. I'm looking at buying a Forge World Warhound Titan kit, and my question is does anyone have experience with their kits? How good is the castings? I have a small Warhound Titan kit, and I have to say, I am not impressed with some of the casting work. There's some air bubbles, and that's to be somewhat expected, but the pour stub broake off and took a big chunk out of the kit! I got it this way, and I am not sure if this person recasted it, or if it's the real deal.
  4. Just saw these on Starshipmodeler! Battlepods
  5. Ancient Cricket? OK, I'm getting old, but not THAT old.
  6. There's a number of sites. HLJ, Hobbyfan, Gundamshop. I pick mine up at the local Wall Mart for $2 a can.
  7. That is true. I remember reading that the Schpeltor (Knight of Chrome) is also known as the KOG I, and the Auge is known as the KOG II. So the Lachisis would be the III and the AT would be IV. The one you're asking about is the Lachesis. Here's the AT (1/72 G-Sys)
  8. For vinyl kits, you have to be very careful on what types of primers/paints you use. They can actually eat into the vinyl and always feel tacky afterwards. Test on a piece of scrap to find out what works. With mine, I use Krylon primer (many light coats), acrylic paints, and Games Workshop flatcoat. I believe both enamel and laquer can damage the kit, but I may be wrong with that. With building, stuffing the large parts with artist tissue helps with possible sagging that may occur from heat.
  9. I actually have that Romu kit. Been looking around some, and haven't seen ANYTHING else except for a figure that you have to buy DVD's I believe to get the various parts.
  10. That thing is sweet! Wonder how much it would cost?
  11. Haven't seen ZOE much, have we? Vostok 7 Apparently I have not. Guess I'll need to then. Almost all of the ZOE mecha have their cockpits in the crotch. Hehehe I said COCKpit.
  12. I don't think the term was supposed to be literally taken as contrails, but more of the trails of burnt fuel in space. I really don't know if this can happen, but it sounds possible. But, the trails would stay as nice lines for long since the "smoke" is mass and would continue to move until something stops it. As for the way it flies, since this is sci fi and evidently they have artificial gravity, hypothetically, they may have a device in them that makes gravity pockets around it to make the rocket turn. And who knows, the devices may be smaller and cheaper than fuel burning motors. Just a thought
  13. They could've at least taken the time to transform Thrust correcty......
  14. I play CS on my computer.... though I do own an Xbox also. I just need the mouse and keyboard for FPS's. I wish the graphics looked like that though!!!!
  15. The box that I'm running right now is a run of the mill P3 800 I'm in the process of building a new box. Should be ready in a couple of weeks: Shuttle SB75G2 case P4 2.8 NEC DVD-RW 80 GB HDD ATI 9700 Pro 512 MB PC 2700 DDR
  16. Shhhh....... it's a seeeeecret!
  17. I liked the movie. Not as good as the series. It's way more serious that the TV show was. I heard that you have to read the comics to tie the episodes to the movie. Is that true?
  18. I had really high hopes for this film, but after seeing that, all that hope is gone. Looks like another cheese film that Hollywood is riding on the name instead of making a good movie. What the hell are they thinking? Predators made the pyramids? They should have stuck with a story similar to the comics.
  19. VF-17


    Right now, I use a Badger Anthem. It's a good brush, but I really need a gravity feed. Lemme know how the brush works for you. I'm thinking about picking up the Badger model 200G (the one with the bigger cup).
  20. I'm actually looking to pick it up. Just because I like EVA alot. The chainsaw is a bit much to swallow though. They should just stick with the prog knives and swords..... even though the swords were never used. The gun looks interesting. That's Jet Alone?! Much better looking than in the original series!
  21. What is the size of this project? And how much weight can you go up to? You might want to check out stuff like plaster or plumber's putty to shape out the part just a bit and then go bondo to finish. I don't know how thick bondo can be applied without cracking, but I don't think it can be applied in really thick layers.
  22. My favorite guns are: That I own: Glock 21 Ruger GP100 That I'd like: (But probably won't/can't get) Styer P90 Styer Aug HK G36 series HK UMP And Sci fi: Warhammer 40k Bolter
  23. The one thing that resin has that plastic doesn't is the ability to make undercuts. Using RTV molds instead of steal allows the manufacturer to make undercuts. I have never seen any plastic WWII aircraft kits that have bolts continuously around the fuselage without distortion. Most mecha kits are made of simple shapes that can be easily created in both types of media. (Except FFS and a few others) But, where resin really has an advantage over plastic is in organic shapes such as figure kits. I've seen a few kits come close, but can't match resin. Just my 2. My personal liking for resin is the availability for kits that probably will never make it to a plastic kit.
  24. No money here for that either. But, I do have someone holding an Alukana for me till next month. Can't wait to see this thing up close!
  25. I'm sure that they do wear some when repositioned over and over. As for how much, I'm not sure, but I'm sure that if you stick with a pose and just leave it there, it won't be a problem. If they are loose to start with, you can always put some nailpolish on the pegs to tighten them up.
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