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Everything posted by VF-17

  1. Got mine yesterday! Awesome kit! I'm definitely down for an Oberth or two...
  2. Gundamhead the price will be EURO 75,- and you don´t have to hurry, I guess I will have to make several production runs anyway so it will take some time. And the last time I checked the exchange rates the EURO was dropping..... 370778[/snapback] Good to hear, I might ask for another when I get the cash.
  3. Put me in for 2 please!
  4. Please put me down for one!
  5. You want fast and not rediculously expensive? Atom It's a deathtrap on four wheels, but with a theoretical 0-60 in 2 sec. and 0-100-0 in 10.88 seconds? At least you're dying with a smile on your face.
  6. Holy crap, mine came in the same exact way. Just contact HLJ and they will ask you for pics. Then, They email you exact instructions on what to do. Should only have about a week or so turn around time. I sent the head out about a week and a half ago, and it's currently floating somewhere in SAL land. Overall, they're quite easy to deal with.
  7. The Sword Strike and launcher may fit on the PG, but I think that it takes alot of modifying. But, this month's hobby Japan shows the scetches for these systems and has "PG" in the upper corners. It shows internal details and the working internal parts to fold the cannon and sword. They may be planning to release them soon, but since I can't read Japanese, I can't be certain.
  8. Here's a field of A-10's. Before the first Gulf War, this entire field was covered with them. Then that and the current wars kicked off, and this is what remains:
  9. I actually live just an hour from Tucson and pass by that site almost everytime that I visit. Actually, the real "graveyard" is in the red circle. That's where most of the chopping and processing go on. With the exception of some B-52's and some other planes, the rest of the planes are actually just fine. They're just mothballed and can be recommissioned at any time. Slap in an engine or two, put in the avionics, and she's ready to fly.
  10. Seeing as there is the Yamato Zeoraimer and it looks that both are on the same table, I would think that this is the Yamato, but this is all speculation.
  11. Well, anyone in the US don't need to worry about this rifle: 1.45 Centimeters equals 0.570866 Inches Oops, over .50. Can only own it with a class 3 I believe.
  12. Just got the mail, and what was there? My Tachicoma kits!!!! Upon opening the box, I was greeted by two plastic Tupperware-ish containers with the Tachicoma stickers attached (very original and useful packaging ). The first thing that struck me was the size of the "fridge" on the back. From what Cap said, this is going to be a decent sized kit, but this is larger than what I was expecting! The lower leg looks to be ~2 1/2 inches from the knee to the bottom of the wheel. The fridge is just under 3 inches with the cover in place. Main body is about 1 3/4 inches across. All in all, this will be a very impressive size when completed! Both kits were equal in materials and workmanship. There were no miss-castings and upon first inspections, all parts are air bubble free. The blue parts are a semi-transparent blue, and the gray parts are molded in opaque gray, though there are some parts that are a bit off color from the rest. The sensor thingies are molded in white and the wheels in black. This kit is on par with Gundam master grade kits as if you don't want to, you can build this unpainted and still have a very good looking kit! But, of course, painting will make this kit even more outstanding! One thing that I noticed was that the parts had a weird feel to them. The resin feels more like ABS plastic than normal casting resin. I did a knife test on a part and found the resin is a bit tougher to cut than most of my other kits. Again, almost like ABS plastic. On the whole, though, the resin looks and feels to be top notch. Since these kits came in a Smooth On box, I'm taking that is what was used for casting. Final impressions? GET IT! I have many kits that are smaller, and less quality than these gems at more than double the cost. As for me, I hope that the upgrade kit will be coming out soon, and I'll need a couple more for what I have in mind. Maybe also a walking tank...... *hint* *hint* To Monkey Nugget and Capt America, THANKS!!!!!!!!!
  13. www.3gupload.com It's a pay site (like $10 a year), but you can upload any image or ringtone and download from you phone. There are also programs out there that you can convert songs to your phone's ringtone format and images to fit your phone.
  14. Actually, the Five-Seven is available for civlian use. Or at least here in AZ. The only ban that they had problems with is that the magazines only come in 20 rounders. When the ban got lifted, the local gun store got one in for sale. Looks like a turd. The slide is also covered in polimer. The mold line down the top middle was bugging the hell outta me. Ballistically, the round sounds awesome, but I would fear overpenetration and the cost for ammo is horendous. I'll stick to .45.
  15. I demand a second run!
  16. Cool, is there any plans for a second batch? Might have to get another when/if the high detail set comes out.
  17. Got my order in for 2! Do you have an estimated date on this kits release? But, looking forward to this and keep 'em coming cap!
  18. As long as there is cash in my pocket, Motoslave, Garland, Land-Mate, whatever, I'm there.
  19. If you mean the Tachi, it's @ 11cm tall, by 11-12 cm wide, and @ 14 cm long. I originally had misgivings, thinking that I had chosen too small a scale, but in fact, it's a surprisingly good size, and it's free-pose, so you can build it in any pose you like: the joints allow for a very wide range of positioning. ...And if it sells well enough, a high-detail super-set (opening fridge, different weapons, white metal parts) is not out of the question. Sounds good! My wallet is SCREEEEEAAAMING! The questions I asked were already covered.
  20. I'll be putting in my order for one soon. Maybe 2 . I too like BGC more than Megazone. Although the Garland designs are extremely sweet, I'm sure I would like a Motoslave kit more. Even a non-variable static pose. The one from the original series, not 2040 (although that one is quite nice also). And $200 for a variable Motoslave? I would give up eating for a month for that kit in a heartbeat! What is the dimensions of this kit?
  21. As far as FM going up against AC goes, well, if Square made Front Mission Assault 2 (or whatever the FM action game on SFC was named), they'd have a contender. As it stands, strategy games do not compete with action games, and vice-versa.
  22. I think the designs a bit over the top, but it could make sense. Just like every other machine in development, things usually start off for functionality. Asthetics is an afterthought. The way I see it, Batman just grabbed an off-the-shelf vehicle to start off with before developing another that better suits the role it was intended for. Kinda makes sense.
  23. I was working on this kit for sometime..... but, put it off to the side for the time being. And yes, I bought it from RX93 I actually do quite a bit of business with him. As for the kit, it's pretty good. The castings were quite sharp, and the parts fit well. The only downside is the loose joints, but nothing really major. It will stand on its own.
  24. It looks pretty impressive..... Although I don't like the chain drive system. They could've done a similar job with a drive shaft and gear box setup. (If they have the room of course. I just want to see one that has 2 wheel drive and shoots lightning bolts from the wheels when you rev the throttle.
  25. Well, I took a smaller plunge for the time being and bought an IG Volture. Hope it's a good buy!
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