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Night Stalker

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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. To anyone that order Night Stalker decals. If you got them great. if not please post here or email me direct.. nscustoms@comcast.net I changed Internet and haven't gotten half my mail, on top of going out of state for work for weeks on end and have been out of the loop. But thats is not the bad part. I got an email today from a guy waiting on them for months and was touching base. I was under the impression that they were all out the door already and on to your customs MONTHS AGO. I had no idea one slipped through the cracks and was forgotten about. If it happened to one, it could happen to another. So I want to be sure nobody got left out for what they paid for. I will double check the paperwork I got to be sure you are someone who ordered. So please if you paid, let me know. You DESERVE your decals!!!
  2. Well, I finally got decent paper and got it to work. So the last few VERY patient guys waiting for decals will be getting theirs sent out asap. It took 3 different companies to get some good paper. WTH? Until then, it's out of town for the holiday. Have a good weekend folks!!!!!!
  3. At this point, I would be happy to check them out.
  4. I am still on the fence about this. I am about 100% finished since I don't need the stress. I thought about getting these orders out and clearing my head, but I cannot change the way people are when they email me. I got new paper in to finish the last orders and the same situation is happening. There seems to be a lack of glue behind the paper. Once the decals are printed, it wrinkles to the point beyond being usable. The problem is that you cannot tell until they are printed. After it wrinkles, it just flakes up. Here are some pics so you get an idea of what is going on... http://www.alienprojects.com/decals2.jpg http://www.alienprojects.com/decals1.jpg http://www.alienprojects.com/decals3.jpg http://www.alienprojects.com/decals4.jpg Now I could easily send these out and say screw it. But I am not about to do that. I didn't get into this to make money. I did it becuase I have more than enough equiptment to do this job an you guys needed it. And of course I am a fan as well. But damnit I don't know what the hell is going in the decal paper business these days. I also do toy prototyping and it is affecting this work as well. I only have one more order to fill and that has to go to France. After that I don't know.
  5. "But like I said, I'm not one of 'em so what do I care?" You cared enough to add your 2 cents in obviously. Payment was taken up front because there was no problem until the paper screwed up when you print on it. Not my fault by any stretch of the imagination. This problem cannot be determined until you actually print the decals. And NO, I didn't take my time with the rpoduct after I accepted payment. But thats ok, a few whiners spoiled it for everyone! The timeline for the wait was no different than they were used to when buying them from Devin. So there shouldn't have been a problem. I guess Devin got threats too? I doubt it. Threatening anyone in inexcusable no matter how you want to try to justify it.
  6. Been getting behind doing decals due to 2 reasons. Work has me strained for time, and 2.. waiting for new paper from Micromark. The last batch they sent was total crap. They said they would send another few packs. I waited then got the answer that they haven't gotten it from their supplier. So during this wait I am getting crabby emails, threatening emails, PMs wanting to know why theirs haven't been here yet and when I PM them to get more details.. they don't respond. To the new one making a claim against me from paypal because I sent them to France and for one reason or another they didn't get them. So, where do we stand now? This isn't my job. I was only doing this for those that needed them due to their supplier Devon was calling it quits. I thought maybe I could help fill that gap. So if you ordered decals from me and sent your money, you will get them. To those that were patient I thank you and I am glad I could help you fill in the gaps for what you needed. To those that were rude,.. hey from what I read Devon took a little time getting decals too. We both have lives that don't revolve around making you decals. Sorry to say but thats life. I know, I will get slammed now saying I shouldn't offer them for sale if I cannot get them to you fast enough. Sorry I was trying to help you guys out when you had no other place to go. But you're right, I shouldn't! So with that, I say adios and I am calling it quits. I don't need the stress and you can get them from someone else that has the ability to delivery them in 3 days and does that for a living. If you sent payment, I have your info and new paper came TODAY! Everything will be in the mail within 3 days.
  7. Been getting behind doing decals due to 2 reasons. Work has me strained for time, and 2.. waiting for new paper from Micromark. The last batch they sent was total crap. They said they would send another few packs. I waited then got the answer that they haven't gotten it from their supplier. So during this wait I am getting crabby emails, threatening emails, PMs wanting to know why theirs haven't been here yet and when I PM them to get more details.. they don't respond. To the new one making a claim against me from paypal because I sent them to France and for one reason or another they didn't get them. So, where do we stand now? This isn't my job. I was only doing this for those that needed them due to their supplier Devon was calling it quits. I thought maybe I could help fill that gap. So if you ordered decals from me and sent your money, you will get them. To those that were patient I thank you and I am glad I could help you fill in the gaps for what you needed. To those that were rude,.. hey from what I read Devon took a little time getting decals too. We both have lives that don't revolve around making you decals. Sorry to say but thats life. I know, I will get slammed now saying I shouldn't offer them for sale if I cannot get them to you fast enough. Sorry I was trying to help you guys out when you had no other place to go. But you're right, I shouldn't! So with that, I say adios and I am calling it quits. I don't need the stress and you can get them from someone else that has the ability to delivery them in 3 days and does that for a living. If you sent payment, I have your info and new paper came TODAY! Everything will be in the mail within 3 days.
  8. Yeah, if you need something that bad, just drop me an email and I can do what you need. combatser@ameritech.net
  9. Are you referring to an ALPS printer? Who makes them? I obviously haven't seen one at Office Depot or CompUSA so where do I get one (an ALPS)? Alps printers are no longer made. You have to get one on Ebay, but even then you are hit and miss to get one that is going to work good. I'm ready to just buy a color laser and hope for the best. I love the detail that the inkjet puts out, but colors like yellow and such don't show up well on anything but a pure white paintjob. As posted above, and injet or laser will work great on white, but over any other color you are screwed. The results won't even be close to what you are looking for. You have to have the white layer underneath for it to work. If I am going to buy a Laser and it costs the same as an ALPS I may as well go with the latter, obviously. But I get the impression they are no longer made... Yes no longer made. They did have the program that you could exchange them for repair, but that is gone now too. Any service or support for the Alps is now gone.
  10. Yeah I have the same thing on some of my kits that were built. When we were younger we didn't know all the tricks that we do now. Heck even a spray can paint job was a long way off when we were kids. Those were the days. It all boils down to your surface, washing it, etc. They adhere very well to a glossy and smooth surface as opposed ot a flat rough surface. Anytime you apply decals you should wash the area to remove any finger oils first and make it nice and clean. The glass smooth surface will get the better adhesion of course. As stated above, clear coating your valk will have the best results all around. Years ago, we would put the decals on any surface no matter what and clear coating was something we just didn't do mostly due to skill. Devin and I both use the same product for a coating over our decals to help protect them. But of course the more handling you do, anything is going to come off, including the original paint.
  11. Neither have I, I guess. It depends on what the decal paper it was that the decal was printed on.
  12. I thought ANIME was a term used by the Japanese to describe animated TV or movies regardless of where it was made/created. Japanimation however is a different story. "The only thing I can really think of is the Star Wars Prequels apologists: as long as it carries the franchise's name, it's the greatest piece of work ever. Seriously, there are people over there saying this is really an awesome movie. " That was exactly the point I was trying to make originally.
  13. See, for those that saw it.. told you it sucked!
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