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Everything posted by valkyrie13

  1. Nice. How about some panel-lining?
  2. I believe Valk009 already has that project in the pipeline soon after the 1/72 VF-4 he is offering this week. I personally would like to see another run of the VF-11 in fighter mode that I missed out from Valkyrie. Captain, how about any of Glaug, Q-Rau, Dragon, Cat's Eye etcs?
  3. Of the MBTs listed, the K-2 Korean MBT is the most recent addition. It's still early to tell but the test results that have been announced were quite impressive. It's a bit smaller than the M-1 but it has the perfect size for the Korean mountainous/hilly terrain and has shown impressive speed and maneuverability. As for the engines and the fire control system, the Korean military benchmarked the Leopard 2 German MBT. Some footage below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ1seG7MHZU
  4. Judging from the pics, crisp detail as usual. Really looking forward to the finished product.
  5. How about if Robotech comes out with 3 episodes and years later, with far superior special effects, better cast, and real directing comes "Robotech Begins" (a true "Macross" tribute...) Now where did I see that before??
  6. What about Willem Defoe? Perhaps he can play Breetai~
  7. They will have to unless the battle for the IP rights is miraculously resolved prior to production...
  8. Any chance that Kawamori Shoji can be brought on board?
  9. You know, I never thought of it that way... buying a house and then filling it up with models. With all the $$ spent on models, I could have made a small downpayment.
  10. I wonder if he does commission work... While I like to build models myself, given how little time I have and the rate at which I am building these days, I think I have a lifetime supply of models. It would be nice if I could outsource some of kits that I would like to have made but can't do it myself.
  11. Perhaps people are straining in terms of finance, after having spent $$ for vacation. I know I am... If it helps, I will sign up for two (one to build and the other to cherish~).
  12. I know it's been a while but Yamato being ranked at 69 is just not right. It could be the sampling since the ones who voted are probably from a much younger generation. I remember hearing "Space Battleship Yamato" being performed by the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra when I was in High School.
  13. Captain, any progress? Haven't filled 30 pre-orders yet?
  14. I can't believe that there are only 12 takers of this kit... This thread needs more recognition~
  15. Exchanged emails with Valk009 today. In Hong Kong, it's Thursday so one more day to go!!
  16. PsYcHoDyNaMiX, let us know when your recasts are available~ It's been a terrific summer for 1/72 lovers.
  17. I have the Rettpu resin kits of the VF-11 in both Battroid and Valkyrie modes. I was told that these are closer to 1/60 than 1/72. If the SHE 1/100 is closer to 1/72 then I guess, way back when these kits were produced, someone just screwed up on the calculation and then everybody else followed suit based on it. At any rate, I am really looking forward to the resin kit that Valk009 has lined up in production. It's supposed to be the accurate scale and is expected to have the armored version as well.
  18. By the way, the rankings are color coded. Apparently, this is an on-going poll so if the rankings moved up from the previous poll (the rankings from that poll is in parens), then they are coded in red. If the rankings dropped, it's in blue. If they stay the same, then green. DYRL dropped from 16 to 17 so it's in blue. As for "Cruel Angel's Theme", it has entered the "hall of fame" by being the most popular song by a wide margin (and not that it didn't make the top 100, which would be ridiculous).
  19. Bandai Visual, how about on "Blu-ray"?
  20. I can feel the rush... I can't wait!
  21. I was thinking the same thing! (Great minds think alike? ). Captain, show us what you've got once again!!! PLEASE~~!!!
  22. The '80s' was quite volatile but in particular to the Koreans... politically and otherwise. Right after the president of the country was assassinated, there was a "coup d'etats", "civilian massacre", "student protests", "move towards direct presidential election"... and then there were the Asian Games ('86) and the Olympics ('88)... inaugrations of the Korean professional baseball league, Soccer League (Super-League later renamed K-League) and the professional basket ball league. Amongst all that, the ban on all things Japanese, including Japanese pop culture (J-pop, animation, movies, TV dramas, etc.), was still in place but a select few were able to get their hands on some of these in the black market. Interestingly enough, the military dictatorship government that was in power during the '80s banned all TV shows (including cartoons and animations) that were deemed "militant". All robot-related animation were banned from TV broadcasting (including Mazinger, Grandizer, etc.) For example, Macross (in the form of its US version "Robotech") made the TV screen when Korea introduced its 3rd TV network but was pulled off after the first dozen episodes or so. Spotting the niche market in Korea, i.e. the video rental market catering to the generation who had been watching Mazinger Z on TV only a few years before and who had longings for good old busting and blasting action of robots, and having the minimal skillset of producing animation (having been a subcontractor of the Japanese animation industry for several years), some of the Korean studios produced these robot animations in the '80s with a minimal budget. The results are the likes of Space Gundam V. (I don't recall any "Raiders of Galaxy"). Some were sponsored by mid-sized toy companies. There were a few that had characters or mechas licensed from Japanese companies in exchange for royalties. Since Japanese companies couldn't export them into Korea to reap 100% of the profits anyway due to the ban of all things Japanese, this was a way for the Japanese companies to make more money and the only way to do so in Korea. Then, of course, there were the true knock-offs/rip-offs but then again, the concept of "intellectual property" and the real enforcement mechanism was non-existent of flimsy at best (much like or even worse than what is going on in China or other Asian countries). So it helps to know a little background behind these shows. I doubt that any Korean would be proud of these creations/copies. But then again, it was a necessary step leading to where the Korean animation industry is today.
  23. So true. I was able to get a music file of this song from a friend of mine (don't ask me how he got it) and have been listening to it all day. I will definitely get the CD when it comes out. I guess you're right but compared to the "top" singers such as Utada Hikaru, Nakashima Mika or Hamasaki Ayumi, she still falls short although clearly she is getting more "promo", having signed with Burning Production. Her track record certainly is impressive since she came out on top in a talent finding audition beating 200,000 to 1 odds.
  24. That's right. We need to scratchbuild possibly a 8 ~ 10 feet long Zentradi battle cruiser just to bust it up!
  25. Awesome designs. I would definitely put these on my list of future scratchbuilds if I ever get around to finishing what I started...
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