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Everything posted by valkyrie13

  1. I don't have a screen shot but I have a picture of a cel used in that shot.
  2. Well, clearly there's been a lot of thought put into the timeline and storyline reconciliation by a lot of people, although it's not clear where it really came from, the series, fan interpretation or an interview with SK, etc. But what the heck, if it makes sense, I will buy it.
  3. Some times, people will initiate a lawsuit to either enjoin others from infringing on their rights or to clarify what legal rights they have. In this case, Big West could file a lawsuit against WB and HG to have a court order issued that enjoins WB from using the designs from Macross. Alternatively, WB could file a lawsuit to determine what they can and cannot do as a matter of US law using their license from HG. In light of the ongoing legal dispute between BW and HG, this may be a prudent things for WB.
  4. I believe VF-17s and VF-19s from the Mac7 series deserve casting into 1/72 scale resin kits. I have a Wave 1/72 VF-17 soft vinyl kit that I am willing to part with if it will be used to be recast in resin (which is much easier to work with than soft vinyl IMHO). I am sure there are several talented casters here on MW who can also make modifications to improve these.
  5. Let's cut Mark Hammill some slack... after all, he is Luke Skywalker. IMHO, I think it all depends on how serious Mark takes the role and how much producers pay him. Given HG's history, I would not be surprised if they twisted his arm to make a blimp appearance so that HG can advertise that they've got Mark Hammill. As in live action, even in animation, the voice actor has to put his heart to the role and characters, which I just didn't sense in watching Shadow Chronicles. In fact, if HG didn't tell me that it was Mark Hammill, I wouldn't have known, period.
  6. They could also try a bit better in reconciling the timeline and storyline with SDFM (TV series). Towards the last of the episodes of the TV series, there is a scene portraying Roy Fokker in South Atalia looking in awe at the VF-1, the fact that it is a variable fighter and living in what I wouldn't call fear but anxiety when he takes it off on a test flight. He meets up with Claudia the night before and confesses his feelings to her. Let's assume for the sake of argument that VF-1 predates VF-0 as some would argue... even then, it doesn't explain why Roy is on the aircraft carrier and falls in love with the blonde doctor (whatever her name was)... IMHO, I think Mac0 had a pretty good raw material to work with but little did it help in learning the background (or settei) of SDFM or telling its own story. The only connection I see between Mac0 and SDFM was a common character, Roy Fokker, and SK could have done a much better job of reconciling the two storylines.
  7. I second that. I got my two kits yesterday and the result of the casting is just awesome. For a kit that is 1/72 scale, they come in such cute little boxes, too. Another thoughtfulness that went into keeping the shipping cost down. Thanks, Andy!
  8. Perhaps it's because the American public school system neglects to teach English "grammar" to students. I spent several years in the US during grade school and came back to Korea when I was in junior high school. My parents and friends thought I would ace in English. What do you know? I was getting things wrong left and right when taking English exams because a lot of the expressions I was used to were just grammatically wrong. It took me a while to fix that.
  9. They did and I have one sitting on my shelf. I was trying to get some pics to you but couldn't upload from my phone camera. If my memory serves me right, I think Valkyrie's VF-11 was based on the Club-M version. I met with Valk009 yesterday and he told me that the VF-11 battroid full armor version is nearly complete.
  10. Hi, I am no IP lawyer but you will likely face these issues in this day and age unless everything you use in your "art" is original (even then, some may still claim that you infringed their intellectual property rights if they see similarities which can be a result of pure coincidence). With that said, using IP lawyers to go after every single infringement (or potential infringement) does not make sense commercially. That is why you see the US and other industries (with original designs, trademarks and copyrights to protect) are lobbying the USTR to put pressure on other countries where IP rights have been known to have been largely ignored (e.g., China) and that is also why you see a crackdown by law enforcement in Hong Kong or China every now and then. Wandering off topic here. In your case, if you're thinking of making just a few bucks to close friends or people on this community, I wouldn't worry too much about it. But if you have a grand idea of making this a mass produced commercial product, then do approach the copyright holder. Unfortunately, as people have indicated throughout this thread, there is a dispute as to who own the IP rights to Macross outside of Japan (or some would say, in the US). You can approach Big West and see if they are interested in giving you limited license over the product you have in mind. IP does not generate revenues unless someone turns that into a viable commercial product. So, companies like Big West are always looking for opportunities to generate more revenues even if they themselves do not want to put in the efforts. If they like your idea, then it's just a matter of negotiating who gets how much of the revenues (or profits depending on how you negotiate the licensing contract). Sometimes they will deny you of license if they feel that it breaches the terms of an exclusive license that they already granted to someone else, or if they have plans to put the product in motion themselves some years down the road or if they think your idea will hurt the image or somehow harm the IP rights in the long run (which basically means that they don't agree with you that it's a good idea). In doing so, you also need to diligence the scope of the license you are getting from the licensor. Does Big West have the right to give you license for distribution in the US? I think not, given their dispute with Harmony Gold. For Japan? Probably yes. What about other countries? Hmmm.... One word of caution, if there are original ideas, technology or designs that you created which will be used for the production, make sure that it's also protected since the licensors can easily infringe upon your "right" (if not legally protected) as much as you can on theirs.
  11. I've seen a PG gundam assembled without a paint job and it looks pretty decent. Try this link that will take you to Starship Modelers where buildups are posted. http://www.starshipmodeler.com/gundam/bk_pg_gunii.htm That post shows a build up of RX-178 Gundam Mk. II, the latest addition to the PG family. While no paint is necessary, touch ups here and there, either using gundam markers or other weathering techniques (such as dry brushing, bocasi, etc.) would make the model look better (even if you don't go for the full airbrush job).
  12. Oh, why do you say that? Mikimoto did produce an 8 volume manga side story to Macross 7 called "Trash". (Come to think of it, ironic title...)
  13. There is a fighter only VF-11 in 1/72 scale that Rettpu made. The same company also has VF-11C in battroid mode in the same scale. I recall Valkyrie offering a VF-11 in fighter mode in 1/72 scale as well a year or so ago. I was hoping for a second run since I missed the first but didn't happen.
  14. Christ, this is the best "voicing of opinion" I have seen, read or heard about in years! Kudos to you, fellow MWer!!
  15. Actually, I think this was more a result of different (or inaccurate) Japanese to English translation. If we assume that UN Spacy uses the rank of US Navy, then she went from lieutenant to lieutenant commander in the TV series and DYRL. FYI, Lieutenant commanders are called "commander" in short in real life although they are technically one rank below commander. Please see attached an image file that shows the USN ranks (or follow this link to http://www.militarybadges.info/images/us-air/usn-ranks.jpg). As you can see, a "captain" in the Navy is an equivalent of a "colonel" in the Army, the Marines and the Air Force. On the other hand, "lieutenant" in the Navy is an equivalent of a "captain" in the Army, the Marines, etc. In Japanese, there is no doubt that Misa went from "大尉" (i.e. "Lieutenant" of Navy or "Captain" of Army) to "少佐" (i.e. "Lieutenant Commander" of Navy or "Major" of Army). In Flash Back 2012, Misa gets promoted to captain of Megaload 1. But she is literally the captain of a ship and it is not clear what rank she achieved to captain the new Megaload 1, although it would be logical to assume that she achieved at least a rank of "Captain" (of the US Navy) to do so.
  16. Squidd, very nice and impressive collection indeed... and love what you did with the display.
  17. Misa in her uniform as captain of Magaload 1 (as shown in Flash Back 2012)!!!
  18. Thanks a million! Your works are terrific. Please keep it up.
  19. I don't disagree with you on that but it didn't show from her looks. She did have the innocent "look"... That should come out from acting not from a strong firey face.
  20. I must have missed this thread somehow... Awesome work, Ryuji!!
  21. Hmm... I don't know, you probably missed the frame since it's very short. Try this Youtube site. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2otF7mygfhI...ted&search= It comes up around 1:32. And you're very lucky to own those original Kawamori works. The price at which they were offered to me was unaffordable.
  22. Hey, thanks. Take your time by the way, we ain't goin' anywhere...
  23. Rosa Kato, not bad at all. I am afraid the picture used as EXO's avatar doesn't do her justice. At first glance, I said to myself "nah~" but when I clicked on Black Valkyrie's link, I was impressed. She's the right age, too, isn't she?
  24. Ryuji, I just wanted to share with you an opinion of mine. Can you please make Misa's right hand pose anything but the flight attendant's pose in one of your sample pictures? It looks a bit cheezy and my impression of Misa is anything but that. I frankly would like to see it in a "salute" like Minmay in her picture.
  25. OMG! Looking forward to this one.
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