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Everything posted by valkyrie13

  1. I have been out of touch during the holidays but great to be back on the forum to find an update to this thread. Although belated... Happy New Year to you all! Now for business... Ryuji, when and where do you want me to send the check (or Paypal to be exact)?? I want 2 kits by the way... One to build and paint and the other to hand down to my son when he grows up (he's 2 now by the way..)
  2. I saw this in one of the TV shows from Japan (showing modeling technicques)... I forgot the name of the show but it was on Youtube last year... Use sand paper (3000 or higher), followed by some compound and a lot of waxing with cloth...
  3. "gg" is indeed "good game"... which was made quite popular in Starcraft online battles. In fact, the computer game shows in Korea from the 2001 and 2002 started broadcasting world Starcraft tournaments as well as local tournaments. "gg" was used by the opponent who forfeits, knowing there is no way in hell they can turn the tide of the game.
  4. I was hoping that our very own Captain America would do these in resin in 1/72 scale, to go well with his Regults.
  5. I second that. I've been looking for this for ages. I even emailed Tanmen a couple of time to no avail...
  6. Dios mio! Looks great~ Keep it up. I didn't mean to rush you... just wanted some updates (which is a pure joy to witness).
  7. Food for thought... Why are we so sure that "Eureka" came from an English word? What is it was Spanish or Italian (although if so, it would have been spelled with a "c" and not a "k")? It should then be pronounced "eh-oo-reh-kah" much like the Japanese pronunciation.
  8. Not withstanding the downside (cost, weight) and all the reasons cited above, if a quality kit of VF-17D either in figher or battroid mode is cast (or recast) in resin, I would be interested.
  9. Ryuji, any update?
  10. Man, you are lucky that you have a loving and "understanding" wife.
  11. Not to spoil the fun but it seems $35 (US$ I presume) is an impossibility. The kit alone will cost US$27 to win (assuming no bidders) and whoever wins in Japan will have to pay another $5~10 for shipping in Japan. Add Yahoo Japan auction commission and shipping to the US, you will blow the $35 easily.
  12. Could be "counter-intelligence" or a marketing ploy to throw speculating fans off and continue with production quietly. Plus, having a debatable car as a poster candidate could stir up interest (whether positive or negative)....
  13. For whatever it's worth... some of the shops (very few now) in MongKok in Hong Kong still have the full set (of 6) and they sell them at under HK$300 (US$40). I saw one shop the other day that was selling all 7 (including the secret Zent) at HK$320. (Darn it! Since this was about a couple of weeks after I had bought my full set of 6 and the secret. The secret alone cost me HK$100!)
  14. There is one on Yahoo Japan Auction starting at JPY2,850. http://page14.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/s59678629
  15. These little kits are great. My "Zaentradi" came with one of the front wheels missing (broken off) I guess, so there are QC issues with these kits. A little crazy glue can fix the problem. Series 2 seem to be in pre-order mode in Japan.
  16. Macross --> Google --> eBay ---> Valk009 (fellow MWer) --> lunch with Valk009 --> Macrossworld!!!
  17. Graham, what time will you be there? I'll come with.
  18. Ichiban has a YF-21 on sale in one of the for sale threads for $20 + shipping. By the way, beware of the YF-21 kit since it is slightly more difficult a build as compared to the VF-1 or even the YF-19.
  19. Well, then, the answer is simple. Get Deunan since she's a "woman" doll.
  20. Captain, I am IN FOR TWO (AT LEAST!!!!)!!!!
  21. If independently listened to, the music in Mac7 was (and is) great. However, after listening to Basara sing those songs in flight and mid-combat 5 dozen times, I grew tired of it. I loved "0-G Love" and "Tenshi No E No Gu (Angel's Paint)" in DYRL but not much of a fan for the title song "DYRL". I also enjoyed the 2nd verse of Tenshi No E No Gu that was in FlashBack2012. From the TV series, "Runner" kind of grew on me although it wasn't all that when I first heard it. The music from Macross Plus was entirely different but enjoyable in such a way.
  22. I believe it's 14 years after 2045, placing the series in 2059. Does that mean we get a glimpse of Max and Milia again? I doubt that they would be dead 14 years from where they left off in Mac7.
  23. Ditto. John, I'll take a half a dozen if you promise to reissue (or redo) these kits.
  24. I saw Graham's post and went from shop to shop in Mong Kok the next day and got my VF-1A for HK$95 (the only one they had left, they said but I don't believe them). Other shops had it for anywhere from HK$98 ~ HK$120. Compared to the VF-1J and the VF-1S when they first came out, the prices seem to have come down slightly.
  25. Haven't been here in a while and what a pleasant surprise. Ryuji, she is looking great. As for the face, it has to be the eyes. It's hard to get Mikimoto's eyes and you will have to leave that to the individual modelers...
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