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Everything posted by valkyrie13

  1. Chas, are they generally cool about people coming to visit them? I travel to Seoul on business and my parents live there to. In fact, I bought one of those kits and had it shipped to my parent's address. I live in Hong Kong and if they would like, I could look into what I could do to "solve" their recaster problem.
  2. valkyrie13


    Can you elaborate on that? How would I be able to order separate sprues from HLJ?
  3. valkyrie13


    Good for you, Cokefiend... But I still need help... Otherwise off to the plastic sheets.
  4. I think recasts are great if the original is "permanently" out of production or the manufacturer goes bankrupt and the creativity and the originality of the product gets lost in oblivion. However, recasting an offered item is a whole new ball game. I saw the recast offer but decided not to purchase it. Instead, I ordered the original from Neograde while traveling on business in Korea. I haven't received it yet but I am sure it's waiting for me at my parent's house. Can't wait to get my hands on it. FYI, Neograde at one point auctioned a finished model on Yahoo! Japan Auction for JPY40,000, which looked great (just like the picture on their website).
  5. valkyrie13


    Valkyrie, I would be extremely grateful if you could throw Q-16 into a mold. It's a flat piece so a sandwich mold should be sufficient. If that's not an option, I would be happy to buy the Q sprue from KKX. Thank you both.
  6. valkyrie13


    Well, that's where I am leaning towards... after all. I guess the VF-0D is not really popular.
  7. valkyrie13


  8. valkyrie13


    [attachmentid=38611]Pics attached. Thank you. [attachmentid=38610]
  9. valkyrie13


    Tried to insert pics but some reason the web browser won't let me do that. Hmmm...
  10. valkyrie13


    Hi! I have a completed Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0D. But I just realized that a part that was glued on came off and is now missing. T.T I can't find it for the life of me and I fear that it might have been sucked into a vacuum cleaner. It's all so frustrating since this happened while I was waiting for a covered display case that I ordered to be delivered. The part in question is Q16 and I was wondering... maybe there is someone out there who happened to have an extra piece of this part laying around or had a previously completed model that a cat or a dog or a nephew smashed and was about to throw the whole thing away since it's irreparable... If not, would anyone (who happens to have this part in good order) be kind enough to cast it and send a resin cast copy of it to me? I would be happy to pay cost and postage. I guess in the worst case scenario, I could just slice up some plastic sheet to replicate this but wanted to reach out to you all for some help before I went ahead and did that. Many thanks.
  11. Retppu's 1/72 VF-11 soft vinyl kit. Tamiya's 1/35 Tiger I with all the photo-etched parts, zimmerit coating and ModelKasten tracks, although have not started on the tracks. The thought of this task has been good enough to keep the project incomplete for 6 months now.
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