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The Grey

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. What Vader hands? (Interested, as I collect SW) As for Wave's SDF-1. I like it myself, but am hoping the apparent lack of detail is due to the amount of die-cast used. I'm hoping it's a HEAVY toy. I don't mind the size, actually.
  2. dnd: Here's another 1/60 supporter. Mainly because they are cheaper, I'll admit. But I also really dig their size and proportions. Only real downer, as I've said before, is the look of their legs. The rest is great in my very humble opinion. I don't mind the lack of a perfect transformation system. But, well... seems like it's one of them endless debates. The original poster has already made up his mind and that's perfectly fine!
  3. Maybe the apparent lack of detail is due to the amount of die-cast present in the toy. We all know that die cast parts often lack the detail plastic can give. If so, from the looks of it, this thing should have its fair amount of metal. If so, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Assuming it's durable enough. The jury's still out on those arms. If it's mostly plastic, then... yes, it's lacking in detail.
  4. In "Graham's sig" someone suggested a Soul of Chogokin VF-1... Is that even remotely possible? I really dig the idea. But, truth be told, I'll agree that what we need the most is a new SDF-1. Wave's die-cast SDF1 hasn't been well received (and it's not even out yet). Plus, it's the DYRL version. I guess we could really use a new TV SDF1. Hell, it will happen. It's just a matter of time.
  5. Depends on how much metal it actually has on it. Any info on this? If it were, say, 90% metal and 10% plastic... well, I could see myself getting it somewhere in the future.
  6. In my very humble opinion, the only real "downside" about the 1/60s are their horrible legs. I'm not even complaining about the lack of a perfect transformation system (you have to remove the legs and re-attach them, same goes for the chest cover). Other than that, I really dig their looks, their proportions, their size, their playability... And, as some have said, it's the most "complete" Macross VF-1 collection. Of course, there's also a "budget" issue. Depends on how much you can or are willing to spend. But, say... if you were to own only one valkyrie, I'd pick a 1/48 (in my case, a Hikaru VF-1S... always been my fav. With Strike parts, too).
  7. The Grey

    Graham's Sig

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