Me and my friend triggerhappytonks (hes indian so you can sympathize with the name, but he thinks it cool) have this compiler called dark basic. You may have heard me bitch about it before, but it deserves more credibility. Its modified quickbasic with a 3d game engine. I know most of us geeks can get qbasic down, so dark basic should be pretty easy. The thing is, its one thing to play a game, but when you can make the game it is just as fun. This isn't any rpg maker 2000 (or some prechool program) you contol every aspect of a game but with mostly qbasic code. I know there is a crap load of people with macross 3d models in here, which just adds to the potential of this programmer. (errr this does pertains to games, right mods, being that it is a gaming compiler, eek). I think you could really make some tight ass games at an intorductory level. I expect nothing of you all, but see for yourself what people like you and me are doing with it.
o by the way, i don't work for dark basic