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Everything posted by Daishi3500

  1. lemme try at this again, in gundam 0083, when they are testing the gm backpack, what kind of ammo are they using?
  2. hehe, me knows.. me thinks. Is it Samurai Deeper Kyo?
  3. ok, 12 hours (or sumthin), His heart is missing and it is in earth's core, or somehwere in the earth I don't have much anime, so i'll just hand it over to vf19, he did get some of it right.
  4. cancelling the comanche, thats what they want you to think... Its all a conspiracy, maaaaaaaaan.
  5. Isn't that why God made Russia? Some nerds need more stuff to do...productive stuff. exactly.
  6. maybe it would be better in the future to ask one-part questions.
  7. ^^^ From last page. Clearly she did play the demo Vostok 7 oops, abombs, sorry. Maybe I just got tired of far-cry. Either way, I think may be buying painkiller. I always loved serious sam game play, in fact that is one of my favorite games. However, painkiller dosn't literally have 200+ enemies on the screen simultaniously like SS2. When Painkiller does get a lot of enemies however, I thought the gameplay was going into slow-mo. Well thats not the case, apparently I need to upgrade
  8. 1/2 that is right
  9. I don't know about that. Far Cry seems to involve alot more brain play..... Painkiller is fun.... but its like a lite version of Serious Sam. As for having better graphics..... you must be smoking. I get a ton of graphic glitches in Far Cry but it is a whole lot better looking then Painkiller from a technical stand point. Have you played the demo, becuase I thought far-cry was better when I had only seen painkiller's screenshots.
  10. ok, from blue sub 6, what body organ is zorndyke missing, and where is it placed.
  11. 1. YEBISU 2. BOA
  12. Wasn't painkiller mentioned a few pages back? Well, the demo came out and it kicks far-cry's ass. The detail and physics are amazing. And it is in this game I have seen the coolest melee weapon yet. In stead of the cheap ol' knife in fps's, you get this lawn mower blade from hell. Not only does it spin, you can shoot and hook enemies, sending them over your head. You also get this very sophisticated cross-bow. You can shoot these huge-ass stakes into zombies heads and watch them back-flip in a cloud of red vapor. I'd recomend all you going to getting this one, at least the demo. The graphics are better and you'll have a hell of time. I got mine from gamezone, but i think you can get it off their website. If you do play it, every weapon has alternate fire and the ammo is disguised so well, it looks like its part of the map; they look like crates and such.
  13. I love that mp5-sd in the game, the only sound you hear is the guys getting wacked up by bullets (kinda exaggerated, yet cool). Five cds, which seems to be a record for 1st person titles, dosn't bug me that much. I only have to wonder what vu games is gonna do about HL2... 10 cds?
  14. how was it crappy?
  15. oo edit: now that I actually read it
  16. I take it that one of the Koreas is the country it's supposed to be licensed to? Cool that Mangle lost GR. Now if only another company would step in and grab it (along with Wings of Honneamise). Any confirmation of the rumors that they don't have Gunbuster anymore? crap, we lost honemeise too!, I always wanted to see that one.
  17. what are topics without pics, hehe.
  18. mcfarlane making vehicles... we can all recall kaneda's bike, eek. I've always been very appreciative of the scults, but the vehicles aren't great. I think the samurai spawn series is the sweetest of all, btw.
  19. http://www.dvdasian.com/cgi-bin/dvdasian/1...tml?id=KkstJYqd Probably worth noting that the company who produced this has gone out of business, so it probably is or will soon go out of print. ahhhh, thanks. It says it plays on all regions, so I think it'll work over here. $80 isn't that bad in the long run. I think i'll get it.
  20. really, do you know if cheap little 16x dvd players in my computer are regionlessly encoded, hehe jk. anyway, do you know where I can find this dvd. ty
  21. name an anime, i can see if they have it.
  22. Regarding the series, or movie, dosn't matter- have any of you guys heard of a DVD release? BTW, IS it a good series? the animation looks great and stylized. Hey A7, review this one, please
  23. yeesh okay, okay, wrong crowd
  24. click here for the video and here for the website Our patriotism is becoming disgusting nationalism. what do you guys think.
  25. is that a screw plug?
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