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Everything posted by kamikaze_kamujin

  1. ok, does anyone care I update this topic or I just let it die? I mean, it's clear all those who doesnt like it and still read it, but it seems other users are afraid of saying I like this or that without saying I dont like all these other things for fear to be rejected by others. I post these last picture I found and if anyone wants more let me know
  2. For a second I thought you actually mean it. I dont know where all the pictures went, may be they were moved to another host, because it seems they have a new website
  3. is that last one the Macross Saga final battle?
  4. they just posted a new teaser, not bad at all. Watch in high quality if you want to see how it really looks like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLfp9BGlTcQ&e
  5. I couldnt find any other vf fighter picture but I found this It seems they didnt want to go cell shaded when they started and the designs were different? May be that design isnt the one they are using anymore
  6. This looks more like an Alpha fighter
  7. Harmony Gold, what a pathetic company. A bunch of fans with zero budget do something higher-quality than they do with its "million dollar"
  8. And one more! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oCQwg8dliM I just found out the internet is flooded with hundreds and hundreds of screenshots of this project. I can't believe I never saw them
  9. oh, here there is another, and another http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy-zIOnZmMs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ReA79-GuPs
  10. I found this video from 2005/2006. It seems they improve the animation each year http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOyCU98IplQ
  11. I like this screenshot I wonder which kind of battle that battloid is in
  12. http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=59&t=695402
  13. hmmm.. it seems they have made some original models there, may be they have that one. Thanks for the tip Jenius, you are a jenius (sick)
  14. Yes, I do. If it exists.. Zinjo, you sure this is Robotech? I think you are confused this design with this other design, but they are different http://www.robotech.com/images/content/ART_3001_2_9045.jpg I found this one looking for "valkyrie"
  15. then, Is there no toy of this design?
  16. isnt that the UN Spacy logo?
  17. I just found this valkyrie in google and I can't find which movie or ova is in. Is it from the new Macross ?
  18. Did he say when asked about the Macross rights we have all rights to Robotech, yes or no?
  19. In this night episode of Space Station Liberty, when asked about the Macross rights issue, Kevin Mc Keever said several times they have all rights to Robotech and in they can do whatever they want in the live action movie.
  20. More videos are poping up in youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5UY6dEOPEQ
  21. The robotech fans say it was a great a lost, and that he was fired http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...&forumid=31
  22. Add "Alan Letz", whoever he is, to the list of people who aparently no longer works at Harmony Gold
  23. Aparently, one of the person listed in the new Robotech movie as writer "Tom Bateman" left Harmony Gold, and an angry Robotech fan threw a pie to the director of the movie "Tommy Yune" in the last Anime Expo. http://www.doukeshi.net/robotech/khyron_beta.html http://www.doukeshi.net/robotech/assertion.AVI
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