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Everything posted by kamikaze_kamujin

  1. I used to have the Southern Cross soundtrack in mp3s some years ago, downloaded from Direct Connect. I wonder where can I get it again from?
  2. That upgraded Legioss is really cool
  3. Believe it or not, in part of Japan they aired Robotech. It aired in Okinawa because there are US military bases there. The webmaster of that webpage who is a girl told that somewhere, but I cant remember where it was, and that it was how she became a Robotech fan, if you check that webpage the original version is in japanese, and she has like 2 other Robotech webpages, one dedicated to a Robotech comic if I recall correctly
  4. This is an interesting japanese webpage dedicated to Southern Cross "Robotech Masters/Southern Cross world" http://www.geocities.jp/yuiyuasa/newpage2.htm
  5. yeah, though I believe they never got funds for Shadow Chronicles other than from Harmony Gold. So it would be like "you can't be that fool not even once"
  6. Or may be they cant get an idiot to give funds for a Shadow Chronicles sequel, that's probably what it is, right?
  7. May be HG is now waiting for this fan movie to be released for continuing the Shadow Chronicles sequel, so they dont lose money for people not buying their product but getting a free Robotech movie with better cg instead.
  8. I agree with Keith that Shadow Chronicles is a failed sequel too, if you remind AX 2002 they said Shadow Chronicles was going to be an ova quality Robotech series to be released in 2004, and they released an 88 minutes movie in 2007 with the cheapest cg available, it looks like they were going to pay for the cg in 2 times, and they coudnt afford the 2nd payment where the 3d model textures were supposed to be made. "Ok, we get it as it is" Besides, Shadow Chronicles wasnt broadcasted anywhere other than in US, just like Robotech The Sentinels And remember how they were supposed to get funds from Funanimation which refused to give it to them?
  9. hmmmmm... it would be like Macross doesnt get a sequel for 20 years and after that gets a Shadow Chronicles? or do you think it's ok because it's Robotech?
  10. yeah, but it's true Shadow Chronicles cg is really bad. The Ikazuchi vessels look like flying cardboard boxes and the battloid Alpha fighters look like toys, the lack of details in their surfaces is scary. I havent seen worse cg in an official animated mecha movie
  11. if you want something set in the Macross Saga, so you have more reasons to complain, here you have
  12. this is the original bioroid design, though it isnt hand drawed animation, I suppose its the exact same design
  13. well, I'm not a bioroid expert at all, but their designs look the same to the originals to me, except they are made in 3d and not hand drawed. Which are the differences?
  14. well I suppose I should post something. I havent found much more and I dont remember everything I posted here but I think I havent posted many bioroid pictures
  15. Guess what, you cant edit a topic's name (or at least it seems so)
  16. I just found a new bioroid picture. But it looks different than the former one
  17. I see what you mean, I'm not sure they called the movie Robotech Genesis because of that
  18. Where is the SDF-1? Did you mean the last picture I posted? That one looks pretty much that vessel from Southern Cross which is used to try to destroy a Robotech Masters vessel
  19. I just said so because of those southern cross based mecha and vessels
  20. I dont know, it seems you know more about the argument than I do. Where did you get that?
  21. haha... well I was going to keep this thread like it was, but since it was bumped.. I found a couple of new screenshots I thought the Southern Cross fandom was dead, but it seems there are a couple around yet And this pictures just looked cool to me
  22. it seems some of them do http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of88RlA5_f8
  23. where are your designs? Are they in that link in your signature?
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