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Everything posted by BushyFromoz

  1. holy crud! what is it?
  2. 1/170 VF1S just started. would post pics but my digital camera is still on laybuy, so you will just have to believe me when i say i hacked it up with a razer saw as my first task
  3. That would be the F111 G
  4. i know what you mean, i think i can tweak the perception of scale by changing the stance of the figures, seeing as they will all be in battriod mode and make them look a bit more realistic in terms of scale
  5. Thanks for the help guys! i am almost in a position to start my little 1/170 diorama, which works well cause i can take the little mechs to work and fill in some of those 12 hr night shifts Now i need to figure out a layout.......
  6. I have located some of the HEWAT type models, and i have a question for yall Do they only come with the strike cannon assembly, or do they have optional parts for having the dual missile packs? There seems to be some inconsistancies between some of the box art and the instructions - info would be good Thanks
  7. the decision to buy 1/170 was not really one of them in that scale - i basically did it because i got 5 of them for 20 bucks, and the factories for another 30, and figured for the hell if it im gonna do some study into "Zen and the art of painting, cutting and positioning little things" The size also means i can take them to work, we get some long breaks between responses, but i am deffinately looking into launching some 1/72 in the near future Ahhh re-living my childhood...OUTSTANDING! Thanks for your help!
  8. okay okay, they are small they are poorly proportioned, but if your from australia and love macross and to a less extent the R word you would know that the cost of quality macross kits here is just downright disgusting, so when a whole bunch of these things rocked up on e-bay for nothing i bought them Any info or suggestions would be good, including improvements as well as where to find some more gerwalk and HEWAT type models cheers
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