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Everything posted by Temjin

  1. Thanks for the review Grahams, and very nice pics. The gunpod not straight doesn't bother me, I will not attach the gun in fighter mode. Like someone mentioned, the color look a lot better (lighter) in some of those pics. I wish the feet Thrusters could go deeper inside (more anime like), but I guess it would interferes with the joints. Anyway, the fighter mode looks great in the side view.
  2. No, not the same person.
  3. It looks really good in all three modes, thanks for the new pics. May be someone point this out already, anyone find the pilot figure too big for the cockpit?
  4. Hi all, I'm new here. I have a question about the YF-19 toy. Is it all made out of plastic or some parts are diecast? The toy looks great, I love the gear walk mode, I hope it's easy to pose.
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