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Everything posted by nugundamII

  1. OMG i cant talk i was coughing so much with laughter. That short was great PURE JOY!
  2. um no we have almost 37% of the MG line comprised of Zakus and the like. Out of the hero gundams we have 28% of rx-78 and their close relatives. This is only the MG line discounting the Specials and exclusives and and GFFMC and all other variations. MGs have been made for almost 15 years. With a majority of the bad guys being zakus and their cousins that % is almost high 90s. I would say thats a LONG stretch for a anniversary line already. No need to make anymore zakus. I do understand that this is still a big revenue source but with gundam being so varied in styles it could offer a little more diversity. And to sound duplistic.....why in the hell dont we have a zaku flight type in MG! teehee
  3. I believe the wave will be more hardy than the CMs in terms of joints. And well the cloth covers just look like cloth covers. The rubber ones look better. Unless you get the leather 1/24 Yammie the wave is the best thing with better proportions
  4. Noice, Good Choice. Not a big fan of zaku's but this looks big and intimidating. Like a war Machine!!!! My MG Goof V2 (thanks to Pete) is on the way. I have a PG Char's Zaku with special weapons set and my MG Kampfer More than enough zakus for me thank you But I am looking forward to this new MG GN-X II. Looks imposing and a tough machine for war! As you can tell i like machines that look like it could kick ass ... ie you have a Strike ISWP coming at you i guarantee you your panties will be soiled. As for dry transfers. My set of Infinite justice is on the way. Hopefully I dont fu c it up the second time around. And no i havent used tape. I know i should but im kinda of lazy that way and I thought i could do without it. This time around Mr. Scotch will be my friend! Also I am so sick of all the dam Rx-78s out there. Enough already. The PG was good enough. The GFFMC version Ka was good enough, then you have V2 MG then you have the 1/35 GFFMC and now this COME ONE ALREADY OVER - KILL
  5. if i only had the time to fiddle even after getting the new version i just use scotch tape the armor plates are horrendous i stiil think rhe best 21 is the 72
  6. GRIPE MOMENT Goddamit to hell this goddam dry transfers. Man i miss the old wet transfers. I have ruined my my new justice. I had to take a hobby knife and scratch it off ruining the plastic sigh No matter how careful you are they JUST SUCK! Slightest movement and its all messed up. Why cant they stick to stickers!!!!!! WHY! Wet transfers were great why change to something more difficult! one more time GODDAMIT I guess now i have to spend an extra 15 bucks to buy the stickers and make one more attempt to hide the ugliness that is now there GODDAMIT
  7. Cool... i like the Nadleeh. I would be interested to see how they make into a MG. Hopefully they do the Sniper one too.
  8. Um ok Its your hobby but forgive me for being obtuse. Since we are all Plastic ADDICTS HERE....All gundams are generic ALL Hero gundams and baddies. In seed, yes their inner frames may be the same but the choice of armor and flight pack armaments make them completely different I mean one has a jet up his ass. Isnt the that the same as the rx-78??. The justice and destiny may share similar inner frames but my god what a world of difference. In look and function. The justice is a combination of distance offence and melle Perfect in my opinion all around good mech. The Destiny has a very powerful flight pack I guess used to initiate thrust to cut gundams in half. Looking at the two you see they are nothing alike. Same can be said for all the zaku's and rx-78 clones. Sharing the same inner frame but with modifications made to the armor can be very different. Yes I understand that you preference for one over another but to say because they all look the same um no. Even the wing packs are different. The justice has a flight pack that can act as a Drone/ghost(macross blasphemy) getting more support if needed to attack from 2 points rather than one. And personally I like more than one super gundam. Convergence of overall technological advancement occurs globally so their should be similarities of design when gundams are involved. I like several super gundams from varying parties and what improvement that each does to be successful in battles. Ok Pete thanks for the pictures I cant wait for my GOOF!!!! and in regards to the PG 00 Design I mean wow just wow. I think this will be the best dam PG ever built. I dont know how on earth they can make the design any better but im stupid and not an engineer so i guess the japs will find a way! Cant wait to get this thing....also does anyone thing they will release a flight pack for the PG Astray ??
  9. 1. Dont worry the Exia has a wonderfully complex internal Frame. What sucks on it is that the side hip covers and hardpoints are not designed well enough to hold the Mini Buster Swords. Go ahead and build it. BTW to me the Turn A is better mech in esthetics and translates very well into the MG. 2. What a goof! So nice I got it from ebay last night. Cant wait for it. Rich in color and cool action poses. NEEDS! PANEL LINING THO. 3 Finished the Destiny last night. Why so fast it seems bandai used the same letter sequencing for all their seed sprues so basically i knew which part was onthe sprue. Since im on schedule and my Noir, Dom, Freedom and Astry did not arrive yet (I was expecting them for sure today) I decided to panel line my older stuff and Sword Impulse. I panel lined my Destiny after the build last night. Tonight the arduous job of decaling. Just to tell you about Destiny....WOW. Pictures cannot translate how nice this figure is in the full burst mode. The other who normally doesnt appreciate robots unless they are transformers in their vehicle modes even made a positive comment that its "pretty".
  10. cool im sold going to be buying one from ebay tonight On Dalongs site the colors are amazing. The only painting required are touch ups Metallic Aluminum for shocks, gold for inner boosters and so forth Decals need a thin layer of Nail polish so they dont scratch off Otherwise Dalong and you have sold me on the purchase thanks The trick to speed building is looking at it as a Work Package. PM terminology Legs first and waist so the thing can stand Legs take the longest so do those first. Then head then weapons body Then arms at a leisurely pace Also optional ...frame gets built first then armor. I know the instructions have their order. Also I like to memorize my Sprues so I automatically choose the correct sprue for the part i need I usely cut away the weapons sprues clean and get rid of those so not to add to clutter good luck post a pick when its done!!!!!! And since you like th UC line get the MG guntank Really good !!!
  11. I like the Gouf (love the name sounds like Goof-Hey you goof, what me or my gundam...haha) Please give me your thoughts on it cause i have been contemplating getting this one.
  12. Ok I like the look and design of the Exia. It has a good construction but it does have flaws. Its hip buster sword holsters are weak. The hard point for the buster swords is only slotted into one side of the hip cover. That means the slightest movement it falls apart. You have to CG the cover plate but I have added nail-polish to the hard-point because it just falls off. So it becomes a useless gimmick and the risk of things being lost. Also I understand its a melee mech. I dont like that concept. Since its a bipedal machine close combat doesnt make much sense since if your leg get lobbed off It needs some distance offensive weapons. And that bring me to the next thing about MG Exia Ignition Mode (IM). The gun/GN sword attachment is pretty flimsy. If you move it slightly it falls fromt the arm slot and then you need to realign the hand slot and try at the same time to get the part of the GUN sword into the bottom part of the Gun groove and the arm groove too. If you have the GN sword stored, you cant have it posed cause it interferes with the Shoulder beam swords. The Justice just seems more solid and you can play with it and pose it. Its offensive weaponry makes sense. Also gundams with flight packs are too DAM cool. TO me the inner frame designs in seed work better. It has the feel of a toy. Same can be said for the Sword Impluse. As you can see by the picture im still not finished. No other Gundam has exhausted me in the build so much. And I still have the Noir, Destiny is next tonight, then I will finish my MG Astray Blue Frame and lastly I plan on finishing the MG Rick Dom on Sunday. So next week i can concentrate on Decals, Detailing painting, and Panel Lining which is the most time consuming and finish MG Strike Freedom Burst Next week. Here in the picture is the Special Stand I got for the Exia. I have it that pose from the First scene in the Season 1 as it approaches earth for battle. I think the only Gundam that would translate well into an MG would be the Sniper one. Dont remember the name. The rest have designs good enough for PG. Hope that answers your question
  13. Ho hum Kids kept me from completing the Sword Impulse. The Justice is just a fantastic mech. Much better MG than Exia I hate the show not a seed fan at all but the mechs are wow ! I hope they make some more seed that hasnt been made into MG Still have the destiny which I hope to finish I wont panel line and decal and clear coat them until the Noir, Freedom J Burst, MG Astray Blue, Rick Dom
  14. what gave it away. the mechanical owl?? In ancient greece the only mechanical thing they had was a row boat
  15. vs yoko vs crash bandicoot vs indiana jones vs rocky balboa vs hanibal vs mulder/scully vs gianormica vs picachu vs ceaser
  16. Well after sifting through my vacuum a ugly ugly job ,,,, Mike Rowe moment I found it . And it was a blue piece. Crazy glued it on..... whew that poo is nasty. You think dust is clean. Anyway. Learned my lesson. Even if they say it isnt so it is so Glue will be my best friend for MG kits Just got my MG Justice and Sword impluse. I will finish by Wed. and Take pictures
  17. muhahahahahaha i LOVE MY DX vf 25s and they love me !
  18. someone mentions boobies and no pictures Dam you all to hell here some boobies
  19. If there is anything more annoying in this world than pieces falling off your MG gundams and lost forever than please tell me. The stupid little red piece on top of the chest of my rather expensive Exia Ignition Burst is now either in my vacuum or somewhere cause i cant remember when it did fall off. pisses me off to the point i want to smash it! or Someone. You pay so much money for these farting things and pieces fall off. I should have known better and Superglued the motherfarter! Now added to my list of growing defective MGs First My f91 Harrison. The rear bazooka clamp could never hold the bazooka. then as i tried fiddling with it i snapped off one of the clamps arms ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR fart! i had to dismantle it and glue the clamp shut and as much as i like this mech the thought always creeps up that the farting clamp is glued shut!!!! Next Unicorn. I love this mech so much. Too bad its design doesnt work well in a kit Having two modes means sometimes you want to convert it. BIG fartING mistake there. the whole farting thing snaps here and there parts come off, everything becomes a loosey goosey. I ended up throwing all the armor bits in the garbage. now im left with the skeleton. Which is cool. The bazooka never stayed in the backpack in fact the piece that went in the slot broke off. I tried to fashion a piece for it but the nub is too short to hold the weight of the bazooka (design flaw-should have been deeper and the nub wider to hold the weight) and it ended up at the feet of the kit all the time. The waist is a loose piece of plastic. It now sits in zillion pieces. Thinking how I can salvage 70 bucks of dissembled plastic. and now my seven sword exia. I love this mech too. Now its not complete and show accurate. Should i try to paint some red there or try to fashion a piece???????????Goddamit if VFTF1 tries to convince me that these things are better than transformers im going to throw my YF 19 at him Again transformers dont break Kits do and Yammies too fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck im so mad right now Why cant bandai expand their cash cow to SOC !!!!!!! damit Does bandai provide replacement parts for kits sigh im going to bed im too upset
  20. I knew it I suspected they were his designs. I love his creations!
  21. Clash of the Titans Movie Remake in 2010 A remake of the famous 1981 movie Clash of the Titans is under works. This Clash of the Titans movie remake is helmed by Director Louis Leterrier and is starring Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes. It will be released in March 2010. Here below a few pictures from the set of Clash of the Titans: (Click on a picture to enlarge it.) Plot: "Perseus (Sam Worthington) is the mortal son of Zeus (Liam Neeson), king of the gods. He must lead a band of warriors on a quest to prevent Hades (Ralph Fiennes), god of the underworld, from seizing power from Zeus." Movie Cast: - Sam Worthington as Perseus - Liam Neeson as Zeus - Ralph Fiennes as Hades - Gemma Arterton as Io - Mads Mikkelsen as Draco, leader of the Praetorian Guard - Jason Flemyng as Acrisius - Alexa Davalos as Andromeda - Danny Huston as Poseidon - Izabella Miko as Athena With such a cast and the latest technologies used in special effects, the movie Clash of the Titans promises to blow us all away!
  22. This looks amazing. As a Kid I loved Clash of the Titans Did I see Liam. Looks good. I hope we get to see the little mechanical owl One movie im anticipating. Trailer looks more interesting than ferngul i mean Avatar
  23. crap good one is that good ash or evil ash???
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