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Everything posted by nugundamII

  1. sh it im even more confused. But thanks I liked Season 1 and the last few episodes of BSG but all the stuff in the middle made me hit the bathroom every 10 min In the opening of the show you see caprica and it looks pretty futuristic. Also I accepted the Hard Tech look of the battlestars and Vipers. But I didnt accept the real world references to modern day earth. In Serenity There was a lot of tech. Yet on the outworlds because of the hard life tech was hard to get and controlled by the fed alliance. Votoms also incorporated hard tech but you could still tell it was a scifi show set far into the future. No im not expecting SW or Pre enterprise ST but they could have done a little more to incorporate a futuristic look for example Suits and ties all look like they were bought at gap and Hugo boss. I think dress would be very different and I would expect something fresh. The few space battles pew pew was cool. Too much drama at the end of S2 and all S3 and S4 until the drama started to make sense at the end. The whole pseudo-pyscho bable between the skin jobs WAS irritating. Lost is good drama, scifi is hard to pull off drama, it can but its difficult and BSG at most times pulled off the wrong drama. And I am one of the few that really liked enterprise. It was a great show. A great example of Hard tech approach that looked very real. Instead of beep bop beep boo blinking lights and magic consoles. I expected Holograms to be center stage in the command deck of the BSG battlestar not phones at least a conference center piece SOMETHING WIRELESS comeon PDA. Yeah Yeah Cylons could hack the computers but did all the programers all of a sudden die??? Thats it the cylons make a virus and game over dont use useful display consoles Holomonitors PDAs. Heck the space mariens from Aliens could have taken control of the battlestar. That was hard tech but dam it was pretty futuristic. Anywho I will give Caprica a chance but its looking pretty dim for me. Suits from harry rosan and telephone polls from bangladesh and over acting pre tween 90120 wannabes, next thing we will have a kid in the background watching spongebob square pants
  2. I m surprised. Coming from another popular toy forum to here where the collection pieces are WAY more expensive I was expecting more. I know i spent way to much. But my goal was to complete the Zoid collection and MG and PG collection as well as my SOC So next year I expect to spend about 1500 to 2000 which is a reasonable range
  3. um wow thats a lot of dolls. maybe a nightclub or two will do for you
  4. Thanks. I was just wondering since its a PG it cant hold its wings up too well. The metal wiring in each feather, the heavy wing on the PG adds so much weight when its posed with the wings up after the night they end up sagging down . Also I noticed the plastic is not as good as RX-78-2 or MK II. It seems it could have been so much more. The frame is awesome but the armor is pretty thin compared to the other PGs. Its almost as thin as the Chars Zaku I have been looking at the MG pics of the WZC and it looks pretty decent. At least it has a stand and can hold the wings up. It also seems it has the extra Wing/Feather bit on top the main wing. As for the Strike Rouge. If you dont have a strike get the rouge. It comes with extra special stickers but its identical to the Original. If you can get a cheap strke then you can get the jet pack separatly and ends up being cheaper then the rouge As for the new MG Victory My suspisions of it not being as flexible as previous MGs were right. I dont like it. And its SMALL. Really Small. The F91 MG is the smallest MG and its the same size. That means their would be more issues of breakage moving and shifting all the parts PASS
  5. I dont know what to say The teens seemed like they were over acting. Eric Stolz seemed fake Whats with all the earth tech. There are only so many Earth like planets or Super Earths but it doesnt mean they can sustain life. So you have the matrix mixing in with the terminator and then you have a sprinkle of macross????? Either im not liking it or not getting it. I guess that's why I liked the superior story telling in Serenity. I like how in Serenity the future was portrayed and it explained the old west look but added a good mix of new tech This show is like set 6 years from now A 90210 in the future. Blah Maybe it will pick up
  6. Nothing Absoultely NOTHING A big thanks to all the hullaballo and OVER stimulation of marketing around christmas I really dont care for it Dont care for family dinners anymore. Rushing dressing making sure you have something to bring blah blah nope no thanks Buying presents Nope no thanks GOt sick of Christmas decorations going up at Nov 1st This year they even were going up as Halloween shi t was still up I usually take my kids to TRU in the evenings over winter to get out a bit but not during Mid Nov to Boxing day cause everybody is so stressed and impolite Last year I was out on boxing day (of course nothing on sale..) this frantic bi tch knocked my 2 year old daughter over and kept on walking yelled at the bi tch....AND I was escorted out??? I dont want people to buy me shi t over christmas cause it means me buying sh it in return I hate gift cards it cheapens it and just makes corps richer I would rather be working even on christmas and New years no thanks to Corps pushing small greedy Mother ****** agencies and since im a contractor I dont get holiday pay. So fuc k em im not buying anything, I buy my kids lots of toys throughout the year and myself since my wifes birthday in dec that makes it easy too I dont wish for world peace cause it will never come.... as long as humans keep differentiating themselves by religion, border race, creed, cultural distinctions or status I dont care about the economy either. If the all the money in the world would suddenly disappear good. We in our backward minds will probably develop a new representation of the representation of the representation for something instead of sharing things so who cares Dont care about peoples well being either...except my 2 kids ... until people start seeing the value of paying more for homegrown and non commerical farming food fu k that too Well on the last note I guess since im a disappointed idealist i would actually care about people if they didnt act so dam stupid all the time. Anywho. Not that anyone is giving me money or present but I am buying the GFFMC MKII and 1/24 Patlabor Yammy for myself. BTW For those of you that celebrate Corpxmas enjoy your holidays anyways hope you get what you want
  7. Well since an 6 inch figure normally goes for about 10 bucks in walmart and TRU ie HeMan, GI JOE etc and the average Revy goes for 40-45 um yeah I would say its upper crust.
  8. The real problem with Katoki designs is they dont work I had the MG Unicorn and boyo that was the shi t BTW if anyone needs a frame for spare parts its yours you pay for shipping This looks like another figure that all it could is raise its arms do an a-stance and fall apart. Waiting to see the review I may be wrong. I hope. Not that i want this figure but it would mean a decent V2 Question. Took out my wing PG. Any issues with your PG WIng?
  9. me too but the market is crazy here immigrants keeping the prices soaring. I cant wait until we have an american style meltdown then i will get off my lawn chair with my beer and buy a house...
  10. well certainly not upper crust but sure why not I have added my transformers. I just mentioned upper crust. because I dont see members here as NERDs You want to see nerds walk down to the basement levels of a Financial institution i worked for on the door it says DESKSIDE SERVICES That is a sad example of nerds or little scrawny MBA grads working in cubicles smaller than my aquarium with pocket protectors dreaming of the day they will sit on the top floor and scheming how they will ruin the economy No post what every you spent on collections. My number is high only because I deviated from Transformers , thanks to MW for that....last year I would have never purchased Gundams, But I tried one and another and I was hooked. Something about building them and enjoying the friuts of your labour. Also MB and all shows after BW have kinda of killed it for me with Transformers. After this year getting a PG MKII from a board Member I didnt realize how nice they were. Also my First SOCs from last year got me hooked on that line. I estimate that next year I will be hovering around the 2k mark which is ok since I am really out of the Transformers market. I have caught up to the MGs I most wanted. Gotten every PG and pretty much coast with SOC, MG Gundams and Macross
  11. Now why would you say that Im certainly no nerd. How different is it from top piss poor executives bragging what stale old 2 dimensional art they have and what new yacht they bought We are here talking about not the average end toy collectibles but rather upper crust stuff. So spill it and instead of knocking my thread besides i measure around 7.6 " so i dont need to compensate
  12. I dont see any pictures up So im including this link for upcoming revys for quick reference http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2009/11/rev...thers-from.html
  13. THe all blue man ALLL BLUE!!!!!!!
  14. Really ... wow Well I travel at the expense of my company haha and I dont go to movie theaters I bit torrent I think Movie People should suffer like the average american joe has for the past year and a half. I dont go to concerts they bore me ... Dont go to sporting events either they bore me too Id rather play the game instead of watch it CDs are a thing of the past as I Buy what I want song by song on ITUNES and like in Zeitgeist If you love what you do you want to share it with everyone ie Trance around the world Above and Beyond is free. For all my radio I podcast CBCs Paul Kennedy Ideas, as it happens and the Current. On books Yes I have spent about 200 on or more because I like reading WAY too much non fiction But no toys really.....good for you
  15. Just followed some Links.. What a rich story....The mechs are just awesome GOD if you do exist and dont mind listening to my self serving prayers. Please take care of my kids health and success and FORCE someone or company to make some Pre-colored injection molded 5* Stories Kits PS the gold one please! Thanks Take care no floods eh!
  16. With Hasbro/Taktomys Transformers/Votoms GFFMC Revoltech MG and PGs Yammato's Macross/Votoms -Ingram if you count the pre-order for the Blue one Bandai's SOCs. SPecs, DX including Macross Tomys Zoids and Kotobukiyas Zoids/Armored Core Im at roughly about 6k CDN What are you guys at.....
  17. You mean it hasnt even been shipped yet. Oh you poor poor man Got mine today. Need to hide it in the garage until the wifey goes to sleep and open it in the bat cave teehee
  18. And if you looked at his house and car the guy is LOADED He even has a dedicated Buildroom with a digital SLK Bluetooth camera studio I dont think the guy even works.....I need to win the lotto asap Edit: Holly Jet batman That back jet up his ass thing looks terrible Im not going to attach mine. Thats just wrong.....man!
  19. If your getting the wolf get the Blue Command Wolf. It has the nicest Weapons and and comes with the original Weapons The Red and Black Saber with Gatling Beam Gun is the one to get Stay away from the maggots no different then the tomy ones Get the Genosaur over the Geno Breaker. The Tomy Version of Geno Breaker is just as nice. And If I were you get this one too Kotobukiya RZ 028 Blade Liger AB Leon 1/72 Zoids K10167 Awesome kit Me I have been waiting for the Gun Sniper Naomi Colors with Weasel Unit. tra wepons I too want the Iron Kong. But Wait until they release the MKII. The original tomy one goes for 250US. So for about 100 bucks the Kotobukiya will be nicer at a decent price Oh and the red horn will be sweet too Some Revoltech Zoids
  20. Apparently its getting some warm reviews in England ?????? It may have been edited and impressed people with the changes or PAYOFFs which is what im leaning towards. People around me loved T2. I thought it was the dumbest action movie ever and the critics agreed Here it seems they like it. Who knows maybe wearing those bi-colored glasses gave them some funk
  21. I love the PG Zeta. Mine seems stable. BUT...... the MG V2 has incorporated some of the PG Design tech into the v2 and then some. Its no slush like V1 was. Hated that thing. And it cant stand either. So im a little surprised to hear the PG not being able to stand and the MG v2 can??? Cause its the opposite case with me. As for g -system you mean this Zeta Well if your good at painting and finishing Yeah its a good thing but if your not....THere is no way someone with a brain would get something like this and then admire the hacked job and be happy with the money they spent on a half ass mech. Also, as nice as these kits are, they suffer some form of fungal infection. Parts just seem WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY out of proportion. GROSSLY Apparently they are releasing a pre-colored kit. Ill see the reviews buts if its good ill bite. http://www.g-system-shop.com/product_info....products_id=124
  22. FUUUUUUUCK great I just bought the Double 00 PG and GP01 PG getting the GFFMC MKII and Yammy Ingram and not this poo fart I really want that ELITSEEKER
  23. PS they look like poo pale and pasty, Sanding, drilling , yeah bascially if your like most of us stick to PG and Bandai/Kotobukiya Just google G-System and you will see some. But the effort and work and money spend on the kit is not worth it
  24. yup looks better
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