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Everything posted by nugundamII

  1. To me the "initial Run" means the ones that were just sold. You have to wait a couple of months for the NON "initial Prod. " run Did you get a stand?
  2. ah guys are you sure the kit comes with the 2 way stand?? Mine doesnt have it ????
  3. Review coming shortly so far 3.5 out of 5 rating
  4. MG Sinanju Ver. Ka Titanium Finish Ver Been waiting for this one Foward Clavicle Area/Shoulder Tilt Clavicle Area/Shoulder Tilt Down Cockpit I thougt I took the picture with the Side movement I will have that shortly As you can see its pretty limited The way the cockpit is made feels cheap to me at least
  5. Well so far this is what i built tonight I like the Legs. Feel solid. But the Body is absolute sh it. Not even close to what a PG should be. In fact its just a larger version of the MG Exia. Not solid at all and Im thinking you really need to make sure when you are posing it that your are very very gentle and slow with your movements as the shoulder assembly is a fragile mess held together by PVC and thin plastic rods and Swivels. Because of this the movement is very poor. Im kind of disappointed. I hope when I get a chance to get the Red Frame Im not as disappointed
  6. Dude YOu dont know how true that statement is. I have been dreaming of a US take over for a long time. One day I have my american flag ready!!
  7. 2009 Saw it and Loved it Star Trek District 9 The Hurt Locker Watchman Coraline Ice Age 3 UP Saw it so so Law Abiding Citizen Terminator Monster vs Aliens Taken Just a complete waste of time "should have known better" Inglorious Basterds Wolverine Transformers 2
  8. Wow It doesnt look bad at all. Maybe the lighting in the earlier photos made it stand out. I may have to order it. I would still prefer the Darker color they had but it really doesnt have those glaring colors it had before
  9. ok for 3 thats 39 2 of which have very low ground clearance so whats the point 39 +probably 20 bucks cause the shipping method only shows me to the US and I cant even get it to calculate to Canada so 59 now the conversion 63 Bucks Um no thanks so I get 3 bandai stand with adjustable height and angle for 26 CAN yeah I think their OVERPRICED Lets break it down further if I want 3 6" (equivalent height with Adjustment to Bandai) that's 44.97 plus 20 for shipping for a chart busting 64.97 with the conversion 69.37 CAN I much rather get a MG Gundam or put it towards a valk
  10. So do you think cameron is patting himself on the back for the greatest movie ever made Kinda of reminds me of the movie THE MASK with the oscar scene http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zHID-Pa20E
  11. Awesome I too use the Bandai Stands. Although you cant do quite so many poses as you can with the flexistands, I just can bring my self to spend 20+ bucks for one plexi stand!
  12. I think they should have used Adamantium
  13. Just a suggestion....Panel lining looks great with Pencil or Marker. The point is to get it as thin as possible. Normally how I thin the lines out, is I put some Jergins hand cream on my hands, draw out the lines and use my thumb to clean the surface but the groove retains the line. For the hard to reach places, you use q tips and for the dirty effect you gum up the marker in the area and use the q-tip to give it that effect. There are probably better ways. I know super modelers will use a brush with paint and just touch the grove and let the paint travel. I still havent figure out how to make sure the stickers dont peel off. Do I buy the spray can of MR.Paint Clear coat and just spray the whole model???? Not the Best. But I tried and as a Beginner Painter. I still cant get over how big the box is. The box is really nice. I am rethinking of throwing it away
  14. This and some furry Pussies on screen would be the BOMB :lol:
  15. MY GOD MAN Get your self a MARKER!!!! haha looking good ! PS: How do you feel about the Hip Holders for the swords....If they made them firmer or better designed this kit would rate A+++
  16. Ok I see what you mean (nice detailing on the Strike) but i think the designers were limited to what they could do because the mech was outside of the normal piston mech. I am sure they would have run into the SUPER posable design ethic if they did a Turn A PG since that design is based on a Hollow Frame concept. I thought you were talking about details on the actual frame. I havent started mine yet. But Given the features with the wing binders and all the different designs in terms of technology. IE Strike is piston and gear based where as the 00 is Gear and data Cable Driven. Yes the strike does have more articulation but the 00 isnt too bad. BTW how does that strike leg pose you have there compare to the red frame??? I dont have that one yet. I need to take the armor of my strike and play with more too appreciate the design.
  17. then enlighten me oh wise seer of all and none
  18. New Jan MG Also in response to Eugimon's comments some pictures for frame of reference. I dont know what all the thing is about detail This thing is massively detailed ...
  19. Man im all Gundam'd out! After putting up some spare shelf's in the guest room and removing most of the gundams from the Detolfs. Im tired Started and almost finished panel lining the PG Wing. Looks much better but takes a long time to really thin the lines out. A lot of q-tips. I can honestly say that I prefer the RX-78-2 more. The wing is nice but the wings are so heavy it cant hold many poses. I would have preferred some stickers and a stand. Looking at the MG version i ordered it from Ebay along with the new MG Qubeley Mk-II(Elpeo Ple's) havent started on PG 00
  20. This movie I got to see I love the way Pegasus looks all badass! Back in Black! Biotch One thing. Not really fond of Blockhead S. W. taking the lead. Should be Braveheart Mel or Hugo M.
  21. THis and graham how come your shi t doesnt come off as poo
  22. WHAT?? No i didnt like 5th Element. Disappointed in it. It was pretty funny Did you not read what I wrote. One of my favorite SCIFI shows was Serenity From what did you glean that I like my Future sanitized. Did you not read how I enjoy hard Tech. Did you not see how I refered to the grungy Tech in Aliens. ?????????? But the small points lead to greater criticisms and cloths could have been in more in tune with the times as with other things What it comes down to was budget. Im detailed oriented yes I cant even harness enough energy to think about that each show i watched because i was watching the interaction between characters the dialogue. It would have been nice to have a little better set design. After all its a visiual story. If i was interested in dialogue alone i would listen to the radio or read a book
  23. I would love another POTC movie But comeon 55 million. Tells you how much the producers are making really Recession MY ASS seriously folks. Time to protest sh it like this. I never did mind the guy next to me having 20 or 150 more apples than me but when you have a billion apples, theft start justifying itself
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