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Everything posted by nugundamII

  1. Are they coming or what. I thought they said they would release them this year????
  2. I agree with some here that you need to make your displays tactful. I never display outside my Glass Ikea cabinets and its in the basement games room where the bar, dart board and pool table are next to the arcade room. You have to understand womens perspectives. When your doing the mumbo jumbo she isnt seeing a boy on top of her she sees a man so act like one! Nothing wrong with collecting toys, women collect stupid things too, but keep tasteful
  3. Any news on the fast packs???????
  4. cause Prime and Starscream were so good you can only expect Takara goodness in threes. Just look at the pictures you know they spent time on those
  5. well NOT in Canada In Canada for some stupid reason the toys are charged an import tax unlike the US so of course its more expensive. the 220 for Dancouga is reasonable and for Gunbuster its so hard to find that I was out of luck with my regular supplier so I went to the guy who like to gouge me
  6. FER 250 CDN DOllARS ITS CRAP!!!!!! FER 100 DOLLERS its AWESOME FER 120 DOLLERS MEGATRON MP 05 Rocks FER 130 DOLLERS MP 03 StarScream ROCKS FER 220 DOLLARS SOC GX 13 DANCOUGA ROCKS!!!!! FER 280 DOLLARS SOC GX 34 Gunbusters ROCKS!!!!!!! butt Fer cryin out loud fer 250 Dollars the YF 19 SUCKS !!!! Looky at the Toyanmi Voltron fer 200 IT ROCKS!!! YAMMY SUCKS PIE!
  7. happened to me too there is no fix for this its called Crapmato Try Crazy Gluing the latch that holds the backpack and back piece that way it wont pop out
  8. nugundamII


    75% transformers 15% Bandai SOC 6% Toynami 2% Revoltech 1% Microman .5% plastic baggies .5% Yamato
  9. I Concur As for Yamato Yuck I heard enough Make mine Toynami!!!
  10. nugundamII

    Please Read

    Im not blaming Graham just that he sounds way to one sided when he talks about Yamato's faults. And the fact that we are not supposed to have their products in the US just because of some legal issues or whatnot doesnt excuse the fact they still pocket the money from our purchases! Pissed off Hell Yeah I have already listed the crappy Yammies I have -VF-1j Stealth 1/48 -Garland -Koeing Monster -1/48 VF-0S all have the same problems and I think its because they took out the diecast otherwise they would think of other creative ways to hold the robot mode together due to the weight! For Christs sake if you cant make a good plastic toy what can you make!~
  11. nugundamII

    Please Read

    I dont care what they use cause yamato should replace all our defective products I just checked my VF-0S and yes it has hairline stress marks 1. I loosened the screws 2. Crazy Glued along the cracks to reinforce the plastic and ever so gentle with it THis is not a model! I should not have to handle this thing this way, which is why I paid 200 bucks for it.... oh and add insult to injury yamato will only make replacement parts available to Japanese customers how IRONIC!! since i purchased the dam thing in Canada!!!!!! You what...customers decide with their feet....So long Yamato you had my last dollar!!!!!! As for Graham. I dont why you defend Yamatos shabby quality, maybe your an employee or a retailer thats gets marketing discount credits cause yeah I did take pictures in case you didnt believe me and I will post them as soon as I can!!!! yours truely Pissed OFF! PS Stick to Toynami and Takara products and SOC by bandai THE MP StarScream is far better than these valks or at least better than the old 1/72 scale
  12. thanks I will try that. Hopefully it works. But this is still very disappointing that they wouldn't catch this in quality control since its one of the important parts that holds the booster pack. They could have used plastic posts rather than the metal ones, to attach the booster to the wing pack, it would have taken a lot of the weight out!
  13. yes
  14. I am loosing confidence in Yamato Products!!! I just purchased the VF-1J Stealth with Strike Booster pack and the flimsiness of the plastic is disappointing. For a $200 plus CDN dollar toy I cant help the feeling I have that I got reamed again! The small hinge that is supposed to hold the folded wing pack to allow you to add the booster does not have enough strength to hold the booster upright and within seconds launches off like a takara missile! I have purchased many Yamato products over the years and have steadily been getting more disappointed. Which is why I did not buy the first production run of the YF 19. I still believe that the first (2nd Production run) Di- Cast set of their Macross Plus toys were their best. When I bought the Koeing Monster for $250 CDN the bottom Cockpit of the ship mode does not stay flush under the chin of the gerwalk mode and just hangs there. The whole thing is a lumpy mess of plastic! I cant believe people would poo on Toyanamis valks and little on Yamatos. Toyanamis 1/100 scale valks are much more studier and we still have to wait how they incorporate the booster packs, but I bet that I wont have to crazy glue pieces to hold them in place! As a collector of transforming mecha/robots especially transformers, quality wise I would rate these companies as follows Takara ie MP,THS line, Binaltech, Micromen, Robot Masters, BW (all lines), MP Liokaiser, main line transformers Bandai SOC line, ( I have the Aquarion, Dancouga and Unit 1 Evangelion and all are spitting images of Quality and engineering design.) Hasbro ie Main line transformers, BW, Titaniums, Movie toys, etc Toynami ie Robotech valks, MP Voltron, 1/100 Macross veritechs Yamato - what I own... VF-0 1/60, (2nd production run)all 3 Macross 1/72 die-cast valks, transforming Escaflowne, 1/60 Garland, Koeing Monster, Die-cast 1/72 VF-1 Hikaru, Vf-1J Super Strike Stealth 1/48 Here is a list of the Yamato stuff I am disappointed with: -Escaflowne -Koeing Monster -Vf-1J Super Strike Stealth 1/48 -1/60 Garland thats $800 plus of dispointment there and I think Im done with yamato. AND IM SICK of people saying that Yamato is small company so their prices reflect that fact BULL! There not that small....they sell many different product lines and do quite well with them in Japan.! Hey Yamato.... want my money... how about concentrating on smaller scale products, put back the die-cast! and can it with the huge boxes! (they might save more there alone in production costs and at least get nicer boxes like the Toynami ones) ok im done with my rant -
  15. I sent Toynami an email regarding the fast packs over 3 weeks ago and got no response. I purchased my 1/100 based on the pics showing the upcoming fast packs. If they pull the same thing with these as they did with the beta, I am never buying anything from toynami again.
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