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Everything posted by nugundamII

  1. nugundamII


    Ya baby score one for the Nu Just purchased a brand spanking new Q-Rau original. Mint in de box with the figure. Naaaaaaaa Yamato Keep your pilotless Reissues and I got it for 70 US now just need to create some space in the cabinets
  2. nugundamII


    Is this just a reissue or V.2.0. If it is the former what are the difference between this release the original.
  3. nugundamII


    Just to jump in. My wife is Chinese, I'm Caucasian We've been married for 12 years and together for 18 years. While it's true that many Chinese women are very money-minded, not all are. Awesome I agree I was lucky enough to find one that doesn't put money first and also puts me ahead of her family (at least until our son was born and now he comes first) . Yup Lucky While my wife does have a very quick temper, I'm lucky enough that she doesn't mind my collecting. As long as I put X amount of money in the bank every month to save, the rest is mine to do as I like with. My wife doesnt mind either. Just wants mo money. She says to save for us. But I always find out it somehow goes to her brother. Which technically could be her husband ?????? I don't know maybe there not brothers who knows...... I dont want to drag this on My response was to how awesome a guys wife was in support of his hobby while most only tolerate it whether toys or modding your car. I went a little into too much detail as I know I should have not and while most are very quick to judge me a racist you really need to understand what racism is. Until we decide to get rid of silly notions of nation states and money market systems and culture and religion we will all be rasciets in one form another. As my favorable character from the show HOUSE says, EVERYBODY LIES I would love to debate more on this but in respect to the forum leads lets stop here and forget about and back to the Q-Rau So if anyone can answer my question. Does Overdrive replenish his stock often? I only purchased the Destroid Defender from him because you guys said he was legit. All I need to know if he gets more stock in because I want to buy the Q-rau from him too thanks
  4. nugundamII


    brother how much possible homework can one person do????? How would I have ever known she married her brother to get him in the country. These things are normal for them. They are always doing a risk calculation and you always have to be on guard. Unless you walk into every relationship like a detective you would never know A few years ago there was a case here in north america where a chinese girl met a middle eastern man and moved in together. She seemed all nice but never told him she was married. Then one day the husband comes to stay with them in their apartment but tells her boyfriend its her brother and he is staying for a short while. Soon the stay becomes a little long lived and the boyfriend starts snooping through the mans paperwork and finds out its her husband. She begs her boyfriend not to go (keep in mind he has a very good job in the IT field making good money) and tells him that she was planning on getting divorced and he will leave. But this doenst change and when he gets his papers she tells the boyfriend she will stay with the husband. Poor guy leaves her for a couple months and gets another place and then she comes back to him saying she left the guy and the whole thing starts over again until he snaps and kills them both.......huh! True Story Truth is I have been all over China. I have met so many chinese. I cant say this for all of them but I can generalize from my own experience. I have lost any respect I had for them. Every chinese person I met if I told you how they made their money or some of the dubious things they do. I dont know how many times I have heard them insult white people. As an eastern european I find this insulting. Often remarks revolve around white people are so dumb they just spend money. Hmm yeah well honey! if us dumb people didnt buy into all those ads and buy junk we dont need you would be still eating bark in warm water and not studying in a well known north american school. Funny now that this market is self adjusting itself that chinas growth is expected to slow. I guess all those dumb white folk are not so dumb after all. And if you think Im being racist my wifedoenst trust black people even tho my best friend is a black person and he is around all the time! Asians like in the Philippines are considered inferior just because of their darker skin. Anyway I will stop here I just wanted to respond to your remark that this was my fault. Yeah I can accept that to an extent but its difficult when the person you meet hides every known truth or intention. Nuff said Sorry Graham Didnt mean to hijack the thread So When are these Q-Raus on Sale. I purchased my first item from overdrive because you folks said he's good. But his Q-raus are sold out. Does he restock often?? Thanks
  5. nugundamII


    Good for you. When I was dating a Japanese girl she was also more open about things. My Chinese wife on the other hand all she thinks and talks is about Money, Money, Money. I have a daughter and a Son on the way but our relationship is poo. She Never listens to me, has this obsession over her 36 loser brother who she just cant stop doing things for. So I say Fcuk it and I give money for the family the rest I blow on my collection and myself. I call it shut up wife tax. ie. Her brother sucked money out of me for english school. Didnt even bother attending one class. Her brother lived with us for 2 years when we had a small apartment. I only agreed for a couple of months seeing it was bachelor and my daughter was on the way. We moved into a 1500 sq home because the family was growing and it seemed the leach sorry I meant brother in law was staying with us and said he would help with expense....yeah right. I evetually kicked him out cause I caught him smoking in the house and found out that he spent money that was for expense on earings yup thats right a 36 year old decided to get earings. She whines about not having a house but fcuk that. When she goes out at 3 months pregnant, not feeling well just so she can help her illiterate brother get an Iphone because I had one. What an idiot I got an IPHONE for work and IBM reimburses me for all the work related calls so he spends 250 bucks then my wife calls me when im off on a business trip to ask me to give her brother 200 bucks because his muffler fell off. Hmm my response was...does he still have the reciept for his iphone. Anyway. The way I look at it in a couple of more years I will get my self a small condo for MEEE. And NEVER NEVER EVER date another Chinese women again. Time after time I have found out that chinese women only care about MONEY which is fine but not when they want it in there possession and unless your a chinese guy they will always treat you as number 10 in the family even if you had kids with them. Too bad I would stick to croatian girls but they also seem judge you by the size of the wallet. Dont these girls ever think they get old?! OK so I get a pretty wife and you want money for your beauty. If I play by those rules then I have every right to dump her saggy ass and getter a newer Model So when I become single again it will be my kids, me, my friends, my collection and a few strays I will let into my life for very short periods of time. whew ok i butchered that monkey. Anyway back to topic. Love q-rau for all the bad reviews Im still getting one because I need more bad guy mecha to shore up against all the valks.
  6. Anyone know or heard rumors of Bandi making the super strike armor parts?
  7. http://cgi.ebay.ca/Revoltech-Tengen-Toppa-...%3A1|240%3A1318 wow thats cheap...... NOT
  8. One more thing. GRAHAM-if your reading this. Did you ever ask the Yamiboys if they are EVA going to make the commander battlepod. I really loved that Mech. It was such a badass looking mech that I often remember it on the cover or Battletech strategy books
  9. I hope so too. I will pass on the Phalanx. Just isnt much there to justify 150 dollars. Maybe if the came out with the Phalanx upper torso that you can switch out on the defender or the Tomahawk. Besides the Spartan has completely different legs and upper torso Design. If it had the middle cannons come out from the chest, the missile bays and the club that would definitely be worth the purchase Anyone have some good pictures of the spartan or the Phalanx? Just for reference.
  10. Some More pics A new mode I call it GerBat mode You see this thing coming and you better run YES SIR! and find Waldo ( PS: Still a mess. Still organizing and putting away lots of stuff to make the display cabinets more sparse and make the Den look nice
  11. 223 CDN to be exact Nothing compared to the 250 -300 Cdn some Hobby shops want for it here
  12. Just got My ALTO DX YEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Got a little freaked out by how small the package was!!! Thought the seller sent me the model kit but when I opened I was pleasantly surprissed that it was the DX I guess I was used to the friggen HUGE boxes from Yamato and was grateful that the box is small for storage purposes. The plane feels smaller to me than an actual 1/60 More like a 1/72?? Love how sturdy it feels Took some pictures of 1/72 YF-19 ISAMU pilot to compare to Bandai. Really I now feel the same as some other members here that Bandai could have applied better paint apps to the pilot. Also lacking more accessories in DX collections I feel a little cheated by Bandai ( I guess a little spoiled by SOC and Aquarion DX) THIS IS NOT WORTH THE $200 Plus PRICE TAG! I will get the VF-25G and the super Strike Pack for the Alto if they come out with it. The regular Super packs are a little pricey right now and I wont bother. Again I think Bandai is asking a little Much. The SOC Eva Spec stuff is almost the same size and come loaded with a myriad of accessories and yes it doesn't transform but you can remove the armor and that takes some intelligence to make. So Far my overall rating is 3/5 if only for the price Still would prefer the Ozuma paint app but that neck and bendy multi-directional cannons are NOT worth the money. n BTW Gloss looks great. A nice coating of nail polish to protect the tampo prints!
  13. YOu should go with MG or PG gundams They are very detailed. More like toys and they are not that difficult to build. It usually takes me 48 hrs to build a PG and about 6 hours to build a MG. YOu need to pace yourself and have a routine.
  14. I posted some of the Gundams I got in 08 I need to post more. Right now I am doing inventory of my Collection and boxing up quite a few of them. I have four large display cases and I wanted to thin them out a bit. Once i am done I will post pics. Right now my gundam Collection included PGs Seed with the jet and wings Wing Gundam Zeta Gundam Zeta not transforming one I think its called rx 178 Zaku II red version MGs Unicorn Gundam turn V The Gundam from Astray with THe wings and two huge cannons with the shield with the gattling gun cant remember the name just think its a wicked looking gundam and F91 I do plan of getting the nemesis of Unicorn gundam and the shiny nemesis of Hi Nugundam Zakus one forgot its name also Hi Nugundam I really like the Gundam 00 virtue and Exia new version of them but since I only would get the MG or PG gundams I guess I will never own those. I just find anything less then a PG and MG is not worth the money! You guys should look into the Kotobukiya armored core kits I have two and they take longer to build than a 1/60 PG but man the gloss shine to them (you dont need to paint them) and detail is fabulous in a 1/44 scale. Too bad Bandai cant do that with their 1/44. Also I have three MP Zoid kits from Kotobukiya and they are very nice as well as mecha.
  15. are you thinking nail polish I add that to my zoids decals and they look nice and tampoed or sometimes I add the clear nail polish to my Transformer toys with the metallic paint apps to protect it from chipping which has worked for many many years
  16. I would like it to be in the same size category as my SOC Gunbuster, Aquarion, and Dancougar Figures. Any bigger and it would be in "my wife will kill me" range. I think Bandai will choose the SOC method to their madness on this figure. They will make it durable and accurate with fine detail. Why? Because there isnt much engineering involved in its transformation and therefore more room for detail. Thats my take PS HEY G-Man can I ask you to give me an avatar if I provided on to you?? thanks!http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28006&view=old
  17. Just a quick question After so many QC issues. Do you think Japanese customers are complaining to Yamato? By now they should not have any QC issues after release after release they keep having issues and it seems Japanese customers are either happy with their products or they are too afraid to say anything. Don t they care? Some Excuses maybe? They can only get one chinese factory to make them where the workers are blind deaf and dumb The engineers think they are smarter than everyone else and are stupid! (The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results) They cant afford different kinds of plastics to ensure things dont crack or break???? They think that looks are higher in priority vs durability. and Lastly Are we the ones that are stupid that keep buying albeit a very nice mecha but expensive for what you get considering we are afraid to transform them, we have to spend time fixing them and treat them as a Bandai 1/144 Zeta Gundam??? PS Im not raising the Bandai vs Yamato I just want to understand what is motivating a company not to improve its product over several years.
  18. I know couldn't resist tho To this day I still cant get the fast pack on my 1/60 YF-25 to stay flush and ON the plane when its in jet mode. Like I said ever so gentle for fear it will go BOOM!!!!! SO I put it on its display stand and put a strip of masking tape along the seam so it stays and doesnt fall of the jet TeeHee Yamato Anyway CMs is Far More worse and I m just upset yamato cant get the QC in control because they do make some great valks. Maybe they should give up on making these things in China???? Maybe America. Give those folks some work to do.....
  19. ahhh did you ever have to make up your mind detailage vs breakage at least you fixed it! I fortunately have no breaks cause I only change them once and never again and ever so gentle
  20. Well Dammit I broke Down and purchased an Alto on Ebay for 223 CDN I really like the Ozuma a lot more but the dam Neck Thing really bothers me and that fact they didnt use the clear visor or clear plastic visor for the optical units and thats its painted on Oh Well Now I will hold on super pack units the G to see if they have an Ozuma Super Strike Valk then it would be worth the money
  21. hmm cant seem to post pics here??
  22. thought I start a thread for people to post what they purchased in the year 2008 Here are a few of mine to begin with
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