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Everything posted by nugundamII

  1. Good thinking Although I thought you would go with an eva 01 hes got 2 virgins and older bunny!
  2. Well since we are going that route Super Robot I know I should pick Ideon cause it destroy a universe but I really like how GaofighGar looks Macross VF-2SS Valkyrie II SAP real robot : Escaflowne Gundam you already know
  3. for reference http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macrossga/neoglaug.htm
  4. For space battles it would be the Hi Nu Gundam Powerful gundam with hyper bazooka, a beam rifle and 6 attack veniers that can act as a shield generator and mega plasma cannons For ground assault It would be the Blade Liger Leon Ver. Shields. two hyper blades double sets of boosters, belly plasma lauchers, 2 particle cannons a set of laser cannons claws teeth what else could you add for destructive power!!!! Teehee
  5. Just got the SOC Spec Falguen Review coming rating 3.5/5
  6. Wow I really like this PG. Will Buy too bad I really would like to have a PG Hi Nugundam as its my Favorite and I also wanted to see the virtue and Unicorn in PG :( :( But ill settle with this
  7. I found a good website for reviews Here is braves overpriced combat Caliber and SOC Spec Falguen http://robogeki.sakura.ne.jp/1980/brave21_1.html http://robogeki.sakura.ne.jp/1980/brave21_2.html Falguen-I might add this is a beautiful Mech cant wait for mine to come http://hima-toy.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/200...c_falguen-.html
  8. Just bought the SOC Spec Falguen I post pics when it comes in
  9. Yes because If I won the lotto tomorrow I would fly to England Walk into the TVR dealership and BUY THIS!!!!! And becuase the front hood has those vents the Hyundai Genesis Coupe also has these for a lot less the price. One would be my winter car the other would be the summer show off look at me car!!. I support any company that tries to innovate. Yes Toyota is the example of that but Hyundai has made great strides the other car I would buy is the Qrmac for the daughter just for the fact its made from recycled materials.
  10. But if Toyota is your main squeezy might I suggest THIS!!!!! (800 hp. Why not just add the wings already[Although at 400hp less I still prefer my Hyundai Genesis Coupe with the carbon fiber hood and roof and oh yesssss someday I will own it by hook or by crook!] )
  11. Well since the environment is not an issue with you and price has no bearing and you need to show off your ego May I suggest this! You can also put a picture of yourself on one side and ranka on the other kissing alto with makeup
  12. automatic can save gas try driving a new 09 elantra. Holy shi7 for a car that runs on gas it sure can run a long time and the quality is top notch compared to a Toyota. You can more creature features like heated seats rather than with a toyota where you have to spend on every little thing even power windows. I drive a 04 Elantra GT manual . Although I modded the engine and installed new headers and tail system I still manage to save a bit of gas but not like my 09. I suggest that you at least give Hyundai a look while at the same time considering a toyota. If you go the toyota route. The camry is the way to go for the money while the corrola and ecko are really not worth the price tag.
  13. coupled by the fact that walking around in canada at the end of october shirtless in a cape would cause hypothermia would at least guarantee a cold
  14. Thats a beautiful toyota
  15. Well that does it. Im canceling my order with over drive for the beagle version and going with the toynami. Love the presentation.
  16. that looks retarded. So smaller mechs with more speed and maneuverability can still shoot this thing down. Its still a ship. Just turn it 90 degrees!!! and voila its a ship with a head. So all of a sudden im supposed to imagine this thing can move ultra quick jeez this show is getting dumber and dumber.
  17. now those are gundams! Where did those come from
  18. Am I the only one here that thinks these gundam designs look totally retarded. Ah they seem like someone farted something in the shape of a robot and gave it a name HMM I will Call it GUNDAM
  19. I want to thank the various members for suggesting Overdrive. I made my first purchase from him when I bought the Yamato Defender. Very Fast Shipping. Prices are a little better than BBTS.
  20. depends what penny that currency is If your talking almost 300 cdn then I say no not worth every penny You have to help the guy be objective here and not subjective. Afterall you can eat plastic or make it run your car
  21. as a Canuck. I say wait The americans will be worse off shortly and you will see a fire sale of collections going up shortly on ebay. Trust me When I wanted the 1/48 stealth I waited almost 2 years for it and got it next to nothing brand new same goes for all my PG gundams. Who would have thunk that I would get the PG Wing for 130 CDN shipped. I remember them selling for 399 at pacific mall in toronto trust me be patient good things to those who wait
  22. nugundamII


    I would actually like to see that!
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