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Everything posted by nugundamII

  1. Ill say it again How do I get into the weapons business. Triples and doubles of everything!!!! COME ON!!!
  2. hahahahahahahara harhar hahahaa ah gotta love yamamie sorry I feel your pain
  3. How do I get into the weapons sale business sh it triples and doubles of everything !!!! COME ON!!!
  4. My wave version ingram is Awesome no problems! Ill wait for Waves Broken rather then getting a crappy QC product from CM
  5. nonetheless the early years when marc, tex and lee pencilled wolverine and Xmen were to me the best story telling ever and pretty much defined the character. And I dont think X factor will save the franchise. Maybe a logan movie should have been done with him in madripoor with the grey hulk would have been better the latest marvel movies are proving sucky!! Iron Man I liked Hulk was so so I like the early version better. Punisher really sucked the pink pecker! The Tom Jayne was much better! the best followed by Lungren. I think if they stayed true to one character only and didnt introduce all these other characters for eye candy. I bet thats what transformer is going for too. We need better story and less glamor. The cgi is getting tiring as they try to compesate it with bad story telling . Watch how each blade movie got grittier and better! Take out the studios and get more better stories. Funny how no mention of wolvies best friend PUCK!!! or he was involved with SHEILD for a lONG time another thing that bugged me was how he lost his memory because of a bullet. It was because of manipulation by the government. Boy that really sucked donkey balls!!! IN the first xmen movie even Xavier said said it was mind manipulation. fartin Inconsistencies annoy me I would really like to see a Cable movie or Wildcats! Well the only other I have hope for is STAR TREK but judging but the shake em and puke em monster movie he did i wont place much money on it along with blow em up REEEAAAL GOOOOD insectiformer movie ..... Bye Bye Summer block buster movies hello Books!
  6. As I said Im a big fan. Sabertooth and Wolverine are mortal enemies. PERIOD. They fought with each other sporadically but nothing what the movie protrayed. And Brothers??? Im not talking about origins story line which tried to explain away the bone claws after magneto ripped out the metal! Now things may have been out of whack since Marc Silverstri, Texara have pencilled Wolverine but I went as far as 120 or 159 until it got Stupid and havent touched a comic book since the last of transformers by dreamwave. Silverfox had no powers. She did survive the attack and ended joining hydra until she is finally laid to rest and wolvie and nick bury her! Deadpool was more annoying in the comic and had enough character to have his own movie They never fully explored his powers but explained it away as his body is constantly healing almost cancerous. Striker had physic abilities had a mask and carried really big guns much like cable. There was a short period where him Wolvie and Saber worked together in a earlier war and only for a short time. Wolvie nemesis wasnt saber. It was in fact Cyber. Who by the way was the only other person with adamantium grafted to their body ie skin. He was the only person that broke wolvies bone claws in the marvel universe Xmen would have you believe lady deathstrike had the metal but NO Deathstrike is a former love ie Mariko of Wolvie while in japan and loses a wooden sword match to her yakuza father which then banished him from japan The adamantium doesnt make wolverines healing factor stronger it actually makes him weaker. Not until Mags pulls out the adamantium and almost kills wolive do we realize that he healing factor goes into overdrive and makes him more feral and we find out that his mutant factor is to continue mutating him. ie healing at the very instant something hurts his body! Nowhere close to what this movie is trying to tell me about wolvie. Im talking about the emma frost I knew and not later versions they butcher. Ema wasnt a pivotal character in marvel. Characters randomly thrown here and there will not make a good movie. The only character that stayed true to marvel universe was Gambit. Very good work there. Everything else was shiat. Hows that for info !!!!!
  7. the movie SUCKS DONKEY BALLS! shitty way of introducing and butchering the characters. I grew up a big wolverine fan. I have all the comics all the day from #1 the story butchered these characters Wolverine Sabertooth Deadpool OMFG did they hack that character to pieces In case of those who dont know. Deadpool has a super advanced healing factor!! Actually he is a walking Cancer Cell and the constant healing has left him disfigured and why he wears a mask and cant die Diamond Girl WTF Silverfox a mutant????!!!! Oh boy she is supposed to be with Hydra In the comics striker is a mutant as well and a big fu cker WTF is the black nightcrawler????? DEADPOOL!!!!!!! Wolverine fought with Nick Fury and Captain America NEVER with Sabertooth The BLOB???!!!!!!! I would have like the first sabertooth from the first xmen movie Who the hell is the guy with the Guns Sunstorm???? This is the worst movie. Even if its the advance copy minus the special affects the story really sucks. Did hollywood run out of good writers, directors, ideas etc Thank goodness I wont waste 13 bucks of this craptastic pisspoor film
  8. I will agree and disagree with your view on Transformers and Yamato. First off Takara was making great transformer robot mecha toys before yamato even knew what a robot was. Look back to the G1 toys. Diecast, realistic vehicles that changed to mecha. Sure you could pose them much but the ingenuity surpassed many companies at that time. Something I dont think yamato has. Yes I agree yammies are very nice adult collection material but lets compare that to Taktomys MP line. NOT EVEN CLOSE. I could throw my MP prime against a wall and it would survive if not putting a hole in the wall. Transform a yammie once and pray to the almighty it doesnt crumble. I have all of the MP line and none of them suffer the ill fated woes of many here experienced with yammies. Then comes Hasbro and pics up the license. Like most things american the ability is there but its always chosen half ass materials and molds. So there is another distinguishing factor Hasbro vs Takara. Case in point. the cloassics line. Very nice line up of modernized toys from the original g1 line. Compare the Hasbro to takara and you notice the difference. Better paint apps, better plastic better all around with the Takara brand. So no transformer toys are not all that bad. We have the binaltechs! which by quality far outweighs the accuracy of Yammies. We have the MP line. We have the Classics and lets say the jap line from that. The new alternity and for some wow factor the THS line. I want to see bandai or Yammie do what Takara did in that scale of the THS. And lets give some credit to the americans for once. UMMMMM BEAST WARS anyone. That line pretty much brought a lot of people back into the fold. Otherwise I doubt we would have classics MPs and so on or some of the other toy lines and companies ie Yamato, CMs and maybe bandai. Those toys were pretty nice. THe transmetals especially. For the first time you didnt have to look for the weapons. The ball and joint technology used was great for posing. I mean I wont give up my Beast wars collection. EVER! Now there have been some very good movie toys as well. From the first movie (first I must mention I hated the first movie not whiny like fanboy hate but it was badly scripted and just made no sense to an intelligent viewer) were pretty good in quality. Ratchet, 08 BB, Prime, Demolisher. Look at the remold of the new Movie Prime. Holy smokes. Again looks like a real friggen semi and real accruate robot mode. You can transform it a million times ok not a million but close enough and it wont fall apart and it FIT NICELY WITH SOME OF THE MORE ADULT MECHA in your collection. Now you may criticize the fact that Takara is an older more experienced toy company HOGWASH. So after a few rides in the hay you dont think you learned enough to be good at doing the mambo! Come on shitty excuse. Yammy has been around for a while and they still cant get there qc in order. I was tempted at getting their 1/60 Vf line but got turned off about the QC comments. Who cares about detail when the thing that makes it detailed falls off! And when Takara went into other mecha lines ie MP Brave Lion ....sorry cant really remember that name but you know what I mean. Wow. Did a great job there. Even CMs which I have two of there Brave Gaogaigar is better than a Yammie. Bandai figured out pretty early in the game that a swing bar would give them a perfect transforing mecha while the old 1/72 you had to rip out the legs??? So the wheel was invented the came out with a square wheel and then though it would be better to make a round wheel??? Thas farted up! Anyway I tip my hat to my transformer collection which is the reason why I appreciate all the other great mecha manufacturing companies ie Yammy, CMs Bandai and so forth.
  9. yes 04-7146-0371 between the hours of 10:00 to 16:00
  10. does it justify an extra 10 bucks can I do that? I dont have a receipt cause its always cash
  11. everytime I asked he said no. This was the second problem I had with the product. The other was with an MPC Toynami Voltron. The toy itself was ok but the sword was broken in half. When I let him know he told me that he could not return it and would loose money. ???? After the MP Transformers and alternators i got from him . So I forgave him for it. I thought being a long time and loyal customer would pay off some time down the road. I guessed wrong Store is called toysquare at pacific mall canada im just really upset!!! the nose cone is so floppy it wont stay in place!!!! its like the koning monster in gerwalk mode where the nose cone wont stay flush upwards againts the hull but just hangs there but at least it looks like it should this thing just wont stay up like someone was playing with it . At least I think I can fix it with heavy nail polish but its the paw prints and the sandpaper wings with the yellow canopy that just make me either put a hole in the wall or just cry!!! At least my wife suprissed me today and saw how upset I was and allowed me to actually call the number to order the 1/2000 SDF!. Could nt understand a word. Its been years since I spoke japanese. My wife said she would do it for me tomorrow oh well Im going to drink my self to slep and try not too look at it. I stuck the fast pack parts on my alto at least I tried overdrive but he sells out fast and I what kills me the most as I had an order open with HLJ with the Scopedog 1/18 for 400cdn shipped. I shouldnt have cancelled the order
  12. I just bought the luca version for 290CDN. The bastard Store I got it from charges ten dollars more because he says the box is bigger! Bullshit the box is the same size!!!!!! as the mikael. But nothing beats that bullshit when taking the toy you think you would love out of the box to find HUGE I mean this man must have been GIGANTIC finger prints all over the plane. I tried using the windex wipes ..... NOPE no luck. The man must have been a mutant because you cant wipe the oils off. I think some Chinese Factory worker farter took the thing home and played with it and put it in the box again because its all fartin loose!!! the canopy is a very nice tone of yellow and the wings are all scratched up. I MEAN SCRATCHED when you touch the wings its like touching sand paper. fart i would have paid an extra 30 bucks just to have it made in japan, Germany oh i dont know any place they dont pay the worker 2 dollars a day!!!!! The farter was probably so pissed off about the wages he took the thing home and pissed all over it for all I know causing the canopy to be banana yellow. I took it back to the HONG KONG fart head that sold it to me and would not exchange it telling me he couldnt return it!!!!!!! Last time I buy anything from him again which I will never understand since I have been a long time customer and spent thousands of dollars in his store!!!!! Well I guess when daddy owns more money than god and playboys all over Macao I wouldnt give a poo about anyone either Sorry had to let this out as I paid 300 hard earned dollars on a loosy goosy yellowed finger printed sandpapered piece of poo!!!! fart YOU BANDAI for what its worth I will burn my money on the not so perfect yamato valk anyday!!!!!
  13. :lol: :lol: :lol: looks like ozuma is scared
  14. Im going to add my two cents. I was a fan of transformers when I was younger. Now Im 37. But I really never collected the toys. When I was younger I had a lot of SW toys but then chucked them when I got older. School, and traveling held my interest. I really got into transformers when I started watching BW when my life was in a bit of a slump. Something to look forward to watching on tv every wed after bullshit work. I really got into the story and wanted more. Soon a buddy and me walked into sears to find they had released transformers but as beast wars and thought the concept was cool so each bought a shark one (forgot the name) It was cool so I kept collecting and found that the ball joint technology had made it fun. Continued to love the show and liked collecting the toys. When BW ended and BM was the next series. I lost a little interest but the toys kept me being a fan. When they introduced the next armada series I got a few toys and quickly sold them. I only liked Unicron which was a toy I always thought should have been made. I have jetfire and deluxe prime the rest I gave to my nephew because I was embarrassed to keep such childish tonka like toys. I have some molds from Energon because it was a good effort to mimic real life vehicles. Loved RID and Cybertron. I was pretty happy with the alternators line and the MPC But ever since the first movie and a few toys my interest has been waning greatly. I am only going to get the New Leader Prime and autobot cars minus the retard twins from the new movie I have acquired a finer taste for better engineered toys IE Macross and SOC Macross has a more defined and grown up story compared to that of Bays pee vision of transformers. I got excited about yammies first 1/72 Mac+ and still like them. Got my first 1/48 stealth and oh man did I love that Then the 1/60 zeros liked it but scared to transform it then the 1/60 19 and 21 and then the monster which was the let down. I got hooked on SOC when I got the aquarion toy which was very nicely engineered. Then moved onto the Dancougar and since then love the SOC line. But since SOC line is dispersed and I am picky about which ones I get I moved into zoids. Got every single one minus the real ugly ones. But Overall satisfied with them Would love to get into SHE PT Getter and GAIKING but dam thats out of my range. Maybe when I win the lotto. Finally got my dream of getting all the PG gundams and cant wait for the new one so yeah transformers has pretty much died out. I am not selling any cause my son will adopt them and he can do whatever he wants with them
  15. Funny thing you mentioned this because I just purchased this one. They look kind of cool and the story is nice but who cares cause the mecha kicks ass Here is the link to the one I purchased http://www.hlj.com/product/TKT78389 only thing I hate about HLJ is that they take a really long time to process your order. I purchased the VF-25 Luca fast pack and I am still waiting for an answer! on the shippig its been a month
  16. first i must comment on the awesome toys pic!!!!! I want now more for myself but they are bloody hard to find and expensive. And congratulations on being a daddy. You must post pics I will have my second this june 3rd
  17. I too liked this show But just like BSG im totally confused!! I really like how they made the Gundam 0 look so much like the original gundam rx 78 never liked gundam series but after wing and this one im more into it hated seed as i could not stand to watch teenagers make grown up decisions
  18. oh and kara being dead and not dead I think all that warping and warping close to stars and Black gravity wells make have created an alternate universe kara to exist in this universe i think
  19. Just watched 17 and 20 again. Dam what a good ending. SO they time warped back to Cro Magnon man and will "breed" as baltar said with early humans. I also see how Hera ends up being Mitochondrial eve. As she is a hybrid and scientists believe that mitochondria are actual foreign bodies to cells and cells actually swollowed up these mitochondria. So Mitochondria are contructs of cylons. Still trying to understand the scene with the lords of kobal on galactica or cylons and the opera house. Also dont understand why the cyclon colony didnt have resurrection technology. And I understand the earth they found was the real one just had a nuclear war and when they find "us" they decide to call that earth am i right?
  20. Angels?? Really So if I get this straight these angels come to save humans but look like caprica 6 baltar and starbuck so they dont scare humans. Why are there good cylons and bad ones. So when starbuck went to earth she really died. So did her viper resurect too??? why do angels want to look like cylons do they explain why cylons were made. and what about the modern day references to earth. I really like the ending but i feel so sad for many of the characters. and the references to robots is that where cylons come from humanity develops ai and mitochondrial eve???
  21. Just saw the last episode of BSG I am totally confused WTF Can someone please summarize wtf .... Who is a clone, cylon and human. Did they end up on earth. Why do they keep seeing each others in alternate realities WTF are the old tin man fighting the new tin man man this is all too confusing. what the hellllll gone one season and it goes all south!
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