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Everything posted by nugundamII

  1. agreed that it has the shittier franchise. But they also do share a lot of similarities BTW does anyone know if they WILL be making an armored 1/60 Micheal
  2. and Compare that to the Gundam releases!
  3. Because its macross and I think they have some sort of hatred towards it. Gundam is their cash cow and SOC concentrates on 60s and up so Macross franchise with Bandai seems to be on the loosing end. At least they are making an effort. IE we are getting a varied amount of valks as well as a Battle Cruiser which Yamato could have done for us. But I do find that the DX Macross stuff is a little overpriced for what you pull out of the box. I cant afford an Armored VF-25S Ozuma right now as I just bought the 1/100 GFF G3 Gundam w/G-Fighter So IM hoping they will make a Luca or Michael. Does anyone know or heard anything about them making a Michael or Luca Armored set. I like the head design of Michaels Valk the best Also like the blue. I still like the fact they incoporated Diecast into the valk unlike Yamato and I am very disappointed about
  4. ya i saw it. I cant believe camrips can now be classified as good and bad.
  5. well i meant 1.0 and 2.0 I know I wont see 3.0 yet
  6. didnt know where else to add my comment. But I think im alone when I say I prefer the 1/48s than the new 1/60s. I just got my armored V2 Vf-1SS and I feel a little cheated. Actually I like the old diecast 1/60s better.
  7. reading these reviews is scaring me like how i Got the luca with paw prints, human finger oils, paint chipped, scraches, two tone greens, very nicely scratched canopy. Im thinking of saving the money. How do you guys find the model. Can you transform it without it falling apart. I have MG Zeta V2 which is horrible. I have the PG version so I use them to compare against each other. The MG zeta just falls to pieces when you try to transfom it. Can someone please give me some feedback
  8. so where can I bittorrent a good copy or even buy it
  9. my cousin has moved back to hong kong she found it for 1300 is that good???
  10. fall off thats an understatement. You cant even get them on since they keep falling off. I had to mod mine of course im talking about the fast packs. My relative is back in hong kong so now I can take advantage of cheaper prices and have it shipped instead of some of those hong kong stores that have a presence on ebay. You know who im talking about who inflates the prices by about 200% Peace!
  11. is she hot cause if she is someone needs to give my phone number you know for some lovin talk and poo
  12. Thought I would post my pic of the two of the greatest SOCs
  13. where do you buy the flexi stands?
  14. I want to see someone make a movie from my PMBOK PMP exam prep book because its so dam boring and convoluted
  15. If it came in a collectors book format and SOC quality Hell YEAH ! Of course Bandai would jump on the bandwagon first and probably have better engineering in which case I would buy Bandais Come SomeONE MAKE ONE!
  16. This and I actually prefer the rubber. It looks more like what the material would be if it were real. I see many robotic assembly machines that have rubber sleeves. I also thinks its more line accurate and doesnt seem so chunky monkey thanks PS wow you took some great pics that does the wave toy Justice! I need to learn how to Photograph "its a Lost Art"
  17. Just got my CMs Patlabor Griffon and Ingram. Must say Griffon fantastic!!!! with the Ingram. Yeah its gots some gimmics and heavy as only CMs knows how to make it. But compared to my Wave I dont think it looks so nice. Some Pics I was going to get the Yamato Giant Ingram but at 400 bucks I will wait for the Blue Enforcer Color version and by then maybe my work situation may improve
  18. This thing could have been so much more. This is exactly the same as the original Same number of parts. Pass If revoltech does it I will get it or if SOC Spec Perfect transformation I will get it If anyone is interested in getting the original let me know Im selling mine
  19. ha I just saw in the background your skeletal unicorn. I didnt go as far as you did but can you take a pic of it so I can look at it more closely
  20. that looks great. I really love the design of this mecha but I hate the model. It Breaks too easy and I like solid things I can manhandle. Anyway with what you mentioned earlier I was about to either toss or sell mine. But know I took all the armor off and left the pink bits on it looks amazing. I will post pics soon. Eagerly awaiting the built model kit. Forgot the Name of the series. SUper HG Action model or soemething like that If someone would like the armor parts let me know
  21. Im feeling the same thing. Im trying to find a subbed version but from what I saw no subs could justify Renton and Holland trying to kill the poo of each other!!!!!!!! and how hap and stoner attack Eureka and hap shooting Renton is soooooooo out of character. I didnt appreciate them being squashed by Nirvash. Everything was so backwards and Nirvash being Rentons pet marshmellow stuffy like what was going on Jeez
  22. While I am a big fan of the Nirvash I will not buy a part former again. I have the original release and lost some small parts. These toys really Really need the soc treatment or at least give them the SOC DX/Spec treatment. They are after all kawamori designs
  23. ok WTF I didnt have any subs So everyone is trying to kill everyone WTF I dont like the movie. I like the friendships that Renton creates not him trying to kill everyone So the aliens leave and everyone dies in Novas Flood. ?????? I swear the japanese are just wierd in their story telling And the nirvash is nothing more than a stuffed pizza doboy
  24. well as a contractor for the worlds largest computer company it sucks!! I just found out today that the customer did not sign off on the SOW a for tech conversion which means my last work date is around october. I just had a baby and was without pay for 1 week so hospital Bills need to be paid off and enough saving to last for a while and my buddy was telling me now is the time to buy a house. Dumbass pissant! I dont want to but if it comes to it I will be moving into my moms condo. But its a small place in a area I dont like. Man I was riding on a high when I was PM then all of a sudden bam im a grunt. Well got to go and get my master his coffee later PS Just need to mention. Low pay or high Pay I think governments would benefit their communities they serve Yeah remember that your under the employ of the public you mother*&^&W@ and wipe out Agencies all together. For too long these slave labor pimps have gotten away with reducing living wages of workers. Be it intellectual or manual labor these Mother*&%& which are owned by major corporations keep trying to figure out to pay you less while professional slave labor pimps spend days on end looking for legislative loopholes !!!!
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