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Everything posted by nugundamII

  1. Well I did buy this fancy shmancy Air Brush Paint kit with the generator thing a migigy thingy and not so good with it. How would you paint it all metallic?
  2. Yeah but you have to remember that in europe and japan they are not prone to pick up a gun and shoot someone. They seem to be matured by the age of 13 not like in north america where 13 is the new 2. I was 12 when I started watching robotech with people exploding in planes. soooo
  3. good luck finding Turn A i cant find it anywhere on the net or in the stores as well as Zeta MS 08!!!!
  4. Xam'd Death Note (for the intelligent Gent) X Gin-iro No Kami no Agito Final Fantasy Advent Children Karas Vol 1 and 2 Berserk Samurai Champloo Ideon Gundam MS 08 team from what I saw 2 episodes in italian and already kick ASS!!! Higashi No Eden Cowboy bebop Appleseed Movie Patlabor Armored Trooper Votoms Aqaurion Now some in that list have robots and others dont but its not always about the bots as mentioned already Escaflowne has some pretty kick ass scenes robot ala robot but it has a pretty involved story too Evangelion for robot fighting if your into convuloted stories
  5. BANDAI Gundam MG 1/100 Model - MSN-06S SINANJU Ver.KA <--- I really like this mold. But since the Uni went all tit do you guys think it will go all shiny too. Thats whats holding me back Looky what I got!!!! my first GFF MC and i like it so much i went and ordered the Red GFF MC Zeta mega rocket booster thingy (sorry forgot the name)
  6. Hey Guys you would know better But I just watched the OVA and episode 1 of MS 08 TEAM Fcukin AWESOME Good story the animation is old style like I like. But here is the problem its in italian. Does anyone have link where I can download either in english or english subs Thanks
  7. I have all the PGs except the RX-78-2 GP01Fb and the RX-78-2 Gundam. I would like to get the Gundam Astray Red Frame but since i have the Strike with the flight pack its too close in design to spend that kind of cash so i will get a PG Astray if they come out with the gold version. The new Gundam Double 0 Raiser looks interesting but a little too close again to the Strike. Im getting the MG Exia which I like and may get the 00 Raiser but Im really wanting to get these in PG offerings ; Hi Nugundam. Why havent they released this......its the most powerful gundam ever and really the best design ever Unicorn. The MG sucked ass! with limited hip movement and sucky panel designs a PG could give the treatment the Unicorn deserves WHAT no bad guys ...Come on we only get a PG Zaku which has grown on me but is the ugliest of all bad guy gundams Qubeley Mk-II, AMS-119 Geara Doga,MSN-04 Sazabi to name a few I have started to like gundam somewhat and like original designs slightly modified it would be nice to see non leader gundams in PG as well like the seravee or GN-002 Gundam Dynames
  8. I just finished watching the movie and rewatched a few more times for good measure I too think this is a fantastic movie. Of course there werent that many this summer Bayformers is pure geek mindless garbage even with the visuals GI JOE i dared not to see it So you have ST, the Hurt Locker and this Problems i had with the film. I didnt understand the purpose the the black goo Something that drastic in such a small amount of time is ridiculeous it would have been better if he caught the alien flu I would have rated the film more. Second Maybe i missed something but if they had such advances in technology you would think the prawns would not act like fcukin monkeys. Something so uncivil would not be patient enought to construct poo like that. Also what did they forget to use the weapons on humans??? if they came in piece why did they have so many weapons. Most salvage ships dont carry ordinace like that!!!! If they have a hive metality i dont think that race would be that advanced. Advanced civilizations require individualist freedom thinkers Ie the hive mentaility sure as hell helped the prawns rignt into the hands of the humans for 2 decades The storey could have been a bit better. and Yeah I like the idea of Having
  9. well maybe im misunderstanding you or you me but im not in pain im laughing what moron would pay good money for that when most of the awesome SOC's are available for less. My friend now is in HK and she is getting everything i need Teehee Fu Pacific mall you rich spoiled HK bastards! Im getting her to find a supplier and get into business for myself. Heck im thinking of getting in that mall and selling everything less then those HK money launders are selling them for Muhahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  10. My friend thats now back in Hong Kong told me the armored version is 182 CDN which is reasonable. Here at pacific mall in toronto some jackass wants 330 hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah wipes tears hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
  11. I thought the dx line was supposed to have that awesome detailing famous in the SOC line. Wha happened?
  12. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN949488 I got this one and should receive it this week.When I do Iwill snap some photos of the valks and this toy together for you
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MrpuOpsiLI
  14. That q-rea looks to awesome not to posses
  15. Bah I didnt know where to post these so here goes
  16. nugundamII


  17. nugundamII


    I understand what you are saying but those lights have only been turned on for the picture. I am running low watt Coils now and only on the fish tank away from display cases. Plus my 1/60 V1 Hikaru is on the bottom shelf and no light gets there See below for a 360 of my man cave or what I like to call the the getaway Zone. As you can see no light gets to my valks where I have placed them. You can see the infamous 21 on top of the left most display case. Thing have changed a bit but what can I do
  18. nugundamII


    I like Yamatos what I HATE about them is that their stuff breaks so easily which shouldn't happen. You dont buy a rembrant and hang it on the wall and after a year expect the paints to melt off the canvas Alll my stuff is in glass displays in a cool basement. Stuff on shelfs are Zoids and Darker colored Transformers. The rest in Plastic Bins in Plastic Baggies in a cool room. So yellowing will happen regardless.
  19. nugundamII


    just pointing out that I agree with you man!
  20. nugundamII


  21. Congrats Cant wait to see the pics!
  22. luka's is pretty nice if you can accept 2 tone greens and thumb prints and a hazy scratched canopy. The quality control is much better than yamato. I dont think its worth 200 plus. If you shop around here I know there was an individual selling his VF-25 Michael for about 170CDN There are other options ie VF100s or the model kits. Cant speak for the model kits but the VF-100s are nice in proportion but there are a lot of parts swaps hope this helps
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