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Everything posted by nugundamII

  1. WOOOHOOO Guess I wont be getting the HCM Pro now Cant wait for this baby anybody know the scale yet?? im hoping for 1/100
  2. and some more
  3. some more pics of stuff i pulled out of the vault
  4. Kotobukiya is actually really good. About the only good models they make are zoids and armored core. The zoids are ultra articulate, very very detailed and worth every penny. BTW those claws are super sharp
  5. I have all of them man they are great. They are great mecha a change from the regular bipedal humanoid robots. I too have the Iron Kong but the Zoids Genesis is much more cooler. Does anyone have the PK version. I really like that one but its so bloody expensive for $400 ??? I basically have all of them. the Kotobukiya are absolutely awesome. and Now Iron Kong is coming !
  6. haha just like mine she comes down stairs looks around and stares intensely I can see her brain trying to work out which ones new but i switch around my displays so she can never tell but dam the other day all three shipments came at once and I was busted i got the usual bitch session that told her to shut hit since i gave her my bank cards and credit cards I told she can keep all the money all i want is my toys that it I usually wait outside but the bastard came 4 hours way to early
  7. double face palm another x-men movie but with tween bleh hollywood is stock full of monkeys running on week old banana fumes cant hollywood make something decent. Wolverine was so bad if you turned off the video feed and only had the audio going all you would hear is arrrrrrr arrrrrr rhugh arrrrrrr rggrrrrr grrrraarrrr hugh arrrrrr ggrrrrrrrr you killed her grrrrrrr arrrrrrrr striker grrrrrrr arrrrrrrrr aaahhhhhh soooo grrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrr bub grrrrr CRAAAAAPTISTIC the only good x men movie was the first one and the second to a slight point anything after that should have stayed DEAD It boggles the mind they could not do a wolverine in madripoor as a bar room brawler and bouncer
  8. that was SO funny i accidentally threw my yf-19 against the walll(im kidding) Yup the show is so bad that it can be summarized in one paragraph i downloaded a few bits of season 3 which i deleted quickly then i downloaded the last episode. Bleh I think they need bay for this. Splosians lots of splosians House opener was great. Intelligent witty and emotional awesome! Fringe again same as the above Defying Gravity started out nice now another heros oooooooohhhhhhhh another funky x-files show but in space nah Fringe does it better. Will be off my charts now Supernatural. Nope just another Heroes nice show in the beginning and got real stupid fast The brother unite they separate they unite they separate. then father comes back from the dead now that leaves Lost. Went loop ta doo in 4 and 5 sorta peaked my interest and i want to see them explain the dark cloud Anybody know when the season starts
  9. MUST BUY DAMMIT TOO many things all at once !!!!! this dam plastic addiction will be the end of me
  10. im rather disappointed had high hope yet another summer or later summer dud movies are overrated. I think actors should be laid off and forced to drive ladas. the rest of americans suffer through unemployement, machinations by corp elites and leaders and these fannies continue to rake in the cash. Toss them into the boston river where the tea went and lets get back to basics GOOD BOOKS
  11. i REALLY like this version. I think its the best of the VF-25 series WIll buy this one
  12. Just wanted to add Transformers 1 =meh Transformers 2 =Garbage Transformers 3=Sh it
  13. Th hurt locker was awesome Star trek too but i can pretty much assume that avatar(Transformers)= Crap
  14. This and he thinks Clamore was good :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. I have the yamato one and its pretty decent
  16. I have started buying from HLJ. But they are not cheap in the shipping department. Its only worth while buying from them when something is on sale and when customs sees the huge HLJ logo on the box customs nails me with a 30 dollar fee on top of that if comes from ebay its once out of 9 times that happens In pacific mall a tit Unicorn will go for 85 plus tax I swear I am looking for work outside of canada and if i bag something for longer than 6 months and i like it im going to de citizenship myself from the country of my birth and become a citizen of my new adopted country. Dam getting raped here by taxes and you dont get anything in return for it
  17. Please send over what ever you are smoking! http://shop.ebay.ca/?_from=R40&_trksid...-All-Categories
  18. I dont understand what the big fuss is over. The figure is soso.
  19. no need to be a smartass ! really Lets see after my long conversation with a Hobby Shop owner. First you need a primer color like white, then an under metallic clear coat then the metallic coat. If your good then you can mix the colors to make it look real nice. The average MG Gundam shipped is 75 Canadian So now im going to experiment on a 75 dollar toy rather then spending an extra 20 to 30 bucks for an already metallic made gundam Ok i like your logic
  20. Um not every Miyazaki Princess Mononoke has a guys head lobbed of buy a arrow as welll as an arm Lepers and such Nausicca Nah not that one either Neither Castle in the sky My 3 year old was ok watching Howls Moving castle - Not sure if they are all from him but its from his studio Ghilibi Totoro, the cat returns, Kiki's delivery Service, My Neighbors the Yamamdas and Spirited away are alright. Hell My Daughter even watched Kung Fu Panda and she seemed ok only pretended to eat like the panda hahaha Hey F z1 im surprised you didnt mention Wing and espeically Waltz Those were great and what got me into gundam. Seed I felt like taking a pillow and cutting my throat and Gundam 00 first season was acceptable second season the animation got worse and reminded me of a wing ripoff. Cant Wait for Unicorn and get back to the basics. Macross Frontier is visually stunning but the story just blew near the end. Mindless Space bugs has been done to death. Zentradi are the mainstay and I like them as baddies!!!! It would have been nice to have a new threat to the macross line that even the Zentradi were afraid of and entered into an uneasy alliance with the humans to defeat the new foe. It just seems kawamori is left high and dry each time he comes up with a new design and he is the filler for a story.
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