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Everything posted by nugundamII

  1. ARE YOU REFERRING TO ME ??? Oh i got gundams When I get back on thursday from my business trip i will snap some photos
  2. I try to be selective. Thats what I thought about Big 0 1. I like way to many anime to have it all - therefore, I need to be selective- Me Too and since transformers is a little dead now with nothing but crap designs my sites and loves have turned to other plastic addictions 2. Gundam? Well - I like MSG, Turn-A and Unicorn. Turn-A and Unicorn have like a couple mecha each. MSG has three main mecha and the enemy mecha. I want them all in MG. I will probably end up having Unicorn in HG as well because of the Kyashukia. Fine. I would like to suggest to wait. I know that they will release the Kyshatria in MG class. They are releasing the Unicorn in MCFFC and if its like the MCFFC 1/100 I have then it will be worthwhile. I know they will release a Full Metallic coating Sinanju like the Sazabi MG class which im eagerly waiting. They will release the MG Kshatriya. Be patient with Unicorn Franchise. This is Bandai's big ticket Also I normally wasnt into Seed mecha but after getting the Lighting Strike Freedom. They are really nice Mechs I have heard wonderful reviews for MG Sword Impulse, Full Burst Strike Freedom and Destiny 3. Gurren Lagann - nothing but Revoltechs - so Revoltechs they shall be. -Always-and Eva! 4. NGE - Revoltech Fraulein and SOC Spec. RAH for Shinji. Not sure if I want to keep a pair of the 2.0s...probably not since I love the original 26 episodes best of all. -Really not into figures of Humans since im a Mecha Person and more transforming mecha 5. Macross - everything - because there actually is NOT a lot of it. The most is SDFM TV + DYRL. -Yes 6. Transformers - I have to think about this. Maybe once I get rid of my collection, I'll hunt down some MPs? I dunno. Really hard to decide what to do with these guys. -Keep them. They do have value. Especially the G1 and their Reissued counterparts. As i have stated before there are gems from each line. Even the movie lines have some nice figures ala HA New Mold Prime, Mixmaster, the new Leader SS and some from the first movie two like ratchet and Ironhide. Classics!!! and yes GET ALL THE MPs as well as the THS. 7. Haruhi Suzumiya - all the Figmas and Revoltechs -Not into human figures 8. SOC - now SOC is great because it focuses a lot on one-mecha programs. So Ideon, Zambot 3, Dancouga, God Mars, Daimos...one big all mighty mecha... you get that one - and you're SET. I have all on your list except Zambot, God Mars and Daimos which dont appeal to me The key is not to get petty - don't think you need to get ALL of the various incarnations of Mazinkaiser etc... Just pick the best one... Ill try but everyyone says this MAx one is good. And its A LOT cheaper than the one by FEWTURE Also ,pick the one whose friends are in relative good scale... thats next to impossible It's hard work being a collector...so much to choose from, so much... yeah I was pretty good until I joined MW which i got totally sidetracked from transformers but ig a good way oh and i forgot to mention the blue labor is cheaper than the white one. I already have the white wave and CM's so something different. But i need to be careful how much i buy at once so i will need to go in bits
  3. Close up of a thicker Ikea Cabinet Im thinking of getting a few of these to balance out the Detolfs
  4. Thanks So 1. Quarter 2. PG 00 Raiser but why the Labour. You dont think its a good buy? Since its a Yammy are there QC issues?
  5. wow affordable Ok need your help here I just committed to buying the fist of doom from a board member here I also just bought the MGs Full Blast Strike Freedom Full Blast Destiny Sword Impulse Astray Blue Frame Revise and Strike Noir so im a little cash strapped so ...... this is on my preorder list Blue Patlabor from Yamato the big one PG OO Raiser With the SOC DX Macross Quarter coming this new Max Mazinger which I want Please help me prioritize my list?? Thanks
  6. whoa Nice How much is that??? 200 US?
  7. Note quite. You dont really need to paint MGs If you look at dalongs website he never paint his gundams. Only Panel Lines them and Stickers. Kotobukiya are much the same with precolored pieces
  8. This movie looks gay The family looks like they are laughing going through a rollercoaster ride DUMB the official end of Hollywood
  9. Ill buy it from you ?? Give me an offer and Wow what is happening to Bandai is this because of the downturn and therefore to save costs they are adding less metal and posable joints
  10. Yeah Im confused Is Tieria a girl??? She had a dress with boobs?? Maybe in the future you can change your sex like you would change your hair color Also I wish Animators would stop using all the colors in the rainbow for hair color. Blue, purple, yellow, green, black, brown, Beige, Fusha !
  11. am i the only one that thinks the designs are looking like crap. The animation looks cheap too
  12. Yes they have springs but it doesnt fire anything..??? maybe the expansion pack?
  13. Yeah but the evas were acceptable and under the SOC spec line. But this has next to nothing in Metal. Fine dont add it to the arms but a small bit of the underside of the hip skirt, the bottom of the feet, small part of the chest, angles and thats it???? For 150 dollars I think you can give me more Im not a fan of the mech as much as a fan of the mech and metal If I knew it was going to have this little metal I would have spend my money on the transforming mazinger thanks
  14. I have quite the collection of kotobukiya Zoids. Waiting on Kong Mk II and Fast Pack Sniper for those and i have only two armored core but plan on expanding. I dont like their super robot lineup which is too close to the 1/144 neograde from bandai.
  15. That is a beautiful Kit I wish i can buy it but i have my sites on PG Astray and OO Raiser at the moment Its an expensive kit dalong.net has a great review of it http://dalong.net/review/pg/p08/th/s_p08_fb05.jpg"]http://dalong.net/review/pg/p08/th/s_p08_fb05.jpg http://dalong.net/review/pg/p08/th/s_p08_fb12.jpg"]http://dalong.net/review/pg/p08/th/s_p08_fb12.jpg http://dalong.net/review/pg/p08/th/s_p08_fb22.jpg"]http://dalong.net/review/pg/p08/th/s_p08_fb22.jpg
  16. I think the dust might help in preventing yellowing. I mean the dust is like a thin blanket preventing light from penetrating the plastic layers NO???
  17. My PG stands just fine but the best PG to date has to be the MK II. It looks like a machine built for combat. With the PG OO Raiser coming which should really be the best PG I think he is refering to the MG Zeta. I have the V2 and it cant stand for shi t, but overall is very good and incorporates the design features from the PG
  18. As far as Gundams go Baddies always look like crap. Better than bayformers but crap nonetheless But Not only does the Kampfer have a cool name buts its design is second to Sazabi in looks Got this from a MW Member and I love it
  19. ALERT DO NOT BUY THE BIG O It is a Plastic piece of poo. About 5% metal in it. Feels as light as a MG Gundam ....!!!!!! BEWARE! Hot Wheels cars have more metal! Articulation sucks Plastic feels cheap Need to pay extra for expansion pack that should be included......... SOC joke ! Overpriced!
  20. thanks but she really doesnt We rent a 3500 square foot house so i have a man basement Lets me experiment with how i want the setup when I finally buy a house Hopefully i a couple of years if this Bubble will burst
  21. well i posted this before My collection now is spilling over to the second guest room And the other half of it in Overflowing bins 2nd im not surprised about the divorce rates in america anymore 3. No wonder oil is disappearing faster then we pull it out as its all in glass cabinets and anime boobs I have since updated the collection and putting up shelving in the room will update soon
  22. that was great but could be summed in a couple of words Nixxon administration Move away from gold standard to 0 reserve system
  23. You are a GOD!
  24. have mf and sams mom get down and dirty and another female pretender. Maybe wash BB in bikins hahaha
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