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Everything posted by nugundamII

  1. Just got this from Eriku I love it. Feels heavier than Big0 and is smaller enjoy
  2. Fuc that I want to see a rambo vs bill gates vs Vin Diesel vs Terminator vs the Hulk vs Megatron vs Devastator vs Godzilla vs Ultraman vs George Bush vs Wolverine vs Micheal Bay Vs Morpheous Vs Predator Vs Alien vs Mork vs Wheelie vs Liger Zero vs Maytag repair Man Vs Gurran Laggan Brigade vs rattrap vs the thing vs the other thing vs H1N1 vs Donald Duck vs Mike Tyson vs Crocop vs jaws vs Rx-178 vs my boss vs my boss' boss vs Ricky Shroader vs Stallone's mom vs Chirico Cuvie vs grimlock vs VF-25F vs my right foot vs daniel day lewis vs micromen vs spiral king vs richard dawkins vs spok vs Minerva x vs Strike Freedom vs .........
  3. wow where can i get it for that price i too dig the MKII design
  4. ugh plane in spain stays mainly on the plain I dont think any amount of panel lining can save that. You need a GFFMC Ka Version my friend.
  5. np IM sorry i respect your view point as always
  6. what happened to freedom of speech whats wrong with what i just said???? it pertains to the thread wow .....
  7. so next time dont by exclusives This is such a dirty way of doing things and then watch them become regular items
  8. No matter how you do it Importing toys is expensive For one reason alone The goddam government wants their piece of the Pie even tho that same goddam government gives nothing in return
  9. dam i didnt know and great at least i could have checked it ill just wait for it to be deleted then! thanks didnt know the list included ebayers
  10. I think im going to start a Black List for ebay sellers. It seems that most of the sellers are now HK'rs or chinese if you are looking for Asian Hobby toys. Every single Japanese seller i have purchased from i have never had a problem. Just recently I purchased two gundam MG models Strike Freedom Burst Mode and Destiny Burst mode. 2 i have been eagerly waiting for. from PCONLONE 808 He has a lot of sales and a rating of 95%. But sometimes people can be a little unfair with their comments, but you now need a detectives license to go through it properly and that is not supposed to be a good shopping experience. 3 weeks i still didnt get my items. I email him and then i still dont get a response for 4 days. They tell me the package came back and they dont know why hahahaha what a joke THAT NEVER HAPPENS there is always a reason given. Then they say they shipped it last MOnday. I check the tracking number they gave and it said its not valid. I check the HK post site and it says it was shipped today. hahaha there is more im not telling but its such a f'n joke! regardless I have opened my 6th claim against an ebay seller. And they all have been either HKnese or Chinese. I have bought lots of items from members here and im grateful to graham to provide that channel here all of which have been positive Also thanks to members I have bought from Overdrive and HLJ but sometimes shipping is a killer and they dont have older items When i looked into PCONLINE808 i noticed there are other alias used. Also my wife read on yorkbbs a chinese website or 51.ca i cant remember which there are members asking if anyone has an ebay account with very positive review if they want to sell it I tried reporting it to ebay via email but all i got was an automated reponse! Idiots anyway i hope we can start adding to this list and bring ebay back to what it used to be
  11. Does anyone know if Bandai is going to expand on its SOC DX line outside of macross Some Gurran Laggan and Code Geass and Eureka 7 mechs would be cool!
  12. haha that was funny. Im not uptight about the movie just adding to the discussion.
  13. I haven't But for aesthetics i prefer the Ver Ka. The Full cloth version reminds me too much of the sniper gundam in gundam 0 and the Gundam Scythe They are small tho. I know the version Ka is supposed compliment the Harrison or blue version of the F91. If its anything like the F91 then ya go for it. Ill refer you mr Dalong's website for a very nice review and you could always google Youtube for a video review BTW there are so many gundams that could and I think SHOULD be given the MG treatment How come Bandai totally skipped Wing?????????? That is a pretty pivotal show. Gundam 00 seemed to mimic it. I so desire a Full Arms MG gundam. Those huge double barreled beam cannons on both arms along with the missile packs come on that's SCREAMING MG!!!!!!!! ALong with the clown face that machine is a machine of WAR! Also a Scythe Gundam Custom would be nice! and to digress even further off topic Bad guy gundams vs Hero Gundams Visual electronics design Why would the baddies insist on using a mono eye. The two eye design with rear camera makes so much sense. According to the MS08 Team the Gouf would have to continually sweep back and forth to refresh its cockpit image.
  14. Keep rolling those eyes until they get stuck to the back of your HEAD I am not trying to convince anyone to see or not to see it. The thread is about the upcoming movie. Trailers are meant to give us a screening about the movie. From it I dont like it. I dont like the plot its based on. I think its weak. I also didnt make the claim this will be the biggest movie experience of the year which "they" did about the movie before anyone has seen it. Why dont you roll your eyes at them! I know it will make mega bucks because these days its about weekend openers not the quality. There was a Movie Guru on CBCs QUE and he talked about the new Hollywood Marketing machine where movies these days are based on status quo (video game movies) and yes there is a movie in the works about facebook. Now theres something to roll your eyes. I am also not the one who started the thread to dicuss a movie that is all digital fluff and no story and no one has seen but to get all geek-ed out instead about. So i guess your right that makes me a NERD I havent seen any threads started about good movies. IE the Hurt locker, the bucket list and so on . I know its sci-fi and its supposed to be fun. Aliens was fun....or Enemy Mine which was an intelligent Sci-fi movie. I will give credit to District 9, and star trek two threads here I agreed with. What i want hollywood to do is move away from wham bam thank you mams to something more meaningful without the dazzle and razzle which so many studios shoot for and rely on. IE Transformers 2 Oh and Dear Eugimon since you like to warrent everything to one event let me continue Today I took a rather huge dump. Due to the YF-21 Had great sex with my wife. Due to the YF-21 My Mom in law corrected me on some of my use of Cantonese. Due to YF-21 After a wonderful Cantonese meal took another dump. Due to YF-21 Also, Historically many wars failed due to over extending of military resources Hannibal Alexander Napoleon to mention a few anyway for those that are going to see it cool. I really hope you enjoy your 3-d experience. I will still wait for the reviews as with anything else. For me usually previews tell all for me and i HATE 3-d. And since this is a non -biased discussion forum in which to connect with others to discuss the mundane in our lives all I am doing is giving my view point about it. As for the hype generated from the preview I am the balance to that equation of not hyped from the preview
  15. Again attention to detail is everything I never said that I said going to a far off galaxy with travel is LIGHT YEARS not going through star gate like wormholes and BRINGING THE STUFF BACK It would make sense to battle for territory and colonizing but not bringing gasoline back ! Reminds me of the Tar Pits in Alberta syndrome It takes more energy to extract oil from sand But here I go being all logical again Sorry
  16. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. and yeah it was good. But so was empire strikes back but that was because Lucas didnt write it and now we have jar jar
  18. teehee funny Be prepared to be flamed now as you are on a board that drools with anything labeled Yamato and a board thats owned by yamato. But good point. I really like their New Ingram Line. But come on 400 plus. Seriously. And yet they ask you to self repair it. Double face palm.....Thats why waiting on the cheaper blue version and I will still shop around to see if its cheaper. However i think im going to pick up the PG Red Astray instead
  19. Meh looks like marshmallow man Stupid effect
  20. i FIND IT FUNNY how many people here make assumptions again here it is I dont know history hahahaha wow Ok History aside. Travelling Light years to get a resource to fuel a war is POINTLESS....I like the concept of Serenity, Gundam where people move away from earth cause it no longer can sustain numbers. Even the remake of Lost in Space. "Recycling technologies came a little to late. We need to find a hospitable planet to colonize." In this movie it doesnt seem humans can travel to light year distance planets on a whim like in star wars. So economically, politically it doesnt make sense to do this. Move vast amounts of military hardware, Fuel, personal and the equipment to sustain it. this isnt a 16 hour flight. And we can see what affect of fueling an economy over resources has. Its breaking america to the point of no return. So you really think it makes sense to travel to another planet outside our own solar system with a huge military industrial complex and assume it wont drain the national economy of said country. Such an endeavor would also need cooperation from other nations so who the fuc are they fighting. IRAQ, CHINA Seriously at least make a little plausible Second. By fake i mean the Special Affects look BAD. Why not make it into final fantasy
  21. Why do you guys care about a mode that is down right retarded. I dont have ANY of my valks in this stupid mode. Beautiful Bird OR ASS WHOOPING ROBOT
  22. Where is your avatar from totally horned up
  23. This and i guess im the only one but im happy with my wave!!! a scale close to the quarter is fine by me but I dont want a movie version I want a tv version. I think its ridiculous wanting a toy that big. Why not make ideon that large or Aquarion or Voltron. Its rather silly and greedy i think. Im glad they backed off
  24. DX Vf27 Must Buy DX Macross Quarter Must buy DX VF 25 with goofy pack Meh dont need it GFFMC Unicorn WIN! MUST sell Kidney
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