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About nench

  • Birthday 06/09/1978

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  • Location
    Lima - PERU
  • Interests
    Collect Yamato valks and hot wheels !

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. yeah I messed this. Admin please move my post!!!
  2. [attachmentid=38769]
  3. When to expect the new YF19 from Yamato ? How much would you think will cost? Sorry if this was already post.
  4. Lima - PERU
  5. nench


    Can u make pics bigger ?
  6. Try searchin info here: WWW:VIDEOHELP:COM I´m pretty sure THERE IS A WAY to do that , though complex duty I bet.
  7. Slave I rockz: also does the millenium falcon : More star wars 3d ships here: http://www.theforce.net/scifi3d/starwars/imperialcraft.html
  8. I`ve been always an R-TYPE fan : http://www.eidosinteractive.com/gss/legacy/rtype/index.htm
  9. nench

    Custom Enigma VF-1J

    I like alot the logo on the cone of your enigma......... its actually a WWII logo of a german airplane .. i saw it before in a book i have bout WWI fighters. Cool. Impressive.
  10. Here`s a brief Midichlorian Count list of most importants characters in star wars .... Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader = 27,700 Darth Sidious/Palpatine (with Kyber Crystal) = 20,500 Yoda = 17,700 Luke Skywalker = 14,500 Leia Organa Solo = 14,500 Aenon Jurtis (Most powerful Jedi Master prior to Yoda) = 14,200 Shintor Beerus (ancient Jedi Master) = 13,900 Ce Ce Denowai (the most powerful female Jedi) = 13,700 Ben (Jhon) Skywalker = 13,700 Anakin Solo (New Jedi Order novels) = 13,700 Count Dooku/Tyranus = 13,500 Obi-Wan Kenobi = 13,400 Kaja Sinis (the first Jedi) = 13,250 Kyle Katarn = 12,200 Mace Windu = 12,000 Darth Maul = 12,000 General Grievous (New Episode 3 Villain) = 11,900 Kit Fisto = 11,800 Exar Kun (Dark Lord of the Sith during the Sith War) = 11,700 Shindor = 11,500 (Dark Jedi from Episode 7) Yaddle = 11,300 Xanatos' (Qui-Gon Jinn's former apprentice) = 11,300 Darth Seer (Founder of the modern Sith Order) = 11,200 Plo Koon = 11,100 Mara Jade = 11,000 Darth Malak (Knights of the Old Republic video game) = 10,800 Jedi Master Corran Horn (from the New Jedi Order series of Star Wars novels) = 10,700 Ki Adi Mundu = 10,600 Darth Bane = 10,500 Nebar Foxis (Jedi Knight played by SuperShadow in Episode 3) = 10,400 Joruus C'baoth = 10,350 Darth Imperius (Darth Sidious' Master) = 10,300 Shaak Ti = 10,300 Tahari Vehlia (New Jedi Order novels) = 10,300 Echuu-Shen Jon = 10,200 Darth Revan = 10,200 (Knights of the Old Republic video game) Jedi Master Kam Solusar (New Jedi Order novels) = 10,100 Aalya Secura = 10,000 Qui-Gon Jinn = 10,000 Average Jedi = 10,000 Assajj Ventress = 9,600 Naga Sadow (Dark Lord of the Sith that fled to Yavin 4)= 9,400 Jedi Master Adeus Hust = 9,300 Jacen Solo (New Jedi Order novels) = 9,000 Jaina Solo (New Jedi Order novels) = 9,000 Jedi Master Cihgal (New Jedi Order novels) = 9,000 Darth Rage (Sidious' apprentice after Darth Maul) = 9,000 Jedi Master Tionne Solusar (New Jedi Order novels) = 8,500 Dezar Looger (Dagobah Dark Jedi) = 8,400 Xio Jade = 7,400 Chewbacca = 7,200 Tylus Liv = 7,100 Aurra Sing = 7,000 Need To be Considered for Training as a Jedi = 7,000 Padme Amidala = 4,700 Danni Quee (New Jedi Order Jedi Scientist)= 4,500 Beru Lars = 3,700 Shmi = 3,300 Lando Calsarrian = 3,300 Boba Fett= 1,500 Han Solo = 1,500 Jango Fett = 1,500 Owen Lars = 1,500 Could be interesting to you. Taken from: http://www.supershadow.com/starwars/midi.html
  11. Besides theres a lot of Macross fan base that also likes a lot of Star Wars universe. Like me !!!!!!!!!! Wohoooo !
  12. I think this is the "Other Anime or Science Fiction " topic ...or not ? Why cant u ask something bout other sci fi than Macross.... if you dont know the answer or just dont like the theme just dont post dude ! Dont be so rude.
  13. I have a Kayododo Purple Eva - Extra . The box the toy comes rules for me, a pretty nice design and great for display (if you have a lot of space for pose). This figure comes with a shinny metallic paint job and a great sculp. Fully loaded of guns , lots of hands for display, 2 swords, 2 heads and a long tube .......... i love this pvc fugure. If you are a little short of money pick up this one, I bought it a couple o years ago from BBTS. Now you may find this version in EBAY, I dunno. The chogokin version should rule too, but dissapoints me the fact its shorter than the yaiyodo version ! I dont think PVC means cheap, Yujin has also beatiful sculps for other mecha toys and look cool.
  14. - Daimos DX Chogokin - Baxinger DX - Jeeg Takara and Shooter - Tryder G7 ST - SDF - 1 the biggets takatoku one - 1/60 Yamato Monster
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