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Everything posted by Daedalus

  1. It's New Edward Test Flight Center I believe. based on Edwards Airforce base where they tested F-22.
  2. Thanks Shizuka, wmkjr!
  3. Hi, any thoughts on a great condition Max Vf-1s DYRL? Thanks guys!
  4. Same here, got my confirm for Yf-19 but no Aile Strike confirmation yet.
  5. Daedalus

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Caught one at HLJ
  6. Daedalus

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I got 1x from Anime export, hoping they release more.
  7. Hi guys, got my Metal Build Harrison! thought I'd share a pic.
  8. Same here brother, got it snatched out of my hands lol
  9. Daedalus

    Hi-Metal R

    Super Ostrich at the hobby show, hopefully it's next.
  10. You're probably already right, which would be a shame. It's weird, AmiAmi has it releasing in 2018 while Hlj says Oct. Went to the artstorm site and it says 2018 april-may. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=FIGURE-017927
  11. Sweet finally got one from Hlj, but mmmm.... signed up with one of those services and they don't seem too bad.
  12. Coming April 2018 apparently, more time to save those premium pennies.
  13. If I had to have only one, It's Black and Yellow.
  14. Always happy to see them expand the VF-1 line, but if not the I could use a VE-1/VT-1
  15. Daedalus

    Hi-Metal R

    Glaug is back up for preorders at HLJ, got one! https://secure.hlj.com/product/BANN04090/Act
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