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Grand Admiral

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Everything posted by Grand Admiral

  1. Little something I whipped up this morning: Click for high-res. I made a tutorial for Lego creations the other day, but the same principles apply here.
  2. Personally I won't even upgrade for $15 unless it's a movie I really feel that needs to be seen in high definition. I'm planning to upgrade "big" movies like Star Wars, Star Trek, LOTR, and so on, but my more average "once in a while" movies, I'm ok with just watching the DVDs.
  3. I used to be a HUGE spawn fanboy in college. I had every issue, even had some POGs. After the sucktacular movie and several spinoff books, I sold all my collection on eBay and washed my hands of it. I really hate it when comics publishers spread a story out across several titles, forcing you to buy all of them. It's a crappy marketing tactic.
  4. The fact that Reliant isn't the same scale as Enterprise A, combined with the mentions of crappy plastic.... eh, I'll pass.
  5. Well yeah, but how could an organization like Cobra even exist in secrecy anyway? Where could they hide that they could have a factory to produce all their specialized vehicles and equipment?
  6. My interpretation was that it was a fake town that Cobra set up.
  7. And also that mode was based on a gun used in The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
  8. I enjoyed it. Some of the dialogue was awkward, but mostly it was pretty fun. I thought it was fun to see the Joes in a modern setting.
  9. I love the good ol' CF.
  10. Not only that, but when I was in elementary school, it was mythical. Nobody had one, since it had to be obtained either with the Terror Drome or later on, by mail order. Nyeerrrrmmmmmm! Pew Pew!
  11. After 23 years, I finally have a FIREBAT!
  12. No problem. I had to study the URL for a couple of minutes until I figured it out.
  13. Apparently there is an "18" in the date in the URL link instead of the "17" that the functional link contains. Functional link: Anymoon.com
  14. I had only just bought my 2nd 1/48 when they announced the 1/60 v2 line, so it wasn't a big deal for me to sell them and start over.
  15. Still available on Amazon and shop.lego.com
  16. The 1/48s are still very nice toys. Many people are selling them and switching to the 1/60s for a variety of reasons: - Some prefer the proportions of the 1/60 toys - Some wish to have all 1/60 scale valks, since Yamato decided to standardize the various series all in 1/60 scale I'm in the latter group. I sold my 1/48s because I like having all my valks in the same scale. There was certainly nothing wrong with my 1/48s and they even have some details missing in the 1/60s, like functioning air brakes and wing flaps, as well as a removable nose cone.
  17. Heh, it sure does look similar to the M-41.
  18. He has the hydrogen symbol on his forehead in the comic too.
  19. In the Star Trek universe they never invented circuit breakers.
  20. I am going to buy this so HARD.
  21. I just pre-ordered this beauty. 3 3/4" Scale DeLorean Time Machine Now I need to get it up to 88mph and send it back to my 1985 self.
  22. Do you think that perhaps the QC will be better on the Alphas? I've been kind of skittish about buying them because of all the complaints about breaking parts. I'm definitely interested in buying a gift set, though.
  23. It had a 0% earlier today, but now it's up to 3%. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/street_fig...end_of_chun_li/
  24. Nice! Looking forward to it.
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