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Grand Admiral

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Everything posted by Grand Admiral

  1. Them's fightin' words in these parts.
  2. I like this paint scheme precisely because it's simple and doesn't have colored stripes on it. I'll be picking up one of these.
  3. I wouldn't buy a parts-former. Just sayin'.
  4. Indeed that is an extremely nice VT. I might pick it up after I scratch up enough cash after pre-ordering my VE-1.
  5. Those photos are really testing my resolve to save my money for the VE-1.
  6. This is pretty much where I'm at. I own a smattering of figures from the last several years, bought because of whether I liked the individual designs. I'm more of a general transforming toy fan, and not so much a completist character/storyline fan.
  7. http://www.flickr.com/
  8. I never had the Aerialbots back in the day. I'm enjoying this a lot.
  9. Awesome! Mine is arriving via UPS today.
  10. That's ok with me, I need time to save up.
  11. Oh mans, I love the CF scheme. Still have to save up for my VE-1 tho.
  12. Here are a few of mine.
  13. If the anime sucks, I just don't watch it. I still like cool transforming fighter toys, tho.
  14. I recommend Brick Artist Depot.
  15. Very nice.
  17. The bits on the front of the leg seem to be a couple of these: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=3794 With a couple 1x2 tiles on top. The leg is most likely made up of several of these: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=4733
  18. Eh, yeah he's pretty bad too, but at least the parts fold into a shape that's reminiscent of the boxy underside of an XB-70. I didn't buy Silverbolt either.
  19. It might possibly be the worst Transformer ever. I can't think of another one that so completely fails to hide the robot bits. I mean... it doesn't even hide them a little bit. They're just sitting under the jet.
  20. Thanks for the link. Did this and it worked nicely. And thanks for the pic. Already enjoying Superion more. I just pre-ordered the upgrade kit from BBTS. Can't wait.
  21. I'd love that CF 1J but I need to save money for the VE-1.
  22. I'd like to hear more, too. I'm not generally a fan of the movie designs, but that looks pretty darn cool.
  23. This is me opening my wallet for whoever makes a 1:60 VF-2SS.
  24. Wow, I'd be afraid to leave my valks at work precariously displayed on top of a cubicle cabinet.
  25. If they had released a low-vis or Focker scheme, I'd be all over it. These? Meh.
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