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Grand Admiral

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Everything posted by Grand Admiral

  1. I dunno, it looks pretty much like what I've come to expect from anything Bayformers. I don't like their aesthetic either, but I just choose to ignore them. There have been some good bots lately from Classics/Universe/RevealTheShield/WhateverMarketingNameThey'reUsingThisYear.
  2. That's because it's a photo of a halloween costume, not an actual movie costume.
  3. Cap is so badass he doesn't need camo. He brings the fight to them.
  4. I skipped Tracks because they didn't do justice to his flight mode. That was one of my favorite things about the original.
  5. I really like the 'bot mode on Fansproject Rodimus, I may have to think about it. Of course, I have the first-run figure so I'd have to go find the G1 color version. Got Jazz this weekend. Really great figure! Maybe in the next day or two I'll try to get a glamour shot of him. Quick pic running amok in my wife's xmas town.
  6. Yes. Also, the pseudo-science explanation. I wasn't very fond of the last episode.
  7. She would be a good choice, I agree.
  8. Yeah we're coming up on the Black Friday sales. Quite possibly they will be putting that stuff out soon.
  9. Thanks, guys. He currently doesn't own any valks at all, so I will recommend the TV VF-1S, since it has the fixes. I really appreciate the insightful replies instead of the brush-off.
  10. Why did you link me to the front page of the forums? Edit: Found the Where To Buy thread. Thanks.
  11. Hi everyone, A buddy told me the other day that his mom will be visiting Hong Kong in the near future. He wants to have her pick up a Yamato VF-1 for him. Can you guys recommend shops that she could go to? Thanks a lot!
  12. Red Mars and sequels by Kim Stanley Robinson - Excellent "hard" SF depiction of a not-too-distant future Earth and colonization of Mars. And seconding The Atrocity Archives and sequels by Charles Stross. SF meets Lovecraftian horror meets Office Space. Very enjoyable.
  13. I'm not really hugely picky about the color scheme, just something that isn't neon-bright LOL KIDS LIKE BRIGHT COLORS LOLOLOLOL.
  14. I picked up Tomahawk yesterday. He's pretty fun, and decently poseable. Helicopter mode would look a lot better if they hadn't used the chicken leg design. They also had the orange X-30 style jet. (I can't be arsed to look up his name right now) I decided to skip it and wait to see if they release a repaint that isn't ORANGE.
  15. Stopped by my local Target yesterday. They don't have any of the new stuff yet.
  16. That's some lovely snark, but it really just demonstrates ignorance of the source material. The Hobbit is more of an adventure story, and doesn't have the somber tone of LOTR.
  17. I'm really bummed that it can't do "flying car mode". That was one of my favorite things about Tracks when I was a kid.
  18. I don't understand why you'd go to the trouble to make all that armor and then not make an accurate helmet.
  19. I also recall a fan-made CGI clip of F-15 Starscream roaring overhead, transforming, and landing on his feet. My google-fu is too weak to find it this morning.
  20. I went down to Dragoncon this afternoon. Hot Rod was there, helping the public with local directions.
  21. Wow, that's gorgeous. I wish I had the budget for it right now.
  22. What's the white bridge-looking thingy on the stand? I haven't watched SBY in a million years, and mostly only recall it from the fuzzy depths of my youth.
  23. It really bugs my OCD that the guy forgot to fold down the windows on both Drift and Blurr. He also didn't bother to make sure all Blurr's roof panels lined up right when he transformed him to car mode.
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