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Grand Admiral

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Everything posted by Grand Admiral

  1. I'm definitely thinking about picking this up. I still have my (broken ) Godaikin Gardian in a box in the basement. I'm really interested to see what Godmarz looks like too. I always wanted that one.
  2. I'm gonna skip 'em. The black and gold is not only tacky, but the font they used for "25th Anniversary" is ugly and crass. Meh.
  3. Ugh... the script looks even worse up close.
  4. Yuck, the font on those is "Brush Script", which is one of the most hackneyed fonts ever created. It belongs in the hall of shame along with Hobo and Comic Sans. Still, I may buy one of these, even if I have to remove the script printing. We shall see.
  5. Don't you be badmouthin' Pimp Destro. He will SLAP you. Ok, I admit I bought this because of the sheer ridiculousness of it.
  6. I've had good luck with a fine-tip Gundam Marker. http://www.gundamstoreandmore.com/gundammarkers2.html Here's a picture of my stealth VF-1J. It doesn't show up all that well in the photo, but you can see them a bit. I used a black marker, but on one of the white fighters I'd recommend a gray or light brown.
  7. These pics make me want to buy this set. Well done!
  8. Uh, actually Peter Parker was a wussy nerd until he became Spider Man. That was VERY true to the Spider Man story. It has always been about a nerdy awkward guy who moonlights as a super hero, but never can quite get his life in order. Regardless... Iron Man looks AWESOME.
  9. We all knew it was coming, but w00t nonetheless.
  10. Wicked awesome. Wish I had the budget to bid on it, but my wife has these bizarre notions of a "vacation" this summer.
  11. Classics starting back up is the best Transformers news I've had all year.
  12. Here are some pics of my Revoltech Prime and Megatron.
  13. I agree. I would buy it so HARD.
  14. That thing looks to me like it's the front wheels of the Tumbler. My hypothesis is that the Tumbler gets munched and Bats has to eject in this little tumbler-cycle.
  15. Grand Admiral

    Thank God

  16. How much was the EMS shipping? I've never ordered something from HLJ that had to be shipped EMS.
  17. I'm waiting to see if they've fixed the breaking issues, and to see what other color schemes are made.
  18. Interesting how the movie version is more imposing in truck form, but much shorter in robot form. Looks like a pile of crap next to MP Prime.
  19. Yep. The figures are pretty small... but the posability is unparalleled. Here are some pics of mine. I haven't yet invested in the Megatron, but I think I will, just so Prime has some metal ass to kick.
  20. Heh... some of you guys are drinking the Leykis kool-aid a little too much. Sure, there are some kernels of truth in what he says, but it's radio entertainment and not necessarily to be used as rules for how to live your life.
  21. What's the point in forming an opinion on prototype photos? It's not done yet, and it's obviously not transformed with the parts fitting flush, because the prototype is probably fragile. Let's take the protophotos with a grain of salt and give 'em some time.
  22. I call mine my "Nerdcave." I have a room in the basement that is MINE. I put all my nerdy crap down there and my wife doesn't say one word about it. However, she has some pretty girly things around the house that I don't give her crap about. The point is, we each have our "space" that we can put our desired objects in. It's about compromise. You get to have your stuff, and she gets to have hers. Gently, but firmly stand your ground, and come to some sort of agreement on where you can display your stuff. This will also have the side benefit of demonstrating to her that you are willing to compromise, but you aren't going to just lie down and let her tell you what to do. If she won't compromise with you, then you need to show her the door. You won't be happy in a marriage with someone who tells you what to do and is inflexible.
  23. I have mine on a shelf in my nerdcave. I doubt I'll buy another VF-1. I'm not a completist collector. I'm waiting to see what other color schemes the YF-19 may be produced in before I buy.
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