I call mine my "Nerdcave."
I have a room in the basement that is MINE. I put all my nerdy crap down there and my wife doesn't say one word about it. However, she has some pretty girly things around the house that I don't give her crap about. The point is, we each have our "space" that we can put our desired objects in.
It's about compromise. You get to have your stuff, and she gets to have hers.
Gently, but firmly stand your ground, and come to some sort of agreement on where you can display your stuff. This will also have the side benefit of demonstrating to her that you are willing to compromise, but you aren't going to just lie down and let her tell you what to do.
If she won't compromise with you, then you need to show her the door. You won't be happy in a marriage with someone who tells you what to do and is inflexible.