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Grand Admiral

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Everything posted by Grand Admiral

  1. Friend of mine cleaned the "weathering" crap off his Masterpiece Starscream and the nosecone is BLUE! (click for link)
  2. There's no real way for me to answer that. It really depends on what parts you need, how common those parts are, who has them, how many they have, etc. Bricklink has fluctuating prices and is very susceptible to supply and demand, since it's a fan-based site. Basically people open sets, sort the pieces, and sell them. The older and less common a piece, the more likely it's going to be expensive.
  3. Here's a little something I cooked up this morning. Click it for the large size.
  4. Here's a little something I cooked up this morning. Click it for the large size.
  5. This gallery is mine. I built that several years ago. Unfortunately at the time I didn't have enough blue wings to make it completely accurate, and that was before I started buying parts from Bricklink. Lately I've been thinking about building one of the Raiden fighters with some power-up boxes.
  6. I don't see any clone bricks in these creations. However, I do see parts that were released in older sets that may not be in production now. LEGO doesn't produce every part in every color every year. Each year they have a part palette they work with, and only produce certain bricks in certain colors. They also don't make every piece in every set available online or through LEGO Factory at any given time. If you're interested in getting specific pieces try http://www.bricklink.com/
  7. I'm really tempted by Baikanfu. It's very much like the Gardian I had as a kid.
  8. I thought they did a good job with the first one, so I'm all for it.
  9. I love mine.
  10. That is one ugly paint scheme. Yecch.
  11. Please make the "Dobber" scheme SV-51. And another vote for a VF-4.
  12. I'm not planning to buy a 51, but I'd buy a Dobber-style repaint.
  13. Yes, but these are like the 1978 Firebird gone horribly wrong.
  14. I was holding the arm. It was some combination of the compression of the shoulder joint that caused it to break. The hands on my Convoy are VERY difficult to remove from the wrist sockets. I'm certainly not so stupid that I'd try to pull the hand off by holding only the body.
  15. Another vote for the "I'd buy both" camp.
  16. Yeah the Super/Strike parts do add a lot of weight. It's too much to use the Yamato pose stand at certain banked angles.
  17. Took a couple of new pics tonight.
  18. I hate you people because now I'm thinking about buying multiples.
  19. I took the chance and cut on my Destro too. It worked well.
  20. It works ok. The left arm is a bit floppy, but I had the magnets already. Ideally I'd probably use magnets that were about twice the size/strength.
  21. It's ok, I fixed his shoulder with some rare earth magnets.
  22. I broke Prime's shoulder off while trying to get his damn hand to pop out of the wrist socket. I don't think I'd call them fragile, but do be careful.
  23. I don't think it's broken. It's just loose. I also noticed that Destro doesn't have the double jointed knees like the other figures. :\
  24. I finally got around to opening my Cobra 5-pack today. I'm really pretty disappointed. Storm Shadow has a floppy torso right out of the box. Destro's left hand is so gnarled he can't hold his briefcase. Cobra Trooper is ok, I guess. At least he can hold his rifle. I couldn't get Baroness into a pose that didn't look ridiculous so I put her back in the package. Her neck is sort of hunched forward and her hair gets in the way of putting her right arm in certain poses. Her hips are so wide that any position I put her legs in leaves a huge weird gap in between. I didn't unpack Cobra Commander because I already have the hooded one on my display shelf. I would prefer if the display stands had debossed the Cobra emblem. It tends to get in the way of their feet being in certain poses. After these I think I'm going to be a lot more choosy about which other Joes I buy. Meh.
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