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Grand Admiral

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Everything posted by Grand Admiral

  1. In a nutshell- The Hobbit: Thorin Oakenshield and Gandalf visit Bilbo in the Shire. Bilbo joins the Dwarves' quest. Bilbo meets Gollum and finds the One Ring. Bard slays Smaug the dragon with the aid of Bilbo. The Battle of the Five Armies—Men, Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, and Eagles— is fought over Smaug's treasure. Thorin Oakenshield dies in battle, and Dain becomes King under the mountain. The White Council meets again and Saruman, hoping to keep Sauron from finding the One Ring, agrees to attack Dol Guldur. Sauron abandons Dol Guldur. Bilbo returns to the Shire and begins to write his memoirs, the first volume of the Red Book. Post-Hobbit Sauron returns to Mordor. I'm guessing this is approximately where the second movie will end. There really isn't much that happens between this point and the beginning of Fellowship, 60 years later. Mostly just Sauron rebuilding his forces and Aragorn ranger-ing about. Gandalf wanders around some and Saruman finds the Palantir. I'm not really sure how this will play out in the movies. They compressed a lot of time in the 3 LOTR movies. For instance, it was 20 years between Bilbo's birthday party and Gandalf returning to tell Frodo about the true nature of the Ring. The rest of the movies play out over the course of a year, but the movies make it seem like a couple of weeks. My guess is perhaps they would end the first movie as Dain becomes King, and perhaps have Bilbo returning home and Sauron being driven from Dol Guldur in the second.
  2. I don't mind that classics Jetfire doesn't look like a VF, but why didn't they just make him look like the cartoon Skyfire? They sort of paid homage to it with the blocky nose, but Classics Jetfire looks like an F-14 with an ugly nose. I'd much rather they have just made him look like the more spaceship-esque cartoon Skyfire.
  3. The new Classics look great. I agree that Silverstreak deco looks better than Prowl. Silverbolt is pretty lazy with the "jet-on-my-back" half-assed transformation. I'll have to see that one in person to decide if I like it enough to buy, since it'll be an Ultra-scale and more expensive. I'm very interested in the Animated Ultra Magnus. Sweet.
  4. Heh, I never liked Classics Jetfire. I always think of it as "Fatfire" because his robot mode looks so fat. The arms hanging out the sides in jet mode is also pretty weak. The titanium Jetfire looks good from the top, but from the side looks pretty blocky, as Transformers jets often do. I guess Hasbro figures kids won't care as long as it looks like a jet from the top.
  5. I used two flexistands to put 2 1/48s together in my Detolf.
  6. I like my 1/48s a lot but I'll probably pick up some of the 2-seater 1/60s.
  7. Oh, good... this will give me a little more time to save up.
  8. My sentiments exactly. The Legioss looks awful.
  9. This shot makes me sad. It's like they just sort of said "meh, close enough" and gave up trying to make it look right.
  10. Grand Admiral

    Thunder Hammer

  11. As much as I love LEGO, there are times that I think the company is successful in spite of what they do, and not because of it.
  12. There is very little chance of that. We've discussed this point before, which you can read by starting with my post in this thread: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=551136
  13. The marketing folks at LEGO seem to think that the most recent line didn't sell well because kids didn't understand the story. I think they should've had better sets. Nobody buys a LEGO set for the story.
  14. Exo Force is being cancelled because the most recent line of sets aren't selling well. My personal opinion is that the sets were a little too bizarre and lacked the cohesive design of the first run of sets.
  15. OMG I want that Godmars so BAD. When I was 11 I had some christmas money and the choice of getting the GoDaikin Godmars or G1 Metroplex. I got Metroplex and have regretted it ever since.
  16. I'm still waiting for a classic Mazinga.
  17. It looks to me like the bundle just includes 3 of the standard Exo Force sets from 2006, so all you would need are the instructions and stickers.
  18. And one in my wife's Christmas town.
  19. Wait... you mean forums are for discussing things?!
  20. Very cool!
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