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Grand Admiral

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Everything posted by Grand Admiral

  1. Oh good, Mine is on preorder with Overdrive. I should have it soon!
  2. Yep, I'll be getting the 1D fer sure.
  3. Best-Lock is a LEGO clone brand. This is just their lame attempt at a sci-fi themed set. I wouldn't try to read too much into it.
  4. Grand Admiral

    Latest custom.

  5. Aw man... I just pre-ordered it. I hope that means they're doing additional QA. /me kicks rock
  6. It's pretty poseable. Usually the limits of posing it have more to do with balance than range.
  7. The Teknomeka uses these for the hips, waist, and shoulders: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemPic.asp?P=2856c01 For a smaller creation like you're speaking of, you might want to look into getting some of the smaller ratcheting joints that are in things like the Exo Force sets currently for sale.
  8. Hi everyone, A while back I decided to customize Brian Cooper's excellent TEKNOMEKA frame and make my own super robot. This is sort of a hybrid of Mazinga Z and Ultra V from the PS2 game War of the Monsters. (Ultra V was Mazinga inspired anyway) The frame uses LEGO Technic worm gearing in all the joints and is actually quite strong. All parts are 100% LEGO. Anyway, just thought you guys would get a kick out of it. Enjoy.
  9. Hey that's pretty cool. I've got half a mind to buy one and paint it up properly and put on some repro Sky Striker stickers.
  10. This is pretty much how I feel about it too. The armor does look nice, though.
  11. I'm sorry, man. I got two doggies of my own that are getting on in age, so I sympathize.
  12. I certainly do. Those were dark times. Today we have a wealth of Macross toys to choose from. I think the DX 25 looks fine. Sure, it's not 100% accurate, but it's not as bad as everyone here seems to think.
  13. Yep, I enjoyed it a lot. I didn't expect too much from it, and I thought it was a faithful interpretation to the movie screen.
  14. It's far more profitable to bank on collectors who have a compulsion to buy one of everything.
  15. I did exactly this. The paint never got bubbly or lifted from the plastic in any way. The parts were submerged for 14 days. When I tried to brush the paint off after that time, it simply smeared around and created a bigger mess. I had to use denatured alcohol to clean the parts and then I repainted them entirely. I'm not doubting that you've had success with it, but in my experience it didn't work at all. Obviously it doesn't work "flawlessly" in every situation.
  16. You can paint on them, but USE PRIMER. I cannot stress this enough. Primer. Use it. Tamiya primer works just fine.
  17. I had zero luck with the Pine Sol method. Soaked painted parts in it for over 2 weeks and it removed no paint at all. That was Testors spray enamel gloss paint. Maybe it works better on other paint types.
  18. Even though I have gone on record as disliking parts swapping, I will not be able to resist a VF-2SS. Or the VF-4, for that matter.
  19. Yes it has an internal skeleton. It was built by Lego Master Builder Erik Varszegi for the Star Wars Celebration a few years ago. He let me in on a little secret. If you open one of the docking bays, there are Star Wars characters watching Lord of the Rings.
  20. Parts swapping = no buy.
  21. Yeah I have enough invested in my Binaltechs that I really don't want to bother with yet another scale.
  22. I'll be in a better mood if you avoid using the "YER JUST A HATER" response to my clearly stated opinion.
  23. You didn't read my post, did you? I said I own Bulkhead and Prowl. I also said that if Hasbro can make Bulkhead and Prowl, which I OWN, look great in both modes, why can't they make SS look good in both modes? I'm really getting tired of people throwing around the label "hater" as if it means something. I described my opinion of why I didn't like something and gave clear reasons for it, and all I get back is "Oh you're just a hater." What I am NOT, is a "collector." I don't go buy every single thing Hasbro makes and thank them for it. I select the figures that I think look good... it's called "discretion", not "hater."
  24. I hated Animated SS for all of the above reasons PLUS it looks horrible in jet mode from any angle except directly above. Mine was such shoddy quality I re-packed it and returned it to the store. Sorry guys, I don't buy the "it's for kids" BS response. If Bulkhead and Prowl (which I own) can look great in vehicle mode, why can't the jet transformers look great in vehicle mode? It's like Hasbro just phones in anything with a jet mode because they know people will buy it anyway. It only has to look like a jet on the top side so they just half-ass the rest of the design.
  25. That really doesn't seem like a good justification for a poor design. "Hey it looks like crap on TV AND in real life!" On the show they sort of use "anime magic" to minimize the treads and smooth out the jet shape.
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