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Everything posted by Damian

  1. I have been meaning to complete my series of VF-1 profiles from the show and then do the DYRL. Of the series I still have to do Myria cause I got on with Kakazaki's VF-1
  2. I has been ages since I have been here, man ths is FANTASTIC!
  3. Did someone say family model Valkyries? Well I'm sure someone must have muttered it 1. The "Virign Road" VF-1D. Painted up in Max Jenius' colours and flown by him with his new bride as the GIB or should I say BIB? 2. Here's machine 102 from VT-102. This is the first Veritech flown by Hikaru/Rick I hope you like them!!! D
  4. I do indeed know that they were the "Gunfighters". They also had the tomcat mascot as a prominent feature of their tail art which wouldn't really do what with the VF-1 not being a F-14 and all. So a change in mascot and in my mind the unit deciding to change their name. It has happened before in the light attack squadrons. If that doesn't fly then it's not even the same VF but a new SVF assigned the 124 number (easier to swallow for some I suppose). Yup know that the full colour birds in both the hi viz (see the rainbow tails) and in the current low viz era are referred to as CAG bird, a minor slip up on my part.
  5. Thanks Sean, your superb line art makes all this possible Now it seems I forgot to add one more D
  6. As you've no doubt noticed I haven't posted in about 9 days, here's why: With two seaters on the way with all the others too D
  7. And now for a trip down memory lane. I give you Roy Focker's VF-1S "Skull One" Thanks to Talos for the excellent references on the fuselage markings. I hope it brings back as many awesome memories for you as it did for me, been humming the Robotech (oh noes) theme all afternoon!! D
  8. Well after saving my art from a failing HDD and enduring the slog of re-installing XP and all the needed updates to get somewhere, I've actually finished the Vlak! Here's the first of the non cannon profiles in something of mismatched scheme. She's wearing the F-14's three tone TPS but the F-4's tail art I hope you like her! D
  9. A small update on the VF-1S. I've settled on the F-14D three tone TPS for the intial few profiles, may do Skull leader too D
  10. A small update on the VF-1S D
  11. I posted this in the lie art and profiles thread too. After quite a hiatus from MW and MAcross I though it's high time to revisit the Macross universe with my improved skills. To compare this is my first attempt at profiling the Valk: D
  12. I thought it's high time to revisit the Macross universe with my improved skills. To compare this is my first attempt at profiling the Valk: D
  13. Hmmm I really need to work on my VF-0 again don't I? d
  14. Well after a long while it seems I'm now able to log on and stay on. As Talos and hellohikaru can attest I've been on a South African Navy theme for a bit and have been trying to improve my skills somewhat. I may make a foray back into the world of Macross soon
  15. Hi All!! An quick post to tell you all that I've updated my thread over at the what-if site Here's a teaser: D 14 attempts to post so far...
  16. Seeing as posting is such a PIA what with getting logged out every time I try to post or even change pages how about surfing over to the what-if forums where you can see all of my up loads? Here's a teaser tho: Damian's profiles thread My sci-fi and Macross stuff start from page 7 Let me know what you think!! D 11th attempt to post this...
  17. Hi All!!! I've been busy with Talos' VA-3 Invader profiles, man what alot of fun ESPECIALLY deleting my work the first time...duh... 1. First up is VA-115. Still stationed on Earth as home guard unit after Space War I. A. A retro colour scheme as worn by the units A-6s in the latter half of the 20th B. The all purpose low-viz as worn by the line craft. 2. SVA-35 is stationed aboard the Saratoga II a Uraga-class escort battle carrier. Saratoga II is stationed at Mars to protect the Helderman research complex/colony. A. They too painted but the lead bird in a retro scheme initially. B. And again the all purpose low-viz scheme... 3. Can't not do some Marine birds now can I?? Both are variation worn by VMA(AW)-224. A. B. 4. Finaly I end with SVA-34 the Blue Blasters. They are stationed on the Independence which patrols out of the New Avalon system. A. The CAG bird. The tail art is a nod at the units first tail motif durning WW II. It was a pain to make but worth it in the end!!! B. A line bird... There you go I hope you enjoy these new addidtions! Any requests, hints or hatemail most welcome!!! D *EDIT: Thanks Wolfman for pointing out my screw up * *EDIT: Changed up the ship class, seems a little knowledge is a bad thing *
  18. Hi Guys!! Damn is the silly (read stupid) season in effect here with Xmas day drawing ever closer!! Hmmm I can almost taste the lunch now YUM! Well I've done some Macross/Robotech profiles, they're not as great as some of the previous efforts but I'm still learning 1. VF-101. There's something about having the Reaper on the tail that just screams cool... 2. VF-11. Nothing like a Ripper's machine. The engine pods are colour coded with the rest of the scheme and I think it ties it all together quite nicely. 3. VFA-75. The Sunday Punchers, now that is a cool name for an attack sqn. A little obscure as I think they were disbanded with their A-6s but I found a nice patch that screamed TAIL ART at me. Their A-6s were plain and so is this VF-1A. 4. VFA-25. One of my fav attack squadrons. This profile is quite different from all the others as I used it to play around with adding some grime, leaks and repaints to the airframe via different levels and blurs. I think it came out ok but some more work will need to be done... Crits and comments most welcomed! D ps. It been point out to me that its SPACY on SPACEY. The next batch will be fixed
  19. Oh well recasts here we come!
  20. Again, title says it all I've looked around but can't find a pic showing the size of the kit compaired to VF-1 etc...
  21. Good thing I'm South African and not American and really couldn't give a rats ass about the whole scene! I'll order, just as long as I don't have to pay until my kits are available Screw this pay now get f%$ked over again and agian thing...I read that whole debalce So much for the infallable Japanese work ethic! Any lines on recasts... Yes I know its wrong blah blah...but I would like to deal with someone who'll actually deliver... Damian ps. I love his views on war...considering recent history and all...ah well what can you do eh?
  22. I was toying with the idea of saving for the Cat's Eye and Fan liner...
  23. Damian


    Good question. Too bad even a recast will cost an arm and a leg. Tell me about it...I'd need a year or two to save for one...how much do you think a recast would go for before shipping is included in the price? 400, 500 or 600 USD? Before shipping? Hmm... Last time I checked, I think it was 450ish... plus... obviously like 100 dollar shipping. Man, but a 1/72 Monster. Its like a dog. I can pet it and it can have its own dog house. Hahahah... You could put it in its own room and name it, then when guests come over you can lead them to "the Monster" room... Man that would rock! Could you imagine that beast in 1/48??
  24. The title above says it all, if he/they does/do then how would I go about ordering a kit from them? Damian
  25. Damian


    Good question. Too bad even a recast will cost an arm and a leg. Tell me about it...I'd need a year or two to save for one...how much do you think a recast would go for before shipping is included in the price? 400, 500 or 600 USD?
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