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Everything posted by hirohawa

  1. Best panel lines: Tamiya smoke Tamiya thinner (use sparingly like 10%) Good thin brush and a paper towel. The Tamiya smoke is basically transparent black so you have nice panel lines that have alot of depth because of the tranparency versus opaque black that looks totally fake. Mechanicl pencils does not have as fine a panel line as the the Tamiya Method
  2. Homeboy looks old. On the plus side he didn't get large like Shatner but he doesn't look badass the way Clint did at his age. I saw him at a burger joint with another MWer about a year ago and he looked a kinda frail. He just doesn't have that mischief in his eyes anymore. Hasn't had it in a long time.
  3. So oven cleaner is okay for the canopy? Or is Pine Sol better? How long for each?
  4. I'm in for one.
  5. Maybe it is a one off. And isn't it Thunder HAMMER not HUMMER? If we see a unicorn does that mean we're not human?
  6. Maybe it was an elf or a LEPRECHAUN... Or maybe it is a Yamato Prototype. Maybe one last hurrah for the 1/48 line. Was there any text or kanji on the picture? Yamato has released primered pics before haven't they?
  7. The nose looks a little stubby in fighter mode. Otherwise looks great.
  8. how much shipped are you guys paying?
  9. Interested as well if I am not too late. Thanks
  10. Please put me down for the second run of the monster and for the 1/24 VF1. Thanks
  11. Looks great! Can't wait to see more.
  12. Wonder if there will be a "new" 1/48 after they are done with the "new" 1/60 line. I think they should go up to 1/32
  13. ...
  14. Holy crap that is awesome! Too awesome for EXO...
  15. Silly Gaijin devil, 1500 yen is not $50.
  16. Exo is right. Be careful of the smudgy weathering as your fingers will add a new layer of grime to them. I bought a used LV and it was Super Grimy. Either wash up or wear gloves when handling.
  17. Your Pass has been vetoed. Non transforming battroids you lose! - suck on it EXO.
  18. Great job! How did you do the controller in the cockpit?
  19. Awesome! Thanks
  20. Revoltechs are great little toys. I'm getting every one they make. Screw you guys, happy Thanksgiving
  21. Who makes that shelf? Looks great!
  22. 1/48 two seaters. 1D, Elint and Ostrich. They really should complete the 1/48 line and just think of all the repaint possibilities. You could have at least three color variations for each one.
  23. Same here
  24. Congrats. The 1/48 Yamato Valk is the best toy of all time.
  25. Heart breaks a little today. Bring on the crapfest.
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