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Everything posted by hirohawa

  1. If that's how they figured out to make the two seater - by ruining the proportions on the one seaters- color me unimpressed. It does look good in battroid though with the stubbier nose.
  2. The nose looks stubby in fighter mode.
  3. hirohawa

    Thunder Hammer

    Tamiyas finest. Will get you the exact color.
  4. hirohawa

    Thunder Hammer

    Jarowar Love your Avatar!
  5. hirohawa

    Thunder Hammer

    That's what she said.
  6. hirohawa

    Thunder Hammer

    I hate to do this on a public forum but, thanks to EXO for initiating such a cool project for Macross fans. It really came out better than I ever imagined.
  7. Who here can get me one of these on April 1st? Will pay a fee for procuring one. Thanks
  8. hirohawa

    Thunder Hammer

    Having spent some time with EXO's Thunder Hammer I can tell you the crazy thing is that in real life it looks like a real manufactured piece - the craftsmanship is utterly mind blowing. By far the most ambitous custom done to a Macross toy. You guys are going to be blown away if you ever get to see it. And I blame EXO for it.
  9. http://www.geocities.com/takatoysperu/Taka...ss_sticker.html
  10. The Yamato stickers are pretty bad. Use Takatoys stickers or Anastazi's watersldie decals.
  11. hirohawa

    2 seater 1/48s

    Yeah BOB I'm sure that's the same deal Kawomori gets. Let's inflame things on the boards - that should be confidential - and make the 1D project crash and burn - great idea!
  12. I am in for one if this is possible
  13. Worst thread ever on MW.
  14. Amen brother. Bring on the 1/48s!
  15. There's a reason EXO gets blamed for everything here - Who do you think was responsible for the crappy weathering on the LV?
  16. Anyone here have a Volume 1 set of seven they want to sell?
  17. Great job!
  18. I disagree with EXO on principle.
  19. Welcome to MW
  20. New to me. Is that from a video game?
  21. Variable into what?
  22. hirohawa

    Macross Revoltech

  23. hirohawa

    Almost Done!!

    Looks awesome! Love the Focker colors
  24. Re-relaesing is a good thing it means that Macross and the 1/48 line are still financially viable for Yamato.
  25. Oven cleaner works very well. Thanks
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