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Everything posted by hirohawa

  1. I sent one as well. How long till the regular FP sets are available? I would love to order these at the same time. Thanks
  2. I am looking for the Kotubukiya Vernier Burner nozzles p 109 and p 113 0r P112. Where can I get these at? thanks
  3. Sent email Looks great
  4. You deserve it your kits look amazing Congrats
  5. Any pics?
  6. yes. Bring on the pics
  7. Well said Noel. Maybe they can find a better Director and Writer and Producer The last two movies where about two steps below a TV pilot that never would have gotten picked up.
  8. Good luck when you start up again. Can't wait to see the new version.
  9. This thing looked awesome. Any more progress? I would definately love to own one of these.
  10. Yamato needs to make the non Articulated DYRL hands. Right now the only weak spot of the 1/48s are the Chicken claw hands. I would buy several sets.
  11. Iwould. Looks great
  12. Also the hikaru 1A is white and the 1S strike is grey.
  13. That custom looks awesome. Great work ! I especially likes the paint job you did on it.
  14. I would also love to see more pics.
  15. 1/72 - 3 1/60 - 17 1/48 - 5
  16. I would like to see the VF1D and the Elint and Ostrich after the VF 1J.
  17. Hello If it is not possible to order the whole head, can just the center laser canon be ordered for the top of the VF 1A head? Mine snapped off. Also how much would a left hand be? Thanks Steve
  18. The best method I have found for Panel lines on the toys, that are NOT custom painted, is to use Tamiya clear Smoke and brush it on lightly use a bit of thinner to remove the excess. The Panel lines are thin and not black so they look deeper.
  19. I would be interested as long as it wasn't outragously priced. Please let me know how this progresses.
  20. Great pics. MW con was great!
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