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Everything posted by hirohawa

  1. I already voted yes. I am down for a set. Thanks Rhoby and NicK. Steve
  2. I'm not sure if it was a 62 Impala. I thought it was a 65'. It was rented by my producer and besides it having tempremental hydraulics system I don't know much about it. Steve
  3. It comes out today! I wish I was home in the states just to walk into Best buy or Blockbuster to see it on the shelf. Thanks for all the replies! Steve
  4. Alex- That is hilarious! She must have been relieved once you explained that it was a recasted resin pilot from a japanese Anime model kit that you want to put in your toy... well then again... Phatslappy- I'm always am agitated when I driive in LA. You shoould have honked, it's always good to see a friendly face. SkullLeaderVF-X This one does not suck. I guarantee it.
  5. I'd be down for two VF 1D'd in 1/48 scale. I love the Yamato 1/48's they are amazingly well designed toys that look incredible. I sincerely hope that they etxend the 1/48 line they way they have with the 1/60 line. They have truly made the most diverse collection of Valkyries to date.
  6. As much as I would have loved to have a Valkrie in a cameo there was no way I was going to bring down one of my precious valks to the set. We where moving so fast and crazy that I'm sure that the prop guy would have broken it or gotten it stolen. I promise to put a Macross toy or poster into the next film (as long as it is not a Period piece). Doktor Gonzo- Thanks. I always love to show "Return of the Sundevil"! It is my Senior film from college - it is Stop Motion animation about a Mythological Samurai. How do you know about it? Steven
  7. Hello Nick! How's the car? You don't need to see Lep 1-5. Leprechaun 6 is a completely stand alone movie. The cool thing, creatively, about this series is you can basicallly re-invent the Leprechaun any way you see fit including his powers and weaknesses. In addition I had his outfit completely overhauled to give him a more menacing look. Also forgot to mention that there is a 2D animated sequence in the film showing the origins of the Leprecahun. I started out in Animation so I always love to have some form of Animation in my projects. Alex- Good to hear fom you. Thanks for the reply! A lep screening. I would be up for that if it would not bore you guys. I am out of the country for the next few weeks until the middle of Jan on a much needed vacation. Miss going to Frank And Sons though. Thanks Steven
  8. It is still Warwick Davis, as the Leprechaun, star of all 6 Leprechaun films and Harry Potter as well as Wicket the Ewok in Return of the Jedi. This Lep film has more CG effects and action than in any other Lep film made. Thanks for all the kind words!
  9. Well after 20 months of work I have finished my first film. It is the sixth installment in the prestigious Leprechaun series and it will be coming out in a few days Dec 30th on DVD and Video. If you get a chance please rent it or buy a copy and let me know what you think. I wrote and Directed it and for all of you snickering out there remeber that James Cameron's first film was "Pirhanna 2 - They Fly". **Forgot to post this- The Film has a really cool 2D Animated sequence on the origins of the Leprecahun for all you Animation fans. The work was done by two awesome animators whose work includes "The Iron Giant", "Futurama" and the recent "Looney Toons Movie"**
  10. Just curious before I pull the trigger on mailordering one of these. Thanks Steve
  11. I would like 4 please.
  12. The spray is: Krylon UV resistant Matte finish 1309 and Krylon UV resistant Acrylic caoting 1305. I bought both of them at a local art store. I am not sure if the Matte finish is acrylic.
  13. My 1/60 hikaru has yellowed also. The head and the biceps only. I am painting them white and then i am going to spray all my valks with a UV resistant spray acrylic that I bought from an art store. Good luck
  14. Classic proplem in the movie industry making sequels to a movie that has no inherent need for it. After the first MAtrix all the questions where answered. Now we have two more films that kind of just linger aimlessly with dozens of ridiculous characters and cheapo philosophy by characters that have one or two scenes. There is nothing to spoil the film is terrible. Phantom Menace terrible. Like Bad Star Trek terrible. every single time a new character would pop up I would prey that they would get killed before the scene ended. 3/10.
  15. Also I am mixing and matching between Devin's decals and Takatoys stickers - a clearcoat is neccasarry to even out the edges and so everything will have the same uniformity in sheen. I have run a test with a Krylon UV resistant Acrylic Matte Finish and will see how it turns out.
  16. Has anyone hear tried this? I was thinking of using future and then giving it a dull coat but do not want to ruin the stickers. Thanks Steve
  17. Me and two friends are going as the good the bad and the ugly. I get to be Lee Van Cleef as the Bad.
  18. Just ordered two sets from HLJ. Thanks for teh info guys
  19. The Angel birds are a little to festive for me.
  20. Yamato again proves that it is the best toy company. Thanks for the pics and happy birthday!
  21. Looks very low budget/made for cinemax late night T&A kinda outfit. Oh well another comic character ruined on the big screen.
  22. Looks great
  23. I have two and am considering a third.
  24. Use Tamiya Acrylic enamel to paint the hands. Use an airbrush if you can.
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