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Everything posted by hirohawa

  1. Gonna do some work on a 1/48 custom. Thanks for the answers!
  2. It's for a custom that will be repainted. What kind of putty, Bondo?
  3. DO you use the powder or the soda to mix with Crazy glue to fill the gaps? This is used to make the glue thicker I also heard Talcum powder works. Sorry if this is OT but I want to fill gaps in the toys not Models. Thanks Steve
  4. Very impressive!
  5. I just think that this one has teh sloppiest paint of all the 1/48s I own and have all of them out of their boxes. This new one is several steps down in paint quality. Still glad I bought it though but I am hoping that Yamato comes out with a second version and has this paint problem tackled for the upcoming Miriya Valk.
  6. Just got my 1/48 Max also and it has the worst paint of all the 20+ Yamatos I own. The White lines are really fuzzy and the Blue on the legs is pretty fuzzy as well. Not a good paint job on this one. Kinda pissed.
  7. I would buy one or seven. But I am not right in the head and am addicted to Macross.
  8. Looks awesome. I like the unique take on Roys valk. You did a great jorb!
  9. hirohawa

    1/48 BR "blue camo"

    Awesome Custom. Great choice on color
  10. How about the head laser for a Hikaru VF 1A?
  11. I need to color the fastpack neck thingy as well as some Rhoby recast hands to match my Low Viz. What color or type of paint will do the trick. I am going to run it out of an airbrush so any type of paint is fine. Thanks Steve
  12. I think Valkyrie exchange and Twin Moons anime has them.
  13. My 1/60 VF 1A Hikaru yellowed on the arms and the head. Painted it white and coated it with UV resistant coating and so far it is fine.
  14. Awesome custom! I agree about the heatshield though, white looks out of place.
  15. Looks great!
  16. What did you use to fill the seams in the legs/thighs?
  17. Looks great! Love the use of the grey and white for the body. Also nice to see that you and Devin are amicable after the original decal fiasco. Your customs are great!
  18. They look great. I would definately get at least two sets of these. Looking forward to more pics. Steve
  19. I would definately be into these if Yamato made them.
  20. hirohawa

    Jm Regult

    Nick That looks awesome. My vote is for the smaller eye. Great Idea!
  21. Congrats on getting your money back. I hope the rest of you have the same luck.
  22. Definately good idea. It would be great for all to view as well as serving as inspiration to all customizers out there.
  23. Devins water slide decals look great. I hvae them on my 1/60 VF 1S Strike. The pics are in the MW Con 3 pictures.
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