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Everything posted by hirohawa

  1. Anyone here have experience with any of these panel templates for scribing panel lines? Thanks
  2. If you do them in 1/48 scale put me down for a set. You should make decals for the heatshield and tailfins also, as I assume these are for the circles on the armor packs.
  3. Looks great so far.
  4. The Yamato Sticlers suck. Either get the Excelent Takayoys stickers or Devin's (Anastazi) Waterslide Decals that are more work but look fantastic.
  5. I read that earlier today. What a hyppocrite.
  6. I hope they do reissue the 1S. I just am waiting to hear any good news on 1/48 production at this point.
  7. Having all three are, my order of preference: 1 Hikaru 1J 2 Miria 1J 3 Max 1J I am not a fan of the blue max color. There is sloppier paint on the max and miriya than on the Hikaru. That is more cosmetic but I love the toys. Good luck
  8. I too thirst...
  9. Nice work!
  10. Nice job! Very unique.
  11. I have the recast of this kit and the neck should not sit that high.
  12. Looks great! Where did you get the Hasegawa templates and scribing tools from? Was it an online store?
  13. Any possibilty of a third run of fokkers from Yamato?
  14. I am going to tint the windows of my car and keep the toys in there. I figure I can put a 1/48 in battroid mode in the passenger seat and be able to use the carpool lane as well.
  15. I am hoping these are out At Frank And Sons. HAs anyo0ne seen these out yet I do not want to get gouged on shipping.
  16. hirohawa


    With 15 1/48s purchased for between $80-$230(for a low viz) over the last two years I should have moved to japan and just bought them off the shelf.
  17. A month? My chicken claw handed valkyries are shedding a tear until you get back.
  18. Great deal! I got one Chase from F&S for $30 or $35 and another from an unopened set of ten from Monkey Nugget for $85 (for all 10). The chase is way cool.
  19. Favorites in no particular order Akira Kurosawa David Lean Martin Scorcesse George Lucas up until 1984 Steven Spielberg up until 1984 James Cameron Ridley Scott Tony Scott Quentin Tarantino Pedro Almodovar Alfred Hitchcock Milos Forman Francis Ford Coppola
  20. I just hope these get finished and are up for sale soon.
  21. Amazing! Please, please put these into production and don't let the project dissapear. Put me down for order #1 on the list. Steve
  22. Great job! This is an amazing project and your students should be proud.
  23. hirohawa

    Dirty Valk

    Looks cool! Kind of a star wars feel to it. Great job!
  24. I will bring something and this year I will be on time.
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