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Everything posted by hirohawa

  1. When do you think you will have these available? Looks like it is really coming together. Love the 1D
  2. I'm interested and would buy one. Looks great!
  3. Can I use it also. Does your time machine only go back to the eighties or can I go back further back in time as well?
  4. I really hope that Ep III focuses more on the senate and the brilliant debates that are had there. All the heroism and sweeping space battles of the original trilogy are so boring. When I think of Sci-Fi fantasy I always hink of sitting in a senate. Too cool. I wish I was five like when the original Trilogy came out, I wouldl play the glacatic speaker of the house and yell out "No confidence" and figure out how to elect a queen and cool stuff like that. Plus it is so much cooler to sit around and talk about midi-chlorines rather than run around and actually fight a villian. Lucas Rocks! Episode Three Revenge of the Sh!t. Or how I turned Star Wars into the most boring crappy franchise in the history of cinema.
  5. RIP So sad.
  6. Note to self: Do not buy any Takatoku valks from Panzer.
  7. TV version would be awesome! A grey VF 1S looks badass!! Always loved the look of the old takatoku VF 1S. Greay with the big hands and grey TV suit for the pilot.
  8. HBAR!
  9. Collecting toys for monetary gains is will make you like the Simpson's comic book guy. "Worst Reissue ever." Collecting toys is FUN Collecting toys for profit - desperate I am not talking about selling new toys (which is a valuable and profitable BUSINESS) - I am talking about these 40+ guys that have been sitting on toys for twenty years pawning them off at conventions. You think they lug their "collections" around in a Ferrarri at the end of the day? You ever been to one of their houses- imagine John Doe's house from Seven but with toys. There is a million better ways to make money. Buy toys because you like them, not to turn a profit and you will never be sorry or regret a purchase.
  10. Great job!
  11. Is HBAR a good thing or a bad thing? I will always take HBAR as a good thing as it brought with it the reissue Roys. Bulky Lee says "HBAR!"
  12. I bought the majority of my valks from TISINC maybe nine 1/48s and about the same in 1/60. I have also bought from Kevin and Soze and Neova (Neova gave me a killer price on the Roy VF 1S + Strike pack as recently as a month ago). In defense of TISINC for people in SoCal they have a booth at Frank and Sons and when the valks are new they had the lowest prices around. I bought two low viz Valks for $125 and $135 (which I grumbled about because they raised the price $10 a few months later) So my experience has been fantastic with them. I always buy the valks new and do not wait until they are getting low in supply. TISINC and Frank and Sons has been a dream for me. Plus they have the valks there 1 week after they come out in Japan. Sure there prices are high now but when items are new they are great. I am from NYC and all Anime stores there charge a premium so this is a welcome change. HBAR! edited for lack of HBAR
  13. Isn't that teh same price HLJ charges for all the 1/48s?
  14. It is the only major cannon one seat valk valk they have not produced. Yes they should make it, but they should get the color right this tine. The mass produced 1/60 version was almost pink.
  15. HBAR is better than FUBAR. Gonna pick up three of these suckers.
  16. But why not charge $200 and mass produce it. What's the point of selling 9 of these at $1500? The tooling costs alone must be more than what they sold them for.
  17. It would be great if someone here could make one of these for sale. I just don't understand why it is $1500.
  18. Does anyone know anyone that has these for sale? I am looking for the Roy or the Hikaru helmet. What are they going for price wise? Thanks
  19. Great Job!
  20. hirohawa

    Yamato Stand!

    More details! That is too frickin cool!
  21. Looks good. you should spary paint it next time. It is actually easier than hand painting it. And since no one else mentioned it - you should use dullcoat on it.
  22. looks great! As always another great kit!
  23. It would be cool if they fit the new Bandai re-relaese as well. 1000 is alot. If they fit the new bandais you would have an easier time selling them. I would think that most people that have the original vintage Taka/bandai valks still have the styrofoam. What kind of price are you going to ask? Thanks
  24. I voted all - with the coversions taking top priority for me. The only a few forseeable reasons I would not get them. 1) Yamato actually makes the D,VT, and VE - which I feel they eventually will 2) Bad castings 3) Super high cost Otherwise I am all over these. Thanks
  25. Any pics of this set anywhere? Thanks
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