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Everything posted by hirohawa

  1. Definitely Toynami. My favorite Robotech toy is my 1/48 Low Viz... hey, wait a minute?
  2. Great job. The enigma paint scheme is defiantely growing on me. What valk did you start off with?
  3. yamato stickers suck. They do not lay flat like takatoys stickers and they peel off also. Use an exacto knife and make sure to never touch the adhesive side always palce teh sticker on the blade. I would get either Devin or Takatoys stickers for the 1/48 Yamato. I am not sure about the toynami stickers though.
  4. i was just talking about this with [EXO] yesterday. Being in SoCal has really made this collection possible. I'm from NY and buying these valks would be so much more expensive and almost impossible to track down in a brick and mortar store back east. Out here there are so many local supprting Vendors like Soze and Kevin and events like Macrossworld Cons and there are great places like Frank and Sons - which the best way to describe it for those who haven't been there is like cheap crack house heaven for toy collectors.
  5. hirohawa


    Why would you get kicked out? She's just hot from her last battle. No biggie. Nice custom
  6. Here is a teaser pic of the Low Viz custom More pics soon
  7. Actually I don't keep them all MIB. I have panel lined a few used Anaztazi's Decals and Takatoys Stickers, and have done a custom LV with Strike pack that was at MW Con 4. I will post pics of these soon. I will try to take a better pic of the Box of the Club M strike. I have been very lucky as I got almost all of these at Frank&Sons for around $120ish (non Super) Also got great deals from Neova, Kevin and a few used deals before they all skyrocketed in price. ALso this is not even the whole collection. I have the other Vintage valks exept for the Taka GPBS and CF 1A. Fortunately I have for the most part suceeded in not collecting anything else. I am literally scared to buy a Transformer or Star Wars toy for fear it will be a Trojan Horse and decimate my space and funds. wwwmwww - That is an insane collection! Would love to own originals of the Mac Plus 1/48's. I just recently got the Myerjesse recasts and am eager to build them one day.
  8. The pics where taken just before I moved out of my old place, and I was able to spread the whole lot out. Luckily I have lots of closet space in the new place.
  9. Here are pics of my collection.
  10. hirohawa

    Macross Jack

    That is even funnier than your helmet. Totally cool. When are we going to make real helmets though? With all the resources here at MW how hard could it be to mod a cheapie motorcross helmet.
  11. I ended up using Light Ghost Grey and Primer mix and it looks spot on. Will post pics soon. Thanks
  12. Thanks Guys Will try the Testors Primer
  13. I gave Model Masters Light Ghost grey a shot and it is too light. Any one know what type will give me an exact match? Thanks
  14. Very Cool!
  15. We should call this Ikea World. Glad to know so many collections (including mine) have contributed to their bottom line. Great pics guys!
  16. Great news. I hope they package it with a 1J or a 1S. Now get to work on the 1/48 VF 1D, Elint and Ostrich dammit!
  17. The 1S spiked in price until a recent announcement that there was going to be a third issueing in Dec. There where a few that went for around that price on ebay but more of them where a tick under $200.
  18. Crazy Glue or any CA glue can be applied to a spot of non cured resin that won't take paint. But I do not know how you would cover an entire piece in CA.
  19. Thanks! So will those Industrial compressors that go up to 90psi work on these lower settings 5-30 psi?
  20. How low in PSI can you go? I have an Iwata gun so what is your normal operating range? I am also looking at ones with a tank so it will be quieter
  21. Is there a site that has a basic rundown of what PSI you should run on your airbrush? I am looking to buy a new comppressor and I see that Home Depot has these for like $50 - $100 less than the art stores but I am wondering if the more industrial ones would be appropriate. Thanks
  22. Cool site! Thanks EXO
  23. I saw a set of these this weekend thanks to EXO and they look incredible! Great job on these Fulcy. Whoever ordered will not be diissapointed - these are very trick.
  24. Glad to hear these are ready. I'll take mine tinted. Any chance of a low viz tint for one of them? Thanks
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