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Everything posted by hirohawa

  1. From an "instructional Driving" track day. 001 was already taken so I had to settle for #231.
  2. Here's my other obsession besides Macross
  3. Those are cool. How much is the Solid Snake?
  4. Where can I get Pallete wrap?
  5. WHat is pallet wrap?
  6. Don't know if they would survive the process.
  7. I plan on putting some of the toys and empty boxes up in my attic and basement. What should I do to ensure that they will not get destroyed? I know humidity can occur if I just wrap a plastic bag around it. Has anyone shrink wrapped their toys? What long term storage methods have been proven against the elements? Hopefully someone here can help. Thanks Steve
  8. I second that.
  9. A new head design would be cool.
  10. Sanding and future worked for me. Even clearer and shinier than it originaly was. Use the grey automotive WET SAND 600-1500 grit.
  11. Any close ups on the cockpit
  12. What is that clip from?
  13. I think he posted those at 10 cents a piece as an ebay promotion. Still a waste of time as he never updated it as he said he would.
  14. This should be Oliver Stone's next movie. Colin Ferrel can play the younger rebelious Konig Monster and Pacino can play the old Mark II Monster.
  15. Who's recast kit is that? Are those the Anastazi decals? Looks great!
  16. hirohawa

    CF VF-1A

    great job!
  17. What a complete wate of time. That was a Clown.
  18. Fixed is Ok for me as well. Has it been a month yet?
  19. that is cool. Great job!
  20. Looks Craptacular! At least Howard Hughes had the decency to stop making movies when he lost it. New Trilogy=Spruce Goose The biggest bloated digital POS movies ever made and they aren't even fun to watch. I hope Revenge of the Sh!t has more scenes in: - The Jedi Library - The Diner with Obi Wan's crack head fat ass cook friend - The Senate - can't get enough of it - why have dynamic battles with aliens when we can see them sitting down and talking instead - Genius!
  21. hopefully not...i know eternal_d worked very hard on the hands for this community...i still wanna see the project done, even if i don't get any DYRL? style hands he worked very hard on a hand... lol... He only did one. he's still not done partying after that one accomplishment.
  22. Need DYRL hands for valks... Chicken handed valks dying.... Please send help, Eternal D, you are our only hope... Hurry up dammit! I'm down for at least 3 sets, can't wait. Rohby's recasts are great i hva esevereal sets and teh casting job is impeccable.
  23. Can't wait for the replies on this one.
  24. hirohawa

    Latest custom 1/48

    Great job.
  25. cool thread
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