Dude Senate scenes ROCK! They are so much better than those boring space battles and story points in the original trilogies.
Looking back on Kurosawa Samurai films I realize their flaw - No senate scenes. All the fighting and chasing and conflict are so passe in adventure movies- real adventure starts in the senate.
Best Senate/Council seated scnes:
Matrix Relaoded and Revoulotions- those old people rock! Why couldn't they have been in the original Matrix. They where so wise and had so much to say.
Jedi Council - who ever thought Jedis had an office building and a conference room - total kickass warrior style!
Prequel Senate- All those different races of aliens and they are all so smart. One vote of no Confidence and you overturn the guy in charge - so realistic.
In fact more War movies should show Senate scenes. They should go back and put senate scenes in every WWII movie - forget the Duke or Lancaster - what the hell is going on in the senate. Bridge over the River Kwai - Crap - who cares about the bridge what was the senate doing, dammit!
And Platoon, Apocolypse Now - taking place in Jungles of Vietnam- Boooooring - What was going on in the senate - that would have made those movies great